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The Consumers Functional Food Trend: Market Orientation, Market Opportunities

Table 1:

N % Variable N %
Gender Family food spending
Male 234 38,3 <750 87 14,2
Female 377 61,7 751-1000 193 31,6
Age 1001-1500 149 24,4
16-25 142 23,2 1501-2000 97 15,9
26-35 211 34,6 2000> 85 13,9
36-45 127 20,8
46-55 80 13,1
55> 51 8,3
Primary school 88 14,4
Secondary School 49 8,0
High school 141 23,1
University 333 54,5
Family income
less than 2000 TL 184 30,1
2001-3000TL 207 33,9
3001-5000 145 23,7
more than 5000TL 75 12,3
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