Studying Experience Of Negative Emotional States Of Teachers Of Various Educational Levels


The importance of studying the conditions of teachers’ mental health care is explained by the growing number of work-related diseases, as well as the number of nervous breakdowns and inadequate reactions of teachers. It is known that instability of life, social and psychological changes lately occurring in society in various spheres of activity act as the leading factors of emotional tension. The high rate of activity, the expansion of the range of professional tasks and requirements lead to the fact that the increasing number of teachers of different ages, gender, social status are subject to emotional and psychological stress, which leads to illnesses, exhaustion, psychosomatic disorders. To diagnose the emotional state of teachers, the researchers used the following methods and techniques: Methodology ‘Assessment of Occupational Stress’ by Weisman ( 1992 ); a technique for diagnosing the state of stress offered by Prokhorov ( 2017 ); a technique for diagnosing self-esteem of mental states by Eysenck ( 1985 ); multi-level personal questionnaire ‘Adaptiveness’ suggested by Maklakov and Chermyanin ( 2001 ); a variety of mathematical and statistical methods (among which are the criterion for estimating the normality of distribution, Kruskal-Wallis H-criterion, Wilcoxon T-test). The research involved 60 teachers working in general education organizations (20 of whom work in the sphere of primary education, 20 more work for the general education schools and 20 work in the sphere of secondary general education). The average age of the research participants is 32.1; the average duration of working experience is 4.1 years.

Keywords: Emotional burnoutprofessional stresspsychological healthoccupational destructionsteachers


The urgency of correction of negative psychoemotional states in teachers is explained by the social and psychological changes lately occurring in our society in various spheres of activity (in occupational and educational spheres in particular) (Tokareva & Tokarev 2016, 2018). The modern labour relations are characterized by precarious employment, which causes negative feelings in connection with uncertainty and fear of the future (Fedorova, 2015). Instability of life leads to the fact that a growing number of people of different ages, gender, social status are subject to emotional and psychological stress, which results in illnesses, exhaustion, somatic disorders. People inevitably experience negative states of mind. However, some scientists (Soboleva, 2016; Rotter, 1966; Prokhorov & Yusupov, 2017) note that insignificant stressful situations are harmless, though a constant intense professional stress creates qualitative personal changes, which, in the final analysis, affects all spheres of life.

Such researchers as Dunham, (1966) Gataullin & Kasimova (2016), Lay, (1989) drew their attention to the regularly occurring state of emotional and psychological exhaustion in those people who act in various spheres of communicative activity (first of all, it concerns teachers).

The study of the characteristics of psychoemotional states of teachers is highly relevant and requires a thorough theoretical and practical research.

Problem Statement

This study is aimed at solving the issue related to the assessment of psycho-emotional states of teachers. The problematic field of the research is the change of the personality, which results from the stress in the professional sphere and which can be observed in terms of increased anxiety, susceptibility to stress, aggressiveness and rigidity. Correction of negative emotional states in teachers of the general education school is possible in the process of developing psychological mechanisms for optimal response to a stressful situation (Marasanov, 2014; Kitaev-Smyk, 1995). The program of correction of negative emotional states includes the acquisition of relaxation skills, reflection of experiences and relief of emotional stress (Lyusin & Ushakov, 2014);

Research Questions

We have described the psychological peculiarities of overcoming emotional stress in teachers working at different educational levels (primary schools, secondary schools, high schools).

Purpose of the Study

This study is aimed at defining the psychological peculiarities of the ways the teachers of general education schools overcome negative situations and emotional stress;

Research Methods

The research involved 60 teachers working in general education organizations (20 of whom work in the sphere of primary education, 20 more work for the general education schools and 20 work in the sphere of secondary general education). The average age of the research participants is 32.1; the average duration of working experience is 4.1 years. The researchers used the technique ‘Assessment of Occupational Stress’ (a questionnaire offered by Weisman, 1992), a technique for diagnosing the state of stress offered by Prokhorov, Kuznetsov, & Shramov, (2017); a technique for diagnosing self-esteem of mental states by G. Eysenck (1985); multi-level personal questionnaire ‘Adaptiveness’ suggested by Maklakov and Chermyanin (2001); a variety of mathematical and statistical methods (among which are the criterion for estimating the normality of distribution, Kruskal-Wallis H-criterion, Wilcoxon T-test).


The empirical study was conducted in three stages.

The first stage (ascertaining) stands for the design of experimental research, the choice of psycho-diagnostic tools, the conduct of psychological research with the help of selected psycho-diagnostic techniques.

The second stage (correctional-developing) is the definition of the experimental group, development and approbation of the program for the correction of negative emotional states in the teachers of the general education school.

The third stage (controlling) is the re-diagnosis in the experimental sample of the subjects, processing of research results, drawing conclusions.

The usage of the method ‘Assessment of Occupational Stress’ (a questionnaire offered by Weisman, 1992) in all the three groups of the research participants shows that the majority of teachers (50 % of the participants or 30 people) experience the average level of occupational stress. It means that in general their activity has a favorable emotional background, though sometimes they may face stressful, negative situations. 26.67% (16 people) of the research participants have a high level of occupational stress. 23.22% (14 people) demonstrate a low level of stress. This means that teachers assess the duties performed in accordance with the optimal number of stressful situations at the workplace.

Analysis of the results of the diagnosis of leading emotional states and stress states (by Prokhorov) showed that 45 % of teachers (27 people) have a moderate level of stress. It means that these teachers do not always properly and adequately behave in stressful situations. 35% of teachers (21 people) experience a high level of stress and tend to control themselves in stressful situations and are able to regulate their own emotions. The weakest level of stress is expressed to the least extent in 20% of participants (12 people). Teachers of this group are characterized by a high degree of fatigue and exhaustion. They often lose self-control when stressed and do not know how to manage their own emotions.

The methodology for diagnosing self-esteem of mental states offered by Eysenck showed the increased indices of frustration (9.97 points) and rigidity (9.83 points) in all the three groups of teachers. This means that they experience a state of prohibitive inhibition (stupor) when the desired results are not achieved, and it is difficult for them to switch from one mood to another.

The results of the research show that primary school teachers (15.2%) are more worried about anxiety, both during working hours and in everyday life, and there are no easy ways for them to switch from one emotional state to another (which means that they have a high level of rigidity) (14.2%). 14.5% of middle school teachers experience frustration (impossibility of meeting their needs), which can get even worse in terms of their mental states (high level of rigidity) (12.2%). Senior school teachers, in their turn, show aggressive behavior (10.8%) in everyday life and professional environment, respectively, and cannot always correctly avoid a complex stressful (ambiguous) situation.

The multi-level personal questionnaire on ‘Adaptiveness’ (MLO-AM) helped to assess the adaptive capabilities of the individual and to take into account the socio-psychological and some psychophysiological characteristics that reflect the generalized features of neuropsychic and social development.

It is evident from the results that in general all the teachers have the average values for all the scales (NPR, CS, MN).

So, the average level on the scale of "neuropsychic resistance" is represented in 40% (24 people), which tells us about a sufficiently adequate level of self-esteem and a real perception of the reality. In this case, it is worth paying attention to 35% (21 people) of teachers who have it at a low level, which indicates their high susceptibility to stress and emotional instability.

35% of the research participants (21 teachers) demonstrate the average level of communicative skills, which means that they are quite skillful in establishing and maintaining the relationships with others.

45% of teachers (27 people) have an average level of the moral normativity, which means that they understand their role in the team and prefer to meet the common requirements and terms.

The results of the research show that 40% of primary school teachers (8 people) have high level of neuropsychic resistance and 30% (6 people) have a high level of behavioral control. Primary school teachers are found to have high adequate self-esteem and the viable perception of reality.

30% (6 people) and 50% (10 people) of middle and upper school teachers demonstrate high communicative skills and adequate emotional reactions respectively. It means that these people are good at establishing contacts with others; they have empathy and try to avoid conflicts.

Personal Adaptive Potential was calculated in accordance with the received data. The results of the research show that 60% of teachers (36 people) have an average level of development of personal adaptive potential. The teachers involved in the research have certain signs of character accentuation that hinder and impede their social adaptation; the success of adaptation depends on the external environment, social climate and comfort.

25% of participants (15 people) and 15% (9 people) have a high and low level of the individual adaptive potential development respectively.

50 % of primary school teachers (10 people), 65% of middle school teachers (13 people), 70% (14 people) of upper school teachers have the average level of individual adaptive potential development as the dominant one. These results are related with the group of satisfactory adaptation. The majority of the representatives of this group have signs of various accentuations, which in the usual conditions are partially compensated and can be manifested during the change of activities.

These teachers, as a rule, have low emotional stability, short temper, excitability. There is a possibility of antisocial disruptions, the manifestation of aggression and conflict. The persons of this group require an individual approach, constant monitoring, corrective measures.

To sum it up, we can conclude that the conducted research proves that there are essential distinctions between the teachers working at different educational levels (primary, middle and the upper levels).

Primary school teachers, to a greater extent, experience anxiety both at work and in everyday life. It is difficult for them to change their mood from one emotional state to another (which speaks of high level of their rigidity). They often focus on the opinions of others, try to get the maximum result through proving the correctness of their deeds and actions.

Middle school teachers experience frustration (in case of their inability to satisfy their own needs), which makes them concentrated and stuck in their emotional state of mind (which speaks of the high level of rigidity).

Upper school teachers face stress and demonstrate aggressiveness both in their daily life and at their workplace and thus turn to be unable to avoid a stressful situation. They usually work hard and seldom have time for themselves, which means that they have high chances to face a professional and emotional burnout.

To define the differences between all the three groups of the participants, we used Kruskal-Wallis H-criterion, which allowed us to identify the meaningful differences in the emotional states of mind.

At this stage, we were able to select an experimental group of teachers (10 people), who experience professional stress and have insufficiently formed internal resources.


Finally, we have come to the conclusion that there are psychological characteristics of emotional and psychological stress and stress experienced by teachers in the general education school.

On the basis of a theoretical analysis of the problem under study and an empirical study, we have compiled a program for correcting negative psycho-emotional states. The program is comprehensive, as it allows the teacher to develop the necessary skills in understanding his emotional states and the reasons for their occurrence, develop skills in managing their feelings and emotions (anger, anxiety, fear, guilt, shame, sympathy, pity, empathy, pride, nobility, love, etc.). The program will also help teachers to work with their own internal resources, help cope with stress, with fatigue and experiencing negative situations in their professional activities. To form a certain resistance to psychological stress, a teacher needs to work on fixing certain individual qualities, namely, on creating a system of overcoming what can be achieved if three conditions are met: awareness of the difficulties that have arisen; knowledge of ways of effective coping with the situation of this particular type; ability to apply them in practice in time.

The purpose of the program: to correct the negative psycho-emotional states of teachers.

Objectives of the program:

  • to work out the skill of identifying individual emotions;

  • to develop the ability to recognize the feelings of others, place oneself in the place of another person;

  • to elaborate the skill of emotional stress regulation;

  • to prevent the professional stress.

Principles of selecting the content of the program:

  • a systematic approach and integrity of the vision of the problem of interrelation of stress resistance indicators;

  • taking into account the rules and standards of professional and personal growth of teachers;

  • ability to enter the dialogue.

Expected results:

  • orientation of the professional and personal development and the ability to prevent the negative emotional situation in the professional activity;

  • enhancement of competence in the field of emotional and personal sphere, in particular in the field of the system of professional values and overcoming professional stresses.

Ways and forms of the program implementation: conversations, training sessions, active games, thematic lectures, individual consultations.

The implementation of this program will create the prerequisites for self-correction and self-control in terms of psychological health and emotional well-being.


The work was supported by Act 211 of the Government of the Russian Federation, contract № 02.A03.21.0006.


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17 December 2018

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Social sciences, modern society,innovation, social science and technology, organizational behaviour, organizational theory

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Kazaeva, E., Tokareva, Y., Vasyagina, N., & Grigoryan, E. (2018). Studying Experience Of Negative Emotional States Of Teachers Of Various Educational Levels. In I. B. Ardashkin, B. Vladimir Iosifovich, & N. V. Martyushev (Eds.), Research Paradigms Transformation in Social Sciences, vol 50. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 537-543). Future Academy.