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Features Of Subjective Well-Being Of Leaders With Professional Deformations (Burnout)

Table 1:

Abbreviations of techniques (abbreviations of indicators) Leaders with professional deformations (burnout) Leaders without professional deformation (burnout)
LL % ML % HL % LL % ML % HL %
MBI (EE) 5 2.5 21 10.5 174 87 193 96.5 7 3.5 0 0
MBI (D) 5 2.5 27 13.5 168 84 187 93.5 12 6 1 0.5
MBI (RPA) 3 1.5 34 17 163 81.5 196 98 4 2 0 0
MBI (∑) 4 2 27 13.5 169 84.5 192 96 7.5 3.75 0.5 0.25
MBI mod (EE) 3 1.5 28 14 169 84.5 198 99 2 1 0 0
MBI mod (D) 4 2 25 12.5 171 85.5 190 95 10 5 0 0
MBI mod (RPA) 8 4 22 11 170 85 197 98.5 3 1.5 0 0
MBI mod (∑) 5 2.5 25 12.5 170 85 195 97.5 5 2.5 0 0
DMB (PEE) 8 4 20 10 172 86 192 96 7 3.5 1 0.5
DMB (PD) 4 2 17 8.5 179 89.5 191 95.5 9 4.5 0 0
DMB (DPM) 6 3 19 9.5 175 87.5 194 97 5 2.5 1 0.5
DMB (∑) 6 3 19 9.5 175 87.5 192 96 7.4 3.7 0.6 0.3
Note: LL - low level, ML - medium level, HL - high level.
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