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Incident-Based Tasks In Clil Settings

Table 1:

Statements Ranking Experimental GroupN=75 (arithmetic mean) Control GroupN=68 (arithmetic mean)
1. The information caught my attention immediately 1 2 3 2.65 1.07
2. The task itself was interesting and unusual 1 2 3 2.56 1.34
3. The information was relevant to my major 1 2 3 2.53 2.47
4. The task helped me improve my level of language proficiency 1 2 3 2.91 2.71
5. The task helped me improve my level of professional expertise 1 2 3 2.04 1.88
6. When reading I was eager to find out what had happened 1 2 3 2.89 1.16
7. I enjoyed the group discussion after the reading 1 2 3 2.49 2.35
8. The task allowed me to demonstrate my professional knowledge and apply theory to practice 1 2 3 2.52 2.43
9. I will remember this situation 1 2 3 2.93 1.16
10. I would like to work with similar tasks in the future 1 2 3 2.95 1.96
Total average 2.647 1.853
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