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Logic Of Natural Sciences Through Historical Approach: Science For 5-6 Graders

Table 2:

Parts Units
Introductory Craft vs. Magic – chemical and non-chemical changes and their description. Basic particle model: Is it visible or invisible? – Interpretation of various physical and chemical changes, including separation of mixtures, at the microscopic level.
Core The copper cycle – reactions are reproducible and predictable.Rust and its cycle: Where does it end up? – Start to apply a newly built notion of chemical element. Copper, iron, etc. – elements and compounds, metals and non-metals, pattern of displacement.Carbon cycle and lime cycle – chemical models of common technologies.
Extension Malachite and vitriols – how to study composition and decomposition: elemental formula.Acids, bases, neutralization, salts – composition, preparation, patterns of reactions, and applications.Oxygen and hydrogen – oxidation and reduction. Chlorine, nitric and sulfuric acids as oxidants; coal and other common reductants.
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