Developing Subject Competence Among Student Teachers: Outcomes Of Pedago


The relevance of the problem is due to the need to improve the methodological preparedness of students-bachelors to pass teaching practice in the Russian language. The discipline "Methods of teaching Russian" is one of the most important in the curriculum of bachelor degree, because this discipline shows how students are ready for future professional activities. The purpose of the article is to develop guidelines for the preparation of students for teaching practice in the Russian language. The leading method of research of this problem is the survey, which was conducted among 100 students-bachelors of the 3rd year, which allows to consider this problem from the perspective of students-trainees. In the article proposed methodical recommendations for students of pedagogical fields of study for better preparation for the teaching of the Russian language; identified and described the difficulties faced by students during teaching practice in the aspect of solving methodological problems, the level of subject training of students on methods of teaching the Russian language; the algorithm of implementation of the proposed guidelines. Materials the article can be introduced into the educational process and focused on the development of scientific and methodological support to improve the quality of training of bachelor students on the methodology of teaching Russian.

Keywords: Educationsubject competencestudentsRussian languageprofessional trainingpedagogical practice


At the present stage of development of pedagogical education researches of problems of formation of subject competence of students-bachelors are more actively conducted. Training of future teachers in accordance with modern requirements for graduates becomes one of the key issues that are solved in different ways in the education system both in Russia and abroad. The introduction of new standards of education, professional standards, requirements for graduates from employers poses new challenges to universities, because the search for effective ways to improve the skills of teachers is the idea that quality training of teachers is the most valuable contribution to the future of any country.

It is important that graduates of pedagogical areas of study after graduation feel in demand, competitive, competent, able to work in any educational organization. It is established that the subject competence is one of the most important among all other competences. This is explained by the fact that the future teacher must first of all own his subject, know the methodology of teaching his subject. In our research we pay attention to the problem of formation of subject competence of students-bachelors of the direction of preparation " Pedagogical education. Russian and foreign (English) language" at the course "Methods of teaching Russian"..

Problem Statement

Questions of formation of subject competence are the most important in preparation of future teachers of Russian. The need for special attention to teacher training is mentioned by many researchers. This is confirmed by numerous studies of both domestic and foreign researchers (Prince, 2004; Petrova, 2015; Korneeva & Yusupova, 2017; Yusupova, Nagumanova, Gulieva, 2016; Larionova, Korneyeva, Yusupova, Latfullina, 2017; Nurullina & Yusupova, 2016; Yusupova, 2016; Shchuklina, Mardieva, & Alyokhina, 2016; Shkurko, Lukoyanova, & Sergeeva, 2017; Shaikhutdinova, Lukoyanova, & Savitskaya, 2017), etc. Teaching practice on the profile of training shows how students are ready or not ready for professional teaching activities. Training of students on the methodology of teaching Russian language remains one of the most important components in the overall structure of pedagogical education. Students-trainees have high requirements for the passage of pedagogical practice. In the formation of the subject competence of students, an important place is given to such courses as “Modern Russian language”, “Methods of teaching the Russian language.” Our experience in the management of teaching practice shows that, unfortunately, students do not always feel sufficiently prepared to conduct lessons for communication with students.

Research Questions

The question of the role of extra-curricular activity of the Russian language in modern linguistic methodic is vital. The analysis of scientific and methodological papers shows that the question of organization principles, of the content, kinds and forms, methods of extra-curricular work on the Russian language remains open. In terms of new understanding, organization and methodical content of the educational process there arise a lot of questions on the realization of extra-curricular activity: how to plan extra-curricular activity, in which forms it can be carried out, which are the models of extra-curricular activity, how to incorporate it into educational process, how to draw up the programme of extra-curricular activity properly.

The ability to organize cooperation of students, to maintain their activity, initiative and independence, to develop creative abilities belongs to a number of professional competences which the graduate mastered the program of a Bachelor degree in the "Pedagogical education" field of training has to obtain. In this regard the research purpose is a creation of the pedagogical conditions providing formation of professional competence of students of higher educational institution, motivation to a research of the organization of extracurricular activities, accounting of individual needs and the interests of students, professional orientation of psychological and pedagogical knowledge, skills in the course of training of the teacher-philologist of a new type.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this article is to summarize the results of the survey before and after the teaching practice in the Russian language, to establish the difficulties faced by students, and to develop guidelines for them.

Research Methods

The study used such methods as questioning, observation, quantitative processing of results, analysis and generalization. 100 students of the 4th and 5th courses of the direction "Russian language and foreign (English) language" took part in the survey before and after the pedagogical practice in Russian in 2017. A questionnaire was developed for the survey, consisting of the 10 most relevant questions from our point of view.

The experimental base of the research

Experimental base of the research was the Institute of Philology and intercultural communication of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University.

Investigation phase

The study of the problem was conducted in two stages:

at the first stage, the theoretical analysis of the existing methodological approaches in the pedagogical scientific literature, dissertations on the problem, as well as the theory and methodology of pedagogical research was carried out; the problem, purpose, and research methods were identified, the plan of experimental research was made. At the second stage, a ascertaining experiment was conducted, which included a survey of undergraduate students before and after the pedagogical practice in the Russian language.


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The analysis of the students 'answers showed that many students' expectations from the practice were met, they got positive impressions, made sure that they have sufficient knowledge of the subject competencies in the Russian language, on the one hand, and the method of teaching Russian, on the other hand. For these students, the profession of a teacher of the Russian language was revealed from the best side, the students fell in love with their students, who in turn were imbued with sympathy and respect for students-trainees. However, some students pointed out that sometimes they had difficulties in choosing one or another method of training, in the development of the technological lesson map, etc. The Variety of forms and methods and means of training that are used in modern school, do not always allow students to make the right choice. If some students explain this lack of experience, others note that they are not well prepared for teaching practice.

In General, the most difficult for students were situations when it was necessary to make pedagogical and methodological decisions. These problems are related both to the content of the language material of the lesson (for example, doubts about the choice of punctuation marks or the choice of the orthogram; inaccuracies in the school types of analysis, etc.) , and related to the theory of the lesson and didactic tasks (for example, doubts about the evaluation of written and oral works of students due to lack of experience in monitoring and evaluation; inability to motivate and encourage students; inability to justify the point of view on this or that question, etc.).

Students had to solve the problems of lack of discipline in the classroom, the low motivation of students to study the Russian language, arising during the lesson of the Russian language. It is necessary to pay attention to the answers of students on the eighth position "Formulate the main goal of teaching Russian at school." Unfortunately, many students do not have a clear idea of what is the purpose of learning Russian at school. Let's give some of the answers of students as an example: " the Main purpose of Russian language teaching is to teach writing and speaking in Russian»; " to prepare students for the delivery of the OGE and the exam in the Russian language"; "– is the development of the linguistic personality of the modern schoolboy"; "... is the use of the Russian language in all spheres of communication ", etc.

We believe that a clear understanding of the purpose of teaching the Russian language in school depends how will be the lesson that require the students etc. So in this aspect it is important to pay special attention to the study of methods of teaching Russian language. Answers to the last question "how do you plan to communicate with students in the lessons of the Russian language and after school?" they also looked quite diverse. For example, " I Plan to communicate with students within the framework of cooperation technology"; "I Plan to communicate with them as equals"; "I Plan to build trust relationships", etc.

We believe that half of the teacher's success depends on the ability to communicate with students. If students from the very beginning will not be able to establish trust and business relationships in the classroom, then it will be difficult to establish them. Pedagogical practice has shown that this is the most difficult in the profession of a teacher.

According to the results of the survey before and after teaching practice, we have developed guidelines that, we believe, will help students better prepare for the practice, to realize the importance and significance of language and methodological preparedness. The following recommendations may be suggested:

1) carefully study the legal framework of Russian education. it should be noted that the School system is periodically undergoing changes that are not always known to students;

2) independently get acquainted with the existing programs and textbooks of the Russian language to get an idea of what learning tools are used in school, what is the difference between the textbook and others;

3) self-study teacher professional standard, job analysis, job description teacher of the Russian language, to clearly imagine that the teacher in school;

4) read publications in the field of modern methods of teaching Russian, from the experience of teachers of the Russian language;

5) repeat the course of methods of teaching Russian at school;

6) repeat all school types of analysis;

7) learn how to develop an outline and a technological map of the lessons of the Russian language;

8) view a video of the lessons of the Russian language; analyze lessons from the point of view of the most effective forms, methods and technologies of training, etc.


The study of pedagogical and methodical literature allows to state the absence of the special researches devoted to the issue of preparation of students for pedagogical practice in Russian. However, the formation of General pedagogical skills of students is considered in the works of Valeeva (2016), Lu, Yuan, & Yusupova (2017), Prince (2004). Bachelors to the future of the teaching profession includes legal, psychological-pedagogical, subject-related methodological components. Each of these components is important and interconnected with each other. As for the methodological component, students should be well versed in the content and system of the school subject "Russian language", well versed in the programs and textbooks of the Russian language, forms, methods, techniques of teaching, imagine the structure of the lesson of the Russian language, be able to develop a summary and technological map of the lesson, be able to evaluate oral answers and written work of students. As noted by Korneeva and Yusupova (2017), ‘logical mistakes of future teachers are associated with violation of the rules of planning the lesson of the Russian language, determining the sequence of tasks and exercises. As a rule, the structure of the lesson involves the movement of the Russian language "from simple to complex", from low-level language units to high-level language units: from the word through the phrase and sentence to the connected text. Possible deviations from this rule are always due to the nature of the language material being studied. In addition, it is difficult for students to build a system of tasks in which each subsequent exercise would follow from the previous one. This explains the inconsistency of the developed notes (flow sheets) of the lesson, the inconsistency of thinking that attempt to establish a false connection between not connected to each other in language and speech phenomena’ (p. 344).

We believe that only within the discipline "Methods of teaching the Russian language" it is impossible to fully prepare students for teaching practice, so there is a need for special courses that reflect one or another aspect of teaching the Russian language at school. We believe that there is a need to include such elective courses as "Modeling of modern lessons of the Russian language", "Modern forms of final certification of students in the Russian language", "Modern technologies of teaching Russian at school", "Methods of work with gifted students in the Russian language", etc. To prevent many typical mistakes that occur during the teaching practice of the Russian language, as well as to better prepare students for professional activities, we have developed an electronic educational resource "Pedagogical practice of the Russian language", which provides students with the opportunity to work independently with the materials of the resource. As part of the work with the resource, students can get acquainted with the Federal educational standard, educational and methodical complex of the Russian language, with samples of abstracts and technological map of lessons of the Russian language, presentations of a particular topic of the lesson, with samples of documents for the results of teaching practice. As our experience shows, unfortunately, some students do not know how to draw up reporting documentation on practice. And work with documents and the ability to draw them – this is an important part of the profession of any teacher..


Comparison of the results of the survey before and after the practice allowed to develop guidelines for improving the training of students on the methodology of teaching Russian. Training of students on the methodology of teaching Russian language should be very close to modern school realities. We believe that for this you need 1) to acquaint with modern technologies and teaching methods in the school; 2) pre-to acquaint with activities of the teacher of Russian language at school; 3) carefully study the scientific and methodological laboratory for teachers; 4) to visit and analyze the lessons of the Russian language at school; 5) to develop and conduct role-playing lessons of the Russian language, etc. We consider that uniform approaches to preparation of bachelors of pedagogical education allows to speak about need of formation at students of General professional (OPK-2 - ability to carry out training, education and development taking into account social, age, psychophysical and individual features, including special educational needs trained, OPK-3-readiness for psychological and pedagogical support of educational process, etc.) and subject competences (PK - the ability to use the opportunities of the educational environment to achieve personal, meta-subject and subject – based learning outcomes and ensure the quality of the educational process by means of teaching subjects; PK - 12-the ability to lead the educational and research activities of students, etc.)..


The work is performed according to the Russian Government Program of Competitive Growth of Kazan Federal University.


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05 September 2018

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Future Academy



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Teacher training, teacher, teaching skills, teaching techniques

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Yusupova, Z. F. (2018). Developing Subject Competence Among Student Teachers: Outcomes Of Pedago. In R. Valeeva (Ed.), Teacher Education - IFTE 2018, vol 45. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 404-411). Future Academy.