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The Experience Of Mental States Of Adolescents Orphans

Table 1:

Characteristics Empirical indicators of the characteristics
1 Emotions / mood / feelings "It was a pity", "sadness attacked me", "when I miss", "anger", "I'm depressed", "fun", "joy", "happiness", "pleasant feeling", etc.
2 Expression "Tears", "then I cried", "very sad", "I cry", "laughter", etc.
3 Events / Situations /Circumstances "They hit a cat", "when something bad happens," "my grandmother died", "when my parents leave me," "I became an aunt," "my nephew was born," "I'll cure my sister," "to let her take me," "I will become an economist "," Holidays "," new year "," when he is near ", etc.
4 Activity / Behavior "I'm lying on the bed," " to kill it," "I want to be alone," "I want to sleep," "to walk," "to play," "I'll give part of the money ...", "I study," "I love to embroider,” “I jumped” etc.
5 Expectations / Evaluation "you hope", "it turns out not to be done", "everything will be fine", etc.
6 Feelings and behavior of others / Significant others "my grandmother died," "when my parents leave me," "they refuse to do something," "they hurt me," "my grandmother wrote a statement to the orphanage," "my nephew was born," "live with granny," “to let her take me away,” "the beloved and the closest person," "friends who support me," "so that my mother and family took me away," etc.
7 Values "to give a part of the money to sick children", "... to the orphanages", "there will be a house", "... sports", "... work", "many friends", "to have my own baby," "family", etc.
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