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Enhancing Students Academic Achievements Via Emi: Myth Or Reality

Table 1:

Items M SD
Content knowledge
Knowledge of culture and traditions of the English-speaking countries 4.05 0.54
Knowledge of historical background of the English-speaking countries 3.74 0.59
Knowledge of social, political and economic development of the English-speaking countries 3.89 0.63
English proficiency
Improvement of English-speaking skills 4.11 0.57
Language code switching practice decrease 3.53 0.74
Note-taking in English 3.76 0.51
Reading textbooks in English 3.82 0.67
Soft skills
Public speaking skills 3.75 0.82
Team working skills 4.22 0.63
Communication skills 4.07 0.66
Instructor’s performance
Instructor’s facilitation 4.20 0.62
Instructor’s knowledge of teaching methodology and active learning techniques 4.33 0.64
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