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The Word As A Means Of Preventing Adolescents’ Deviations

Table 2:

Do you have the willpower? How does it manifest itself? (Single Choice)
Answers CG IG
Yes, there is. The will manifests itself in working over myself. 50,4% 38,8%
No, but I want to have it, and I try to develop this quality in myself to become better. 28,8% 28,2%
Yes, there is. I show it to others in every possible way,so they know about it. 4,0% 5,9%
No, and I do not want to change anything. 1,9% 9,4%
I do not know yet 6,6% 7,1%
I do not want to answer this question 4,8% 5,9%
Other answers 3,5% 4,7%
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