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Positive Behaviour Support To Manage Challenging Behaviour Of Children On Autism Spectrum

Table 3:

Study PBS program procedure Participant Duration Interventionoutcome M G SVscore TFscore PNDScope (mean)
Bccker-Courill (2003) Used task analysis of toileting routine, posted as a visual reminder, modeled appropriate verbalizations and specific phrases to request attention One parent 24wks Positive effect lyr NR NR NR Could not be calculated
Binnendyk (2009) Implemented PBS plan and strategies designed to establish stimulus control over eating behavior, provided parent training in vivo at the kitchen table. One parent; One therapist 20wks Positive effect 2.2 yrs YES 4.615 0.68 Challenging behavior: 100% Desirable behavior: I 00%
Blair (2011) Used visual schedules and cues, increased peer, sibling, and adult involvement, increased novel activity, providing activity choices, frequent, verbal praises Parents; Teachers NR Positive effect 3 wks YES 3.7/4 0.85 Challenging behavior: 100%Desirable behavior: 100%
Chcremshynski (2013) Used behavioral strategics: modeling. coaching, self-monitoring and self-management. behavioral rehearsal, and problem-solving discussions One parent 7wks Positive effect 3wks NR 4.815 0.94 Challenging behavior: 100%Desirable behavior: 87.5%
Dunlap (1999) Prevention strategies: use of stimulus control techniques associated with desirable behavior; replacement skills for challenging behavior Parents 8-24wks Positive effect NR NR NR NR Challenging behavior: 100%. 100%. 100%, 94.74%, 92.86% 78.26% (Mean=94.3l%)
Lee (2007) Used self-reinforcement and self-monitoring & for each target behavior, mark on the self-monitoring sheet after doing each behavior, and provided choices of reinforcements One parent 4 wks Positive effect 1.5 Failed NR NR Challenging behavior: 45.45% Desirable behavior: 91.91 %
Lucyshyn (2007) Provided BPS plan, routine-specific implementation checklists, modeling and coaching, behavioral rehearsal, and problem-solving discussions One parent 23 wks Positive effect 10 yrs YES 4.7/5 NR Challenging behavior: 75%, 91.67%, 100%, 87.71% (Mean=88.6%)
Marshall (2002) Used visua1 support. demonstration and role playing, provided verbal directions; gave praise corrective feedback One parent 6 wks Positive effect 1 yr YES NR NR Could not be calculated
McClcan (2012) Used five specific sequence of intervention strategics to reduce severe challenging behavior: aggression and self-injurious behavior Residential staff members 152 wks Positive effect 3 yrs NR NR 0.9S Challenging behavior: I 00%Desirable behavior: could not be calculated
Notes: wks weeks, yrs years, NR not report. M maintenance, G generalization, SV social validity (means out of total score), TF treatment fidelity.
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