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Preschoolers Representations About The Family As A Component Of Childrens World Picture

Table 1:

Questions Responses of the parents depending on the age of the children Responses of the parents depending on family type Responses of the parents depending on the gender of the children
% early pre-school age children's parents % older pre-school children's parents % parents from nuclear families % parents from single-parent families % girls' parents % boys' parents
Answer variant «yes»
Do you read books about family, marriage, love? 61 % 28 % 44 % 50 % 52 % 38 %
Do you discuss with your child what you have read? 57 % 40 % 50 % 45 % 52 % 45 %
Do you watch cartoons on these themes? 72 % 65 % 69 % 68 % 62 % 75 %
Do you discuss with your child the cartoons you have watched? 65 % 60 % 67 % 50- % 60 % 66 %
Answer variant «often talk »
How often do you talk with your child about family, marriage, love? 72 % 53 % 69 % 45 % 50 % 75 %
Answer variant «talk eagerly»
If you talk, then how does the child perceive these conversations? 80 % 68 % 73 % 77 % 55 % 93 %
Answer variant «yes»
Do you think it's worth talking to a child at that age on the themes of love, marriage and family? 76 % 63 % 72 % 64 % 71 % 68 %
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