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Behavioral Finance And Speculative Behavior Of Investors: Evidence From Saudi Stock Market

Table 4:

Endogenous variable: Speculation buying behavior (BBS) R 2 value Q 2 Value
34% 0.186
Exogenous ->Endogenous construct Path coefficients Standard error f 2 (Effect size) q 2 (Effect size) T-value p-value SigLevel Decision
Overconfidence->BBS (H1) 0.242 0.087 0.071 (small) 0.034(small) 2.779 0.006 1%*** Supported
Representativeness->BBS (H2) 0.263 0.107 0.071 (small) 0.031(small) 2.445 0.015 5%** Supported
Confirmation ->BBS(H3) -0.277 0.0989 0.103 (small) 0.049(small) 2.804 0.005 1%*** supported
Anchoring ->BBS(H4) 0.291 0.0746 0.112 (small) -0.003 (none) 3.897 0.000 1%*** Supported
Availability ->BBS(H5) -.0.191 0.132 0.059 (small) -0.030 (none) 1.446 0.150 NS Not supported
Loss aversion ->BBS(H6) 0.103 0.102 0.010(none) 0.004(none) 1.010 0.314 NS Not supported
Regret aversion ->BBS(H7) -0.099 0.099 0.009(none) 0.003(none) 0.998 0.320 NS Not supported
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