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The Knowledge Spillover Theory Of Entrepreneurship An Empirical Evidence From Malaysia

Table 2:

Construct Items Loading AVE
Knowledge factors 0.942
K1 Gross domestic expenditure on R&D (% of GDP) 0.991
K2 Number of patent application by residents 0.967
K3 Number of technician in R&D (per million people) ---*
K4 Government expenditure on education (% of GDP) 0.952
Barriers factors 0.765
B1 Gross Government expenditure (% of GDP) 0.919
B2 Taxes on income, profits and capital gains (% of revenues) 0.826
B3 Taxes on goods and services (% of revenues) ---*
Demographic factors 0.640
D1 Share of the population living in urban areas (%) -0.706
D2 Share of population between 30 and 44 years of age (%) 0.883
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