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Voluntary Carbon Disclosure And Firm Value: Evidence From Malaysian Carbon-Intensive Industries

Table 2:

Variables Mean Std. dev Min. Max. Skewness Kurtosis
TOBIN’S Q 1.240844 .7744813 .214321 4.18 1.561238 5.695684
VCD 8.138402 7.286036 0 33.33333 .6559386 3.150757
FSIZE 8.662169 .6777539 7.385484 11.0686 .8504465 3.802124
LEV .2106343 .1687919 0 .6440977 .6301553 2.533194
LIQ 2.192456 1.391942 .05 7.29 1.430354 5.233359
FAGE 1.394841 11.86357 10 61 .6784774 2.683172
TANG 0.3277413 .2455935 0 .9714461 .6146318 2.799409
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