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The Effect Of Work Family Conflict Toward Work Family Enrichment

Table 2:

Construct Items Loading Cronbach’s Alpha Composite Reliability Average Variance Extracted (AVE)
Behaviour WFC.B1 0.759 0.891 0.914 0.638
WFC.B2 0.832
WFC.B3 0.849
WFC.B4 0.786
WFC.B5 0.756
WFC.B6 0.808
Strain WFC.S1 0.867 0.868 0.866 0.531
WFC.S2 0.856
WFC.S3 0.875
WFC.S4 0.566
WFC.S5 0.556
WFC.S6 0.554
Time WFC.T1 0.851 0.879 0.897 0.605
WFC.T2 0.838
WFC.T3 0.93
WFC.T4 0.885
WFC.T5 0.548
WFC.T6 0.503
Work Family Enrichment WFE.1 0.755 0.952 0.957 0.554
WFE.10 0.83
WFE.11 0.856
WFE.12 0.785
WFE.13 0.711
WFE.14 0.745
WFE.15 0.743
WFE.16 0.656
WFE.17 0.725
WFE.18 0.784
WFE.2 0.747
WFE.3 0.788
WFE.4 0.642
WFE.5 0.767
WFE.6 0.613
WFE.7 0.741
WFE.8 0.745
WFE.9 0.723
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