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Table 6:

Curiosity “I thinned the material, added more and more water, I felt curiosity and awe.”“I’m crushing it and starting over again, kneading, feeling relief and renewed interest.”“I worked with gouache with my hands around the clay, I felt curiosity.”
Inquisitiveness “Flattened and smoothed the fragility, felt inquisitive - where will the material take me.”“With the hands I smeared the colour in round movements and enjoyed to investigate their touch on my hand.”
Surprise “I felt surprised by the texture of the oil pastel.”“I kneaded the material and suddenly felt surprise + connection, a disconnect from judgment.”
Inspiration “Starting to squeeze, feel, knead, press, cut, rip, stick a finger, break into pieces, feeling inspiration, pleasure, openness, fear, interest.”“I went back to the touch and the sensation of pinching revived my inspiration, satisfaction and interest in what was happening.”
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