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Community Media To Diffuse Sustainable Energy Products: Perceived Effectivenss

Table 1:

Questions regarding the characteristics of CRs and sustainability communications aired by the CRs in Bangladesh Scale: 1 = Strongly disagree, 2= Disagree, 3= Neutral, 4= Agree, and 5 = Strongly agree.
Question Codes Questions Name of constructs
uc_1 As a rural media people like community radio because it is managed by a community itself Unique characteristics of community radio
uc_2 Rural people prefer community radio to commercial media because its programs are based on participatory communication basis
uc_3 Rural people like community radio more than any other media as it airs programs on local development
uc_4 As a rural media people love community radio because it gives the needed information in convenient way
uc_5 Rural people love community radio because it provides jobs in the media sector
uc_6 Rural people like community radio because it has great entertainment ability
acp_1 Rural people may accept community radio’s commutations on the advantage of sustainable energy products that can connect them with the modern communication and technology world Acceptance of sustainable energy-related contents
acp_2 Rural people may accept community radio’s commutations on the advantage of sustainable energy products that can be used in their household’s efficiency
acp_3 Rural people may accept community radio’s commutations on the advantage of sustainable energy products that can be used for their farm’s efficiency
acp_4 Rural people may accept community radio’s commutations on the advantage of sustainable energy products that can be used for their small businesses’ efficiency
opr_1 I think community radio can guide people on exploring the opportunities to use sustainable energy to connect with modern communication and technology world Opportunity to use sustainable energy products
opr_2 I think community radio can guide people on exploring the opportunities to use sustainable energy products for household’s use
opr_3 I think community radio can guide people on exploring the opportunities to use sustainable energy products for agricultural use
opr_4 I think community radio can guide people on exploring the opportunities to use sustainable energy products for small businesses
abl_1 I don’t think community radio can increase skills and knowledge to use sustainable energy to connect people with modern communication and technology world Ability to use sustainable energy products
abl_2 I think community radio can increase knowledge and skills to use sustainable energy products for household’s use
abl_3 I think community radio can increase knowledge and skills to use sustainable energy products for small business use
abl_4 I think community radio can enhance knowledge and skills to use sustainable energy products for household’s use
mtv_1 I think community radio can motivate the rural people to use sustainable energy products to be connected with modern communication and technology world. Motivation to use sustainable energy products
mtv_2 I don’t think community radio can motivate the rural people to use sustainable energy products in their houses
mtv_3 I think community radio can motivate the rural people to use sustainable energy products in their agricultural production
mtv_4 I think community radio can motivate the rural people to use sustainable energy products in their small businesses
cmr_1 If community radio can motivate rural people about the use of sustainable energy products, they can be committed and ready to adopt it to be connected with the modern world Committed and ready to use sustainable energy products
cmr_2 If community radio can motivate rural people about the use of sustainable energy products, they can be committed and ready to adopt it for their household use
cmr_3 If community radio can motivate rural people about the use of sustainable energy products, they can be committed and ready to adopt it quickly for their agricultural use
cmr_4 If community radio can motivate rural people about the use of sustainable energy products, they can be committed and ready to adopt it quickly for their small business use
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