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Migration And Welfare In The Far East

Table 2:

Regression statistics
Multiple R 0,98465
R-square 0,969536
The normalized R-square 0,964458
The standard error 0,682882
Observations 15
Dispersion analysis
df SS MS F The significance of F
Regression 2 178,0934 89,0467 190,9527 7,99E-10
Balance 12 5,595941 0,466328
Total 14 183,6893
Coefficients Standard error t-statistics P-Value Lower 95%
Y-intersection 117,1749 13,0021 9,011999 1,09E-06 88,84576
Depreciation of basic (construction),% -0,48703 0,228833 -2,1283 0,05472 -0,98561
Number of credit institutions 0,230897 0,083329 2,770892 0,016934 0,049338
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