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Education And Quality Of Life: Domestic And International Experience

Table 1:

Type of school Brief characteristics
Secondary general school (Hauptschule) It is designed for 5-6 years of study and presupposes the subsequent training in the vocational school.
Junior high, secondary modern school(Realschule) Designed for 6 years of study, a high score, obtained as the results of training, allows a person to enter the senior class of the gymnasium, and then the university.
Gymnasium (Gymnasium) Training lasts for 8-9 years. As a rule, the gymnasium specializes in three main areas: humanitarian (languages, literature, and art), public (social sciences), and technical (science, mathematics, technology). After completion, a diploma of secondary education (Abitur) is issued. German Abitur is the equivalent of the Russian certificate of full secondary education and the British diploma of A-level. Gymnasia are oriented towards entering the university.
Integrated comprehensive school (Gesamtschule) Combines various features of the gymnasium and junior secondary schools, allowing you to receive both humanitarian and technical education.
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