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Humanitarian Education In Post-Industrial Society: Experience Of Competence-Based Approach Realization In University

Table 1:

Curriculum Formed priority component Commitment to the final result of formation Major discipline of the component formed Main forms and methods of extracurricular educational activity
1 Social and cultural intelligence Formation of priority intellectual operations: analysis, synthesis, comparison, systematization, action correlation on purpose, understanding of a social situation, ability to active social and cultural adaptation (PС-1,2,3,4,7); (NC-1,2,4,8) Creative self-development of social and cultural competence. Global studies Participation in activity of student's associations, bodies of student's self-government; rendering the public assistance to disabled people and pensioners; work with youth on the residence; participation in essay competitions, debates in group: " My generation and I", "My idea of good manners", "To be or seem", "Create yourself", University Games of the first-year student and other.
2 Spiritual and cultural development Positive understanding of life values (life, health, labor, love, friendship, family and other) and of cultural values (PC-5, 6,7,14); (NC-3). Philosophy. Culturological aspects of History Participation in creative competitions; work of debating clubs, "philosophical tables", debates on political problems; charity events
3 Social and moral upbringing Moral, ethical, international, patriotic good breeding. Formation of such personal qualities as: responsibility, commitment, persistence, self-confidence, organization, insistence, broad outlook (PC-8,9,10). Philosophy of travel business. Sociology and history of youth problems. Social design, participation in charity events, voluntary activity
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