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The Educational Program For Transition From Training To Professional Work

Table 1:

№ of stage The stage name Educational content
1 Teaching and fact-finding practice 1. Demonstration of samples of professional actions united by one or several labor functions.2. Professional tests. Attempts of independently performed of professional tasks.3. Definition of pedagogical problems and tasks
2 Theoretical stage 1. Studying the theoretical material of the module as the way of solving pedagogical problems and tasks.2. Formation of ways of performing professional actions (tool aspect).3. Elaboration of specific methods of professional actions in the teaching and laboratory environment (practical work)
3 Training Practice Performance of professional actions on the clinical base (the real educational organization) in the conditions of supervision
4 Students’ research work (SRW) 1. The analysis of efficiency and difficulties in performance of professional actions.2. Organization of mini-researches aimed at the analysis of the causes of inefficiency and difficulties in professional activities and building of a new professional activity
5 Theoretical and reflexive 1. The organization of reflection (group, individual) of their actions taking into account the results of students' research work (SRW).2. Formation of the general way of professional action (the implementation of professional action in the space of opportunities)
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