The article reveals the main ideas of the concept of ensuring complex safety of the personality in the educational organizations reveal; the main methodological approaches and the principles of ensuring complex safety are offered. Authors consider necessary to consider complex safety of the personality in the educational organizations at three levels: social, infrastructure and personal. In the article are allocated three main components of complex safety of the educational organization: safety of the external environment of the educational organization (protection of educational objects; implementation of requirements of access control; measures for ensuring protection of the state secret; information security; anti-terrorist safety); safety of the internal environment of the educational organization (development and realization of complete educational and educational system, ensuring energy and fire security, reliable functioning of power supply, the prevention of emergencies at electro-, water - and gas supply); personal security of participants of educational process (scheduled maintenance on the prevention of offenses; prevention of the asocial phenomena, extremism and terrorism, corruption; system of measures for ensuring psychological safety). Complex safety is considered as a set of the measures and actions of educational institution which are carried out in interaction with local governments, law-enforcement structures, other auxiliary services and public organizations for ensuring safe functioning, and also readiness of employees and pupils to rational actions in emergency situations. As the expected result of implementation of the concept the model of the socially oriented safe identity of the graduate of the educational organization is offered.
Keywords: Conceptcomplex safetyanti-terrorist safetypersonalityeducational organizationextremism
The historical and cultural analysis shows that extremism as expression of extreme views and installations has an ability to get into all spheres of public life, represents a destructive way of permission of the social contradictions which have developed in various areas of public life.
In these conditions the younger generation appears the most vulnerable category of the population in the cultural and psychological relation, which is in a peculiar valuable and spiritual vacuum. A part of youth was disorganized, subject to extremist influences destroying traditional values of ethnic cultures and religions of the people of Russia. One of the important reasons generating terrorism according to a number of researchers, it is necessary to believe, obviously insufficient attention of education as social institute to terrorism problems in general, and to the solution of problems of education of rejection by students and other participants of the educational relations of the ideas of terrorism.
Now safety becomes the main reference point of activity of social institutes of society, respectively, formation and development of pedagogics of safety – the worthy answer of education to calls of society of risk as new direction in the pedagogical theory now (Mukhametzyanova & Tregubova, 2016).
Today the state accepts a number of documents for implementation of measures for the prevention and timely suppression of acts of terrorism on the basis of the current legislation, and also the spread of extremist ideologies into the Russian Safety of the person is ensured by the fact that it, as integrated person, is steady against negative information as the subject of life is capable to turn dangers into a factor of personal development as internally consistent personality having experience of permission of vital contradictions minimizes amount of the dangers framed for themselves (Maslennikova, 2016).
It is necessary to reflect its properties as the subject of vital activity and self-development in model of the safe person, so, to address levels of experience, mental properties, personal qualities, and also the valuable and semantic sphere of the person.
Ensuring the state and public security is carried out by rising of efficiency of activity of law enforcement agencies and special services, organs of the state control (supervision), improvement of uniform state system of prevention of crime, first of all among minor and other offenses (including monitoring and an assessment of efficiency of law-enforcement practice), developments and uses of the special measures referred on depression of level of criminalization of the public relations.
At the same time complex safety is considered as set of the measures and actions of educational institution which are carried out in interaction with local governments, law-enforcement structures, other auxiliary services and public organizations for ensuring its safe functioning, and also readiness of employees and pupils to rational actions in emergency situations society.
On the basis of these documents it is possible to allocate the major directions and a component of anti-extremism and anti-terrorist policy of Russia, and also complex ideological means of counteraction to extremism and terrorism.
Problem Statement
It should be noted a new role of an education system in counteraction of distribution of ideology of terrorism and extremism. Educational the organizations of different level, and also the federal and regional ministries and departments carry out enormous work in this direction.
In researches are allocated three the main components of complex safety of the educational organization:
– safety of the external environment of the educational organization (protection of educational objects; implementation of demands of access control; measures for ensuring protection of the state secret; information security; anti-terrorist safety);
– safety of internal medium of the educational organization (development and realization of integrated educational system, ensuring energy and fire security, reliable functioning of power supply, the prevention of emergencies at electro-, water - and gas supply);
– personal security of participants of educational process (scheduled maintenance on the prevention of offenses; prophylaxis of the asocial phenomena, extremism and terrorism, corruption; system of measures for ensuring psychological safety) (Mukhametzyanova et al., 2016).
In this regard it is necessary to create uniform approaches and methods to the organization of complex safety, to integrate activity of all interested public authorities, services and the organizations at all levels and to carry out her on the basis of theory-methodological base of fundamental science, her new direction of" safety pedagogics".
Researchers of this new direction consider that absence in the sphere of pedagogics of the uniform concept of development of scientific field of health and safety has led to the fact that the conducted pedagogical scientific research has casual, unsystematic, tactical character.
Need of development of uniform methodological approaches and systematization of work on complex execution of standards of Federal laws on counteraction to terrorism, protection of the population and territories from emergency situations taking into account specifics of activity of the educational organizations causes creation and development of the concept of ensuring complex safety of the personality in the educational organizations.
Research Questions.
At the Institute of pedagogics and psychology and social problems, the concept of complex safety of the personality in the educational organizations which cornerstone the idea of formation of the socially oriented safe personality is developed. The second conceptual idea - all components of educational space: social (safety of the internal environment), infrastructure (safety of the external environment) and personal (personal security) have to be provided with the contents causing complex safety of the identity of the trainee.
Purpose of the Study
Now need of ensuring complex safety of the personality for the educational organization at three above-named levels and therefore it is necessary to designate the main ways of his realization was accurately designated.
Research Methods
The above-named ideas were caused by the choice of methodological approaches and the principles, realization which will allow to solve in practice problems of ensuring complex safety of the personality in the educational organizations.
The integrative campaign which performs backbone function between the following approaches is the cornerstone of the concept: axiological, situational, personal and activity, sociocultural, social and psychological and medicobiological. Each of these approaches brings the functional loading to a solution of the problem of ensuring complex safety of the personality. So, for example, situational approach, in the course of ensuring complex safety of the personality is shown in reflexive judgments of process and result of the behavior in an extreme situation.
At the level of ensuring complex safety of the personality in the educational organization as social phenomenon a number of the principles objectively works: continuity of generations, a support on culture and a cultural stereotype, centration, democratization of education and education, reality of modern education, an independence of education and education, voluntariness, compliance, expediency, admissibility and humanity, social adequacy, preventive activity, a social hardening, preventiveness, precaution. Each of the above-named principles has content, significant for ensuring complex safety of the identity of the pupil in the educational organization. In particular, the principle of preventiveness assumes that actions for safety have to be based on the comprehensive analysis and monitoring of the current situation with the purpose of detection of potential threats (Shaykhutdinova, 2016).
By treating the main components of ensuring complex safety of the person in the educational organizations for a social component it is necessary to provide a complex of the main measures and actions bound to formation of culture of safety of the person on a series of the directions: information and educational, psychology and pedagogical, organizational. Each of these directions aims subjects of education at projection of new programs of the basic and additional education for a problem, the organization of psychologically safe medium in the educational organization, professional development of teachers in this subject domain, etc. At our institute methodical references for principals of the educational organizations for ensuring psychological safety of the educational organization, a technique of diagnostics of psychological state of educational medium, the program of professional development "Counteraction of ideology of extremism and terrorism" for different categories of listeners, etc. are developed.
On an infrastructure component of a task of the educational organizations, ministries and departments are very extensive. It is necessary to provide safety of the educational organizations in the field of providing civil protection, the prevention and elimination of emergency situations, in the field of fire safety, labor protection, information security, physical protection and engineering protection, anti-terrorist security. In all these directions in the territory of the Russian Federation the extensive standard and legal base, instructions is developed, instructions, etc. Besides, are developed by the staff of our institute methodical references in each direction for the aid to the principal of the educational organization in ensuring complex safety.
On personal subject component there is a need projection of work on harmonization of the cross-cultural, interethnic and interfaith relations, education of culture of tolerance of the person that provides, for example formation of mechanisms of the support and after treatment of pupils which is in a difficult life situation, improvement of system of prophylaxis of a drug addiction and offenses in the educational organization etc. At institute methodical references are developed for principals of the educational organizations, principals of structural sectionings, teachers, psychologists and the staff of the educational organizations dealing with issues of ensuring complex safety and psychological safety concerning prophylaxis of a drug addiction and offenses.
As the expected result of implementation of the concept we developed model of the socially oriented graduate of the educational organization answering to certain criteria:
- to be ready to acceptance of an active social role of the adult, capable to assume appreciable social responsibility;
- capable to be easy and free to adapt in the modern world, to react adequately to its difficulties and dynamics of changes;
- to have the high level of empathy and a focus on a social and civic stand of active interaction with people;
- to show nervously - mental fastness to adverse effects of social medium, to show self-control in critical situations, and capable to be effective to function in the conditions of a stress;
- to have high rates of communicativeness, capable to be effective to communicate at various social levels and to apply various social technologies in interaction with groups of people and individuals, to have sufficient organizing abilities and skills of effective social interactions;
- to differ in a high morality, to be a conductor of the ideas of patriotism, humanity, spirituality and tolerance, to be honest, to store in a douche of a concept of a debt and honor and advantage, to show a model of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
The priority idea of the above-named concept is the understanding of social orientation as integrated quality of the personality having set of the valuable orientations, personal installations, versatile abilities, fundamental knowledge and competences allowing her to function successfully and to develop harmoniously in the changing society in various social and professional roles and the statuses.
Safety of the socially oriented personality is considered, first, from a point of view of a condition of her activity , secondly, from the point of view of the properties of the personality characterizing her opportunities in ensuring the safety and those systems in which she is included. In the second case safety corresponds to steady structures that allows to enter a concept of the safe personality.
Thus, the offered concept and its methodical providing can form a basis for projection and realization of works on ensuring complex safety of the educational organizations and therefore will promote depression of the risks bound to the major infrastructure facilities, way of strengthening of infrastructure of education and readiness (social and personal components) of subjects of education to resist to risks.
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31 August 2017
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Teacher, teacher training, teaching skills, teaching techniques
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Maslennikova, V. S., Shaykhutdinova, G. A., & Yavorskiy, O. O. (2017). Conceptual Ideas Of Complex Safety Of The Personality In The Educational Organizations. In R. Valeeva (Ed.), Teacher Education - IFTE 2017, vol 29. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 502-507). Future Academy. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2017.08.02.58