Psychological Development Program: Upgrading Personal And Professional Skills, At Teachers


Nowadays, the need for broad horizons to a better understanding human development is increasingly more evident, for identifying those key points that could positively influence personal development and thus optimizing professional practice of teachers, meaning obtaining personal balance and professional optimization. By the present study is intended to present a track record after a semester working with teachers from pre-university system, high-school teachers enrolled in professional conversion program organized by the Faculty of Psychology and Human Social Sciences, of the University of Pitesti, Romania. Among the existent courses in the curricula’s training program was also a personal development course named "the communication laboratory", a course which involved working with groups of teachers, for 2 hours per course, with weekly frequency. The work activity premises were centered on the specific bond existing between the person’s inner world and his professional context of belonging, knowing that, most often, professional act is influenced by personal traits and dispositions. These study findings highlight the very positive results easily observable and assumed by the participants in this program, with direct effects at their personal balance and professional performance, drawing attention to the need to promote such programs of personal development with a deep psychologically specific. As a desideratum, these personal development programs should be implemented a large scale, offering to as many teachers from all educational systems, the opportunity to participate at such alternative learning activities.

Keywords: Professional performanceteacherpersonal development program


The aim of this present paper is to present the results of a full-semester work with teachers

enrolled in professional conversion program organized at the Department of Psychology of the University

of Pitesti. Specifics conversion program which was developed over two years of study, consisted of the

acquisition by students of additional professional competences in the field of psychology, graduating

from these courses allowing them to expand their teaching courses with psychology ones. Curriculum

was composed of a series of lectures, seminars and laboratories with psychological specific, in order to

provide the basis for continuing teaching activity in the field of psychology. As an added value brought to

the curriculum program conversion, communication laboratory was added (also known as Personal

Development Laboratory). Through this lab, students enrolled in professional conversion program had the

opportunity to participate, during a semester, to personal development sessions with weekly frequency

over a period of two hours.

Regarding the process of personal development, Laurentiu Mitrofan PhD. founding member of the

School of Experiential Psychotherapy in Romania "SPER", says it is the "key to the dynamic and

efficiency of an open society based on competition and creative aspirations, values centered on self-

realization, personal and family welfare, moral stability and spiritual openness "(Mitrofan, 2007, p. 9).



According to the specific literature, the goals in personal development process converge on

"developing existential coping strategies, personal resources activation, complementary or compensatory,

so that individuals, groups or collectives (...) find their own solutions, using their potential available "

(Mitrofan, 2008, p. 26).

The fundamental aims when creating work activities for the laboratory of communication were to

offering a secure environment for having real opportunities in view of knowing, recognizing and

developing personal potential, in order to optimize general functioning, at a personal and professional

level. Communication Laboratory met all the requirements for its validation as a favorable framework for

implementing, observing and highlighting the effects of this form of complementary education, as can be

understood in this context, the process of personal development.

Students enrolled in the program were teachers with various educational specialties: math

professors, Romanian, history, foreign language and geography teachers. Also, they came from different

pre-university educational institutions in several Romanian cities, this being an important detail for the

socio-cultural specific. There were a total of 30 teachers, men and women, which were within the age

category of 40-55 years.

The general objectives of the development process were preserved regardless of the age of the

participants, namely identifying and unlocking their personal and professional potential. However, in

terms of working with adults, activity-specific work practice catches the nuances of working with this

specific category due to their level of training and the specific professional area. Among the most

challenging situations can be mentioned the "fighting pride" of a professional experienced adult, that can

sometimes be seen in their attitude, considering themselves as being highly developed at a personal and

professional level, showing less or no availability for activities of self-knowledge. On the other hand,

another phenomenon often met in working with adults is the defense reaction against new situations, seen

as a possible source of tension and frustration that can lead to passive-aggressive attitudes, choosing not

to involve in specific self-development activities.

Therefore, the laboratory of communication aimed at creating a secure work environment, adapted

to students specific, taking into consideration the theories of ages psychology, in order to increase the

emotional security of the participants, which were assumed to be fundamental for building authentic

collaborative relationship and the desire to involve in the work activities proposed.

In this context, building a solid framework for increased uniformity and cohesion of the group,

was necessary, following the premises that these elements can increase interest for integration and


The entire work process was founded on a valuable statement saying that ”the key for all the

interventions that are subscribed to psychological counselling is to develop new existential coping

strategies, activation of personal blocked resources, for the people involved in this process find their

personal balance” (Mitrofan, & Nuță, 2009, p.3).

2.2.Research Methods

Communication Lab is among the learning activities that are part of the undergraduate curriculum

in the field of psychology, at the Department of Psychology at the University of Pitesti. Although direct

experience working with previous generations of students demonstrated the positive effects of

communication activities, in the sense of self-knowledge and fostering optimal attitudes and skills,

working with adults, that had with wide professional experience and stable personality traits, was an

advantage but also a disadvantage for their abilities to adapt to fundamental new experiences as proposed

in the developmental process.

Work techniques and methods specific for the process of personal development are "common to

psychotherapy and psychological counseling (...) regardless of theoretical orientation of the therapist (...)

structured in phases and therapeutic steps that are being grounded by the personality theories and by a

certain philosophy of life, expressed in a specific therapeutic orientation"(Mitrofan, 2008, p. 16).

The proposed activities for the laboratory of communication were designed to accommodate the

several specific coordinates of the group: the age category (adult), specific gender (men and women in

relatively equal proportion), socio-cultural (areas of origin covering the whole country). Therefore, it can

be said that developing the Communication laboratory was a real challenge, starting with construction of

the work activities, and continuing to face all the unexpected reactions of the people involved, that can’t

be fully anticipated since this activity is a present-grounded and dynamic experience. The

Communication laboratory proved to be a real source for personal and professional development for all

those involved in the educational process.

An important observation was that the coordinator of the activities, although a specialist in

psychology domain, did not show in any way professional superior to participants, the essence of the

activities being precisely the "peer to peer" management of the class, alternating roles, the coordinator

being a leader, a facilitator, a mediator, a learner, exposed himself to group dynamics. From this

perspective, it is very important that the coordinator of a personal development and communication

laboratory, has a wide experience in psychology field, which implies a significant number of personal

development modules experienced for his own development. It’s important to highlight the need for

personal development process of the coordinator, for he can be able to play a genuine guide for other’s

self-knowledge process, to avoid work errors, knowing that there is a thin border between empathy and

the lack of personal boundaries and defenses.

The process of personal development include a variety of „verbal and nonverbal expressive and

creative techniques, having the methodological coordinates more rigorously developed" (Mitrofan, 2008,

p. 17), unlike the psychological counseling that means addressing the individual personality at a

superficial level, situational, strictly focused on a pressing life situations. In other words, the process of

personal development is seen as closer to the depth of psychotherapy than to psychological counseling

services. At the end of the sessions, techniques inspired from Frankl’s logotherapy work methods were

used. “Logotherapy is centered rather on the future, aiming for the meaning that the pacient will give to

his own future” (Frankl, 2010, p.110). As the author says, supporting the pacient to be aware of the

meaning of his own life, will help him find his motivation and personal balance.

The communication laboratory centered on personal development of the participants were

sustained over two hours, with weekly frequency, over a number of 12 work sessions.

In creating the general framework of the sessions, were taken into account the steps that the

participants are taking in such an experiential process, which are common and universally applicable to

any process of personal development regardless of the therapeutic orientation of the facilitator (the

coordinator). According to the literature, these phases are, in the order that they stand along the process:

the exploration phase of the "personal map", the participant phase of confrontation the coherence between

the internal map and external behaviors, the outsourcing step/direct expression of his experiences, the

resignification phase or self-transformation by integrating the work experience.

Thus, all the sessions have been structured to allow participants to cross each fundamental step of

this personal development process, the work themes being organized according the needs of the


Thus, the first three labs centered on self-knowledge and knowing themselves as a group, one of

the stated goals being to create together a non-formal setting in a formal context, an objective that

triggered a series of reactions that leaded to the astonishment participants, the retention to involve of

some of them, the openness and exuberant feedback of others in front of inexperienced situations.

The working method involved exercises for self-knowledge, at the same time favoring the

intercommunication of the participants, following the premise that "in a group therapy, especially in the

early stages, rebutting the feelings of uniqueness (..) is a powerful source of relief" (Yalom, 2009, p. 34).

In other words, in the first three work sessions centered on personal development, participants had the

opportunity to discover that, often, what they believed to be a "unique" problem, often is found at the

level of the other participants who reported living the same blockages, frustration or anxiety sources,

which on the one hand reduced the anxiety level of the person concerned, on the other hand, increasing

the cohesion and emotional support in the working group level. Also, the objective of the first three

sessions was to establish a secure relationship between the coordinator and the participants, based on

mutual trust and respect, empathy and emotional security. The literature indicates "therapeutic

relationship" as a key factor in achieving success in the therapy process, regardless the specific of the

therapist orientation or existential situation of the client/patient. Dynamic communication within the

laboratory work was very close to the psychotherapeutic context, the reactions and personal acquisitions

being equivalent to those which would be outlined in such specific context.

Of course, it is important to note that although the proposed activity was not having a declared

psychotherapy specific, the phases constituting such a psychological process and the professional training

of facilitator, helped undoubtedly getting some positive effects with psychotherapeutically meaning.

At this stage of self-awareness, one of the proposed exercise was in which each participant had to

answer himself the question "Who am I?".

Apparently an easy question, in fact creating various feedback among participants. All these

reactions, attitudes, feelings were write down by the coordinator and then discussed with each of them,

inside the working group. Very likely, this question might be easy to answer for a person coming from a

psychology field, but fort the participant at the self-development sessions, this challenge was indeed a

significant one, directing the participants to discuss very personal aspects of their lives, otherwise not

highlighted in the everyday life, not being a usual topic to talk about.

One of the objectives of this personal development laboratory, was to reconnect the participants

with their personal world, the Self, in a life context that implies everyday cautions and individual

involvement in external activities, providing few opportunities to connect to itself, to an authentic self-

knowledge. Moreover, at this stage the participants were encouraged to express their empathy towards the

others members of the group, for upgrading the group cohesion and positive interrelations. One of these

activities was the role playing or working in pairs, helping them to learn how „to be present”, living here

and now, being empathetic, creative, learning to listen not just hear what others have to say, learning to be

patient, assertive and involved in his own life experience.

The following three labs were built on a series of activities with pronounced provocative specific,

aiming to put the participants in the position to face their own internal contents (needs, frustrations,

behaviors, expectations, attitudes) and expressing them, to analyze the overlap between internal believes

and external manifestations. At this stage we used to work with metaphors, a specific technique PEU -

unifying experiential psychology, psychotherapeutic guidance proposed and patented by PhD. professor

Iolanda Mitrofan. Thus, the participants experienced playing with dough and free drawing. The

coordinator noted the important details seen at each student during achieve tasks, which have been the

subject of further discussions. For a holistic understanding of the experience, the feedback coming from

every participant was put together with the notes taken by the coordinator, putting together all the verbal

and nonverbal information, for better descripting the unconscious message displayed during applied


The next three sessions were focused on fostering communication, empathy and expression of the

will, the ability to be objective about emotions, thoughts and personal behaviors. At this stage, the

techniques used were based on movement exercises, these activities freeing the body and mind, favoring

dynamism, optimism and involvement in activities. The participants worked both individually and in

pairs. One of the exercises proposed implied that some of the participants seated in chairs and others had

to make free movements on a song that could be heard in the background. The exercise was aimed at

raising awareness of their own emotions and thoughts under the direct gaze of others. The team of

"observers" had the task of "guessing" the thoughts and feelings of others staying in front of them. At the

end of the exercise, we held discussion on shared experiences lived previously, the obtained feedback will

be discussed in the conclusions section.

The next communication labs have had centered on revaluating the entire work experience, in

which each participant had the necessary time to formulate a genuine opinion in relation to what brought

back all the experiences, for their own process of personal development. Each participant completed a

self-analysis report after following these labs communication, to settle their experiences and to secure

personal purchases, acquired in this learning environment.

The reason there were allocated three sessions to finish the series of communication and

developmental laboratories, was to prepare the stage of "closing the circle" in a suitable manner, leaving

that emotional secure context of the group and preparing for implementing the new acquisitions in

external personal life context.


Having the opportunity to work as a coordinator of this communication and personal development

laboratory, being a PhD. at the department of Psychology, University of Pitesti, I had the chance to

confirm once more that this developmental program can be considered a form of alternative education,

with positive effects on the participants, proven to be on a short and longer term. Positive effects are to be

understood primarily at an individual level, each participant offering amazing feedbacks about their own

insights, summarized in the final report built at end of the process. To ensure secure framework and to

foster the sincerity and authenticity of their responses, all participants were assured, since the start of

laboratories, about the confidentiality of their identity and reported experiences. Also, to facilitate report

writing, participants were assured that it will not, in any way, influence their grades, otherwise all being

evaluated with maximum results in this laboratory. Actually, grades were not taken in discussion, being

just a formality, given the educational context.

By communication laboratory oriented on personal development of the participants the aim was

not to evaluate them in the classical way, this formative educational framework being thought of in a

rather non-formal manner, to observe the effects an educational alternative program could have on their

participation, interest and personal achieving of the participants, used to practice their activity in a

classical educational system.

Another important aspect targets the participant’s personal and professional development level, at

the beginning of the developmental process. Although their age group ranged from 40-55 years, each

having a professional experience of over 20 years, gained acquisitions along this laboratory were evident,

meaning upgrading self-knowledge and reevaluation of their own perceptions about personal and

professional current experience.

Over proposed activities, participants have gradually evolved, gaining new information about

themselves, forming genuine relationships with people from their working group, as one of the

participants suggestively sustained: "in fact, in this group we really do get to talk, we are not just sitting

near or having small talks, it feels like somebody really listens and understands you. You know, this thing

actually doesn’t happen anymore, often people are physically in the same place, but mentally they are not.

We don’t get „emotionally connected" to each other, as we learned that it says ".

Although the stated purpose of the communication laboratory was to participate through the

proposed activities, at developing new skills and abilities for the participants to optimize their

professional activity, this couldn’t have been possible without taking into consideration the personal

emotional development, preceding it. The techniques used centered on personal development did not

address directly the existing situations in the professional (exercise class attitude, approach the student,

etc.) assuming optimization services (through learning and connecting itself others in a secure emotional

context) will entail significant changes in the professional approach context.

After the movement exercise, one of the participants said: "I do not know why but while I was

moving, I was constantly thinking about how uncomfortable a student must feel, when standing up or

called to the blackboard to answer the teacher’s questions, so many eyes are turned towards him, the

pressure is high. it's the first time I think about it and frankly, I am starting to think on a different

approach for evaluating my students. My hands are still shaking, my heart was pounding during the

movement exercise, for me it really was a powerful experience".

Another participant, following the exercise of modeling in dough, said "I’ve modeled a cube

having firm sides and sharp corners, it seems a little stiff but, if you press your finger on it, it softens. But

who dares approaching it when sees it so sharp? I think that's why students do not like me, apparently I

am cold, I kept them all away. I realize now that this was not good for me, either".

Excerpts from the reports made by participants, are perhaps the most significant results of the

experience of being a part of this personal developmental process.

"A unique, new experience, I went through all the sessions. I did not think that I can still learn

something about me and my profession, after almost 30 years of work and many others of life". A.I. 52


"This lab taught me that I still have much to learn... About myself, about the others, about life...

Thanks." G. G., 49 years

"After the first lab I began to be more interested on the psychology domain, I bought books, I

started to think going to a therapist. Wasn’t scary anymore. Is like I’ve slept for a long time and someone

woke me, reminding me that life is more than work." L.O., 41 years

"Each session meant something to me, even if the time was short and there were times when I

didn’t get to talk. But even so, I have learned about myself through others experiences, here in the group

and also at my workplace, regardless of their age or social status. I started to watch my students and

colleagues in other light and that is really comforting. "M. P. 44 years

"Everything I have worked at the laboratories of communication, helped me a lot, both personally

and professionally. My colleagues at school asked me what’s with the change, I told them about these

laboratories and they got interested in participating too, but have nowhere to, so that’s another reason for

me to feel lucky for everything I have and everything I lived so far. For me, my group colleagues are not

just colleagues anymore, some of them will remain my friends for life. " O.L. 44 years

"What I find extraordinary is that even if I don’t know exactly what and when something changed

in the way I see and understand things, something did happen. After trying to answer the question "who

am I?", I figured that it’s time for me to start paying attention to other aspects of my life. Regarding my

students, the relationship with them has improved. In addition, I began speaking to them about how

important it is to discover yourself, learning to love, to appreciate and like themselves, they also begun

being more interested to attend my classes... I forgotten how good it feels being connected with people

around, this experience reminded me what I have to do to be good with me and the others." A.A. 40 years


The communication laboratory centered on personal development stands to be a resource and an

important significant source for personal evolution, with direct implications at professional level. The

specific psychotherapeutic inspired working techniques actively participate in fostering relationships with

the Self and the others, streamlining communication through verbal and non-verbal approaches, increased

sense of empathy, assertiveness, reflecting the identification, possession and use of personal

achievements to an optimal level. The achievements on this process are both emotional and cognitive,

with direct application in various individual contexts, such as personal, socio-relational and professional


Besides, these qualitative leaps can be seen from one training session to another, being confirmed

in the personal reports on the experience lived in such a program, of the participants.

The importance of an educational program focused on personal development is supported by

studies both at a nationally (mainly at school SPER) and internationally level: Google Inc. anticipating

the needs of dynamic evolution of the individuals, launched in 2009 a new training program for

supporting emotional needs of the employees: School of Personal Growth, through which the spiritual

and cognitive development of students was possible.

Besides, personal development brings together the two often considered incongruous levels, the

emotional and the cognitive ones, considering the simultaneous optimization of these is of great interest

for human development, helping the person to achieve and maintain his personal balance, in a world

increasingly unbalanced.

Through this personal development program, the participants are capable to realize their own

blockages, getting conscious about their potential and finding solutions for surpassing obstacles and

upgrade themselves to a higher level of understanding the internal and external world, aiming for

existential balance. From a systemic point of view, changing itself will lead to significant changes in own

social and professional level, the personal development program is a valid method for obtaining positive

personal change for Self-optimization.

This present article sustains the implementation of such educational and formative program in

educational institutions, to facilitate access to a new educational paradigm, with proven benefits on a

personal and professional level, considering the teacher is playing a particularly important role in

becoming of a person, so that he himself should represent a model of balance, personal and professional

maturity and development.


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  2. Mitrofan, I. (2008). Psihoterapie. Repere teoretice, metodologice si aplicative, Bucuresti: Sper.
  3. Mitrofan, I., Nuta, A. (2009). Consilierea psihologica. Cine, ce si cum? Bucuresti: Sper.
  4. Mitrofan, L. (2007). Dezvoltarea personala –competenta universitara transversala. O noua paradigma
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  6. Yalom, I. (2009). The gift of therapy: An open letter to a new generation of therapists and their patient.
  7. New York: Harper Perennial.

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25 May 2017

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Educational strategies, educational policy, organization of education, management of education, teacher, teacher training

Cite this article as:

Bădulescu, A. L. (2017). Psychological Development Program: Upgrading Personal And Professional Skills, At Teachers. In E. Soare, & C. Langa (Eds.), Education Facing Contemporary World Issues, vol 23. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 628-635). Future Academy.