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The Relation Between Fundamental Emotions And Occupational Stress In Educational Settings

Table 1:

Minimum Maximum Media Sd
Negative 18 48 31,64 4,917
Affectivity 16 39 27,59 7,15
Guilt 12 31 20,54 3,369
Pride 8 29 19,02 5,144
Joy 8 31 18,90 5,36
Rage 7 24 15,85 3,799
Fear 8 22 14,95 2,793
Sadness 6 20 12,82 3,230
Careful 5 21 12,06 3,924
Fatigue 4 17 10,56 2,808
Shyness 4 15 8,91 2,742
Serenity 4 14 8,33 2,489
Surprise 3 11 7,43 1,689
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