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Income and Wealth Status of Russian and Tomsk Region’s Pensioners

Table 2:

Indicator Code Variant of answer Frequency
Number of answers %
Wealth status WS1 I can buy whatever I want 8 2,00
WS2 I can buy a lot, but big-budget purchases are not available 91 22,75
WS3 I can buy new clothes and shoes 128 32,00
WS4 I spend all the money on food 166 41,50
WS5 I have not enough money even for food 7 1,75
Income In1 Less than 6000 RUR 12 3,00
In2 6000 – 12000 RUR 145 36,25
In3 13000 – 18000 RUR 143 35,75
In4 19000 – 25000 RUR 55 13,75
In5 More than 26000 RUR 21 5,25
In6 Don’t know/No answer 24 6,00
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