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Economic Burden and Cost Effectiveness Analysis of Psoriasis Treatment Modalities in Malaysian Public Hospitals: A Study Protocol

Table 2:

Perspective Component of cost Approach Measure Calculation model
Provider cost of hospitalization Step down average cost of hospitalization per patient per day (60% x average recurrent cost) / total number of inpatients day
Step down average cost per patient per visit (40% x recurrent cost) / number of patient’s visit at outpatient clinics
drug cost ABC average cost per drug per patient per treatment average cost per unit drug x utilization
cost laboratory investigation ABC average cost per laboratory investigation per patient per treatment average cost per test x utilization
cost of procedural examination average cost per examination per patient per treatment average cost per test x utilization
Patient transportation cost ABC average transportation cost per patient per treatment expenses of transportation (to and fro)
loss of productivity ABC average loss of productivity per patient per treatment income (daily) x days of patients unable to work because of psoriasis in a month
Societal Component cost provider + component cost patient Step down + ABC average cost per patient per treatment average cost borne by patient + average cost borne by patient
Economic burden - - average cost per patient total cost (societal) x prevalence of psoriasis (year 2015)
Effectiveness analysis - - percentage of patients achieving PASI-75 and/or BSA<5 and/or DLQI≤5, 6 months after treatment is initiated number of patients achieving PASI-75 and/or BSA<5 and/or DLQI≤5) / total number of patients treated with particular treatment
Cost effectiveness analysis - - Average cost per PASI-75 and/or BSA<5 and/or DLQI≤5 average cost per treatment / effectiveness
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