In what error correction during the speaking activities in a foreign language is concerned the opinions are divergent. While some specialists claim that the best way is to discuss them separately with the students, others argue saying that all the errors should be corrected on the spot. In this paper we will try to approach this issue by presenting the most important opinions on the matter in contrast with the actual situation – what it really happens in the classroom. After the administration of a set of questionnaires to both teachers and students of Romanian as foreign language we try to discover how errors in spoken language during the teaching and assessing activities are corrected. Finally, we will establish which are the most common, and liked methods of error correction, but also which of those are giving best results in the teaching process.
Keywords: Romanian as a foreign languageerror correctionspeakingteachingassessment
In what error correction in a foreign language is concerned there are known and used various
methods. The goal of the present study is to illustrate the most used and appreciated methods of error
correction during the speaking activities in Romanian as a foreign language (RFL). During several
discussion had with our colleagues, teachers of Romanian and other foreign languages we came to
realize that each teacher had his own way of correcting the mistakes during the speaking activities, and
even more every method was quite different from the other one. Interesting was also the fact that each
person had strong arguments in favour of the method used, and none of the methods could be
considered as wrong by the others, if explained. Given the described situation, through our study we
wanted to answer a simple but important question, in our opinion:
administering questionnaires to the both groups involved in this matter – the teachers and the students.
In order to get a first result, we decided to focus only on our university, taking into consideration the
fact that the first doubts appeared exactly there. We sent questionnaires to 12 teachers, with the age
between 29 and 70, and to 50 students, with the age ranging from 16 to 32. The teachers were selected
taking into consideration the age (we wanted that each age stage to be represented) and the
involvement in the teaching activity. It should be kept in mind that our department has only 7 members
and several collaborators, so the total number isn’t very high compared to the 12 members selected
here. So, this is another reason why the number of the participants is so low. Regarding the students
involved, we only used our groups, from this academic year, but also from the previous one, students
that already are studying in different faculties and who are able to see their goal more clearly. We’ve
had a very heterogeneous group, with different mother tongue languages (L1). We are talking about:
Arabic, Albanian, French, Spanish, Russian, and Ukrainian. And quite homogeneous foreign languages
known (L2), also: English, Hebrew, Russian, Italian and Greek. Mainly, the regional languages in their
countries, and English, added to everyone. So, it is safe to say that all of them had already had an
experience with learning a foreign language, so they could state an opinion on the best method it suits
them in error correction.
Methodology Outline
We’ve started our research by looking to the specialists’ opinions on this topic and continued by
administering questionnaires to both students and teachers of RFL in our university. Following this
path we wanted to compare the general recommendations regarding error correction in a foreign
language with the actual situation. The main objective was to find out if the methods usually used by
the teachers are following the specialists’ recommendations and furthermore if these methods are
matching with what the students want and feel comfortable with during the classes. The questionnaires
used in this study were realized by the authors of the article, containing 2 parts, for the teachers, and 3
parts, for the students. The questions will be presented when discussing the results, while the entire
questionnaires can be seen upon request. Taking into account the limited space for the paper, we’ve
decided not to include them in the article, but to present the most important aspects where it’s
The general recommendations
It is said that “few things are more discouraging to the production of a foreign language than to be
interrupted and corrected (or even to know that someone is hovering beside you ready to interrupt and
correct).” (Brown & Yule, 1984, p. 37) Opposite to what the children usually react (or don’t, because
they don’t value so much others’ opinions), the adults might pay more attention to this fact. (Burlacu,
Platon & Sonea, 2011, p. 42) Agreeing with this statement the obvious question appears:
do with the mistakes during the spoken productions? Do we let the student talk, without paying
attention to his mistakes or, do we interrupt him and help him, correcting the errors? Of course that our
first instinct, as teachers and native speakers is to correct what is unnatural to our ear. That is why we
tried to find some other specialized opinions on this matter. It seems that all depends on the type of the
activity – centred on pronunciation, on grammar, or it’s a real-life speaking activity. Harmer claims
that in the case of a situation centred on pronunciation, the teacher should interrupt and correct: “When
students are repeating sentences, trying to get their pronunciation exactly right, then the teacher will
often correct (appropriately) every time there’s a problem” (Harmer, 2007, p. 131). The same
observation is valid from Scrivener’s point of view in what concerns the grammatical structures, too
(Scrivener, 2005, p. 160-161). On the other hand, Linse and Bailey (Linse, 2005, pp. 60-61; Bailey,
2005) argue on the fact that not all the errors should be corrected, even though they are pronunciation
or grammatical mistakes: “I decide which errors I will focus on. I think about the children’s
development and any errors they may make because of interference from their native language” (Linse,
2005, p. 61). In the help of this last statement comes Brown and Yule’s statement “After years of
rigorous attention to pronunciation during the fifties and early sixties many teachers now accept that
the aim of achieving native-like pronunciation is not only unattainable but unreasonable. Nowadays the
teacher probably tries to achieve the set of phonological contrasts, but does not worry too much about
the phonetic detail” (Brown & Yule, 1984, p. 26). We tend to agree with the last statement, even more
knowing that there are students with great difficulties in using and mastering Romanian specific sounds
that are inexistent in their native languages. For example, if we have an Arabic native speaker learning
Romanian he will most certainly have difficulties in recognizing and uttering the differences between
the following phonemes:
will have a problem in pronouncing
pronunciation by adding an
when the teachers insisted on discriminating between the pair sounds, using the well-known technique
of minimal pairs. “Later writers have criticized this approach as being artificial and lacking in
relevance to language learners' needs.” (Brown, 1990, pp. 144-146) This is argued by Gillian Brown in
her book
the specific phonemes in text, but the most, in words, which was an artificial and inefficient way of
using the sounds. She had showed that if a student not so well prepared wouldn’t be able to recognize
and to repeat exactly the words/phrases he was asked to repeat, only demonstrates that the method
wasn’t necessary useful. (Brown, 1990, pp. 144-146) So, even practicing and correcting many times,
for sure even at advance level, C1 or C2 (***, 2001, pp. 21-42), the speakers will have specific errors
based on their mother-tongue language. Even Lado affirms that “learners are likely not to hear
differences between phonemes if the difference is not a phonemic one” (Lado, 1961, p. 15).
More convergent are the ideas when referring to real-life speaking activities. In those situations all
the authors we’ve seen agree on the fact that the fluency shouldn’t be affected by the accuracy (Linse,
2005, p. 61; Harmer, 2007; Brown & Yule, 1984; Scrivener, 2005, pp. 161-161). What is different in
all these last views is the way the errors are recommended to be corrected. While Linse suggests
reformulation (Linse, 2005, p. 61), Jeremy Harmer offers several different possibilities: reformulation,
discussion with the class or separately with the student and even the immediate correction, if this was
decided with the students before (Harmer, 2007).
The questionnaires administered to teachers
The teachers’ questionnaire had two parts, one referring to teaching and one, to assessment. In the first
part there was a question with 6 options (from
practices that were presented in the studies we’ve seen. The question was:
activities during the class, how do you correct the mistakes that occur (grammar, vocabulary,
pronunciation, word order or other type of mistakes): a. I interrupt and correct immediately; b. I ask the
other students to say the right form; c. I write the mistake on the blackboard, I explain and correct it; d. I
reformulate immediately the mistaken phrase; e. I note down the mistakes and I discuss them with all the
students at the end of the activity; f. I write down the mistakes and I discuss them with the student that
The first remark we should make is that the teachers chose up to four different ways of correcting
spoken productions, some even in contradiction (for example,
We can easily affirm that the teachers use more than one ways of correction. The preferred methods are
presented in
easiest technique for correction, the immediate correction, which was also one of the least
recommended ones by the specialists. On the other hand it’s the feedback offered separately, which
wasn’t chosen by anybody, because it wasn’t considered as a valid technique. The teachers commented
on this option as it follows: “usually there isn’t enough time to use this method. Anyway, a group
discussion seems to be more useful for everyone” or “If there are students that do not accept to be
corrected with their colleagues present, then we can use it, but we don’t trust is a profitable technique
for anyone.”
The teachers that chose the first option in spite of the recommendations motivated their choice
saying that “experience shows them that there are different types of students that need to be corrected
on the spot, otherwise they do not realize they’ve made a mistake.” We agree with the stated idea, there
are for sure students that prefer these option, but you might tend to use this method for everyone,
situation that will make uncomfortable some of the other students. Besides these teachers, there are
others that didn’t wanted to use this method, but “after discussing with their students they started to use
it”, due to the fact that this was the right way for those students. We’ve observed a third category, those
believing that simple mistakes need short interventions: “being a simple mistake, which doesn’t need
explanations, which might be a slip, can be immediately corrected” or “Being communicative
activities, I do not believe the errors are so serious, that is why I don’t give a lot of time to correct
them, so I correct them on the spot.” So, the contradiction comes between the statements that the errors
aren’t so important while the focus is on communication, and the fact that the teacher still interrupts the
communication in favour of accuracy, thing that undoes the initial idea. We’ve been able to see in all
the answers the tendency to give more importance to the accuracy (especially phonetic and
grammatical accuracy) in the expense of the fluency. The teachers tend to interrupt the speech in order
to correct a word said incorrectly or a grammatical structure used inappropriately instead of leaving the
act of communication taking place. If we want a real-life situation we consider that the right choice is
to let the partners do their parts, for sure the interlocutor will ask the speaker to repeat what he didn’t
understand or even more, he will correct his partner in speech by reformulating the idea stated before
or just resaying it correctly. So, everything might be solved in the end without our intervention. If not,
there will always be the other methods we can use.
From the graph we can see that option
teachers declared to use it. They justified their options saying that they use it “only when the focus of
the activity is the accuracy itself.” or “in the case of a mistake that shouldn’t be happening at one
specific level”. Those that chose the option
on the backboard and I try to obtain the right answer from the student that made the mistake, then from
the colleagues” or, they say they use it if more students make the same error. On the other hand, if the
mistake is not so serious, the teachers say they use reformulation, especially in questions or when it is a
word order error. The last type of correction, the discussion at the end, with the group, based on the
errors written down during the activity, the teachers say they use it when “there is time” or when “the
same mistakes repeat frequently and explanations are needed”, especially during discussions, debates
or arguments. There are teachers that consider this method to be time consuming and also difficult for
the teacher. It is true it needs a lot of energy and attention from teacher’s part, but we believe it can be
very useful for all the group. Maybe the teacher can choose to focus on a certain type of errors after the
Besides the 6 methods known in the specialized literature and included in the questionnaire, the
teachers questioned proposed 2 other ways, some with equivalent in the literature, some not. So, one
teacher said that she established a code with the students so that she is able to correct some mistakes
(pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary) on the spot. When she takes the hand to the ear the student
knows that there is an error that he tries to correct, and if he isn’t able to, his intervention isn’t stopped.
We believe that this technique could be useful in the case of simple errors like a word used or said
inadequately, or in the situation of a grammatical structure used incorrectly, because it doesn’t put the
student in an uncomfortable situation, but it can’t be used if the message is not well-transmitted or the
order of the words in phrase is inadequate. Maybe, it could be useful to set three signs, one for each
problem, to give more clues to the student talking and making the self-correction more probable.
Another method used by one of the RFL teachers is tongue twisters, in order to fix the pronunciation
errors, but also for learning new grammatical structures, exercises recommended also by Linse, to
develop fluency. Furthermore, the author suggests real-life examples of tongue twisters, made by the
students after some examples (Linse, 2005, p. 60).
In what the evaluation is concerned we could notice that the teachers share a common opinion: “we
do not interrupt and correct during assessment”. However, two out of the twelve subjects use to note
down the errors during assessment and discuss them with the students, without naming the ones that
did the mistakes. Not forgetting that the purpose of our activity is teaching the students a foreign
language, we don’t think that discussing the errors after the exams is a wrong choice, but helpful for
the students, even though many errors might have been made due to the pressure of the exam. So,
maybe in the case that the teacher from the group is also examining/evaluating his own students he will
be able to keep in mind only the important mistakes or situations in which the message wasn’t
transmitted, and omitting to discuss the errors that the student wouldn’t make in a stress-free situation.
The questionnaires administered to students
A very similar questionnaire was given to the students, too. The first question intended to verify if
the answers given by the teachers matched with the ones given by the students. So, they were asked to
say how the teachers correct the mistakes made during speaking activities. The same options the
teachers had were given to them, too, and the answers are presented below. We should keep in mind
that some of the students chose two options, confirming the idea stated in subsection
teachers use more than one method for correction. Out of the 50 students 35 said that the teacher
corrects the mistakes immediately, while 15 of them claimed that the teacher interrupts, but asks for the
right form from the students. The rest of 20 students said that the correcting of the mistakes takes place
after finishing the sentence/intervention, by writing the answer on the blackboard. None of the students
said that the teacher discusses at the end of the activity with the group or separately the errors occurred
during that activity. If we go back to the answers given by the teachers it is easy to notice that there are
some inconsistencies between the two groups at the answers unregistered by the students. Even though
the first three options coincide, that is correction occurring immediately, with the help of the colleagues
and by writing the right form on the blackboard, none of the students chose the options referring to the
teacher reformulating the sentence or the one referring to the group discussion at the end of the class.
We could notice that 5, respectively, 6 teachers claimed to use that method of error correction. So, we
could conclude saying that this inconsistency might be happening due to the fact that the students do
not realize the error correction which could show that the method isn’t in fact working, if they do not
see that they are corrected, they won’t change the way they use the language.
With the second question given to the students we’ve tried to find out how they are feeling while
different types of error correction happen. So, the question was:
interrupts you and corrects what you were saying?, b. the teacher writes the error you made on the
blackboard and explains it for all your colleagues?, c. the teacher explains why is something wrong
without saying who did the mistake?, d. the teacher explains separately what you said wrong?
At the first option
interrupted, even more they think that “in this way they will talk better” against what the studies say on
the immediate error correction (
our students are exclusively adults, really motivated to learn and to use the language as efficiently as
possible. And even working with the adults, there were 6 students confessing that they do not feel
comfortable if they are corrected and their colleagues can see that. This situation might result from the
fact that the adults are also very competitive, so they do not want the others see them
second option
way they find out it’s not a problem. There were also a number of 10 students that said
presented before. They are competitive, they don’t feel comfortable knowing that others see them
doing something wrong. Four of the students didn’t write anything at this question. At the third option
confidence, while 4 think is necessary for the teacher to say who did the mistake, because they might
not know it is about them. Again, four students didn’t give an answer. In what concerns the last option
motivated and they understand quicker if they are alone. Only 7 of them believe it’s not a good way of
error correction, because they trust that other students make the same mistakes and the explanations
can be useful for the others, too. Again, five students didn’t answer. It is a bit strange this last answer
taking into account the fact that the students stated that there isn’t happening that the error correction to
be given separately, fact confirmed by the teachers’ answers. This inconsistency can result from the
fact that the students might have said what they think they would feel in this case, not what really
The last question directed to the students was: If you were to choose, while speaking how would you
coincides with the practice confessed by the teachers that is immediate error correction, and in
contradiction with what the specialists recommended. The other choices, at distance from the first one,
are: at the end, with the colleagues, explanations on the blackboard and 2 students chose separately.
Even though this subject was approached in several studies in RFL, until this point we couldn’t
find a practical analysis on this matter, only a description of the recommended error correction methods
by the specialists. By our study we think we confirm these recommendations and furthermore we bring
the students’ point of view on this subject compared to the teachers’ one. A general observation we can
draw from our study regarding the questioned teachers is the fact that they are aware of what the
current theories are recommending. So, one teachers says: “we shouldn’t intervene immediately
because if we have an emotional student there is a big chance that he will stop and will not find the
courage to continue. That is why it is preferable to write down the errors and explain what isn’t correct
after his intervention is finished.” Another one declares: “it isn’t recommended to correct immediately
the mistakes, because we’ll make the student not to speak anymore”. And even knowing these
implications, they are still using more other ways of correction, as described in section
the least recommended technique, the immediate correction. On the other hand, we were able to see
that many of the students questioned don’t have a problem with this method, even more they find it
useful. But we should keep in mind that the responses were different, which shows us that the teachers’
intuition might have been right when using various error correction techniques in class. From the
results obtained we can say that in order to have better results during the speaking activities the
teachers should customize the method they use depending on the student in question. In our help comes
Harmer with a very interesting and efficient idea, from our point of view. He suggests that “perhaps the
best way of correcting errors in speaking activities appropriately is to talk to students about it. You can
ask them how and when they would prefer to be corrected; you can explain how you intend to correct
during these stages, and show them how different activities may mean different correction behaviour
on your part.” (Harmer, 2007))
Limitations and Further Research
From our analysis, we were able to see that the three opinions taken into discussion in this study
come and don’t come so much together. In what concerns the preferred method in error correction of
spoken productions, both the teachers and the students chose the immediate correction, which was
confusing taking into account the fact that the suggested one is the correction after the spoken
intervention, which was the second choice for both groups. The reason behind this option could be the
fact that all our subjects were adults, much more motivated. Another conclusion we can draw from here
is the fact that neither of the choice was unanimous, in any case there were subjects opposing to one
method or the other. This might suggest we need to talk to all the students in order to find the right
error correction method suitable for everyone, because learning a new language needs cosines.
We realize that the results of this study, for the moment are representative only for our university’s
situation, due to the small number of our subjects and cannot be considered as illustrative for RFL in
general. In order to confirm our findings and to make suggestions on the efficiency of one method or
the other a larger number of subjects is needed, from different universities.
- *** (2001). Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Strasbourg: Language Policy Unit.
- Bailey, K. (2005). Practical English Language Teaching: Speaking. New York: McGraw Hill.
- Brown, G. (1990). Listening to Spoken English. London and New York: Longman.
- Brown, G., Yule, G. (1984). Teaching the Spoken Language. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
- Burlacu, D., Platon, E., Sonea, I. (2011). Procesul de predare/învățare a limbii române ca limbă nematernă (RLNM) la ciclul primar. RLNM: P1- ciclul primar. Cluj-Napoca: Casa Cărții de Știință.
- Harmer, J. (2007). The Practice of English Language Teaching. London: Longman.
- Lado, R. (1961). Language Testing. New York: McGraw Hill.
- Linse, C.T. (2005). Practical English Language Teaching. Young learners. New York: McGraw-Hill.
- Scrivener, J. (2005). Learning Teaching. A Guidebook for English Language Teachers. Oxford: Macmillan.
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Publication Date
04 October 2016
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Communication, communication studies, social interaction, moral purpose of education, social purpose of education
Cite this article as:
Arieșan*, A., & Vasiu, L. (2016). Error Correction. Case Study: Romanian as a Foreign Language (RFL) Speaking Activities. In A. Sandu, T. Ciulei, & A. Frunza (Eds.), Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty, vol 15. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 77-85). Future Academy. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2016.09.10