Dialogue of Cultures of Teaching of Russian as a foreign Language in the Chinese Audience: Approaches and Solutions


The article is devoted to the development of scientific and methodological approaches to the implementation of one of the most important principles in teaching Russian as a foreign language in the Chinese audience - the principle of dialogue of languages and cultures. The purpose of the article - to analyze the educational and methodical literature, as well as experience in teaching Russian as a foreign language in the Chinese audience with standpoint of ways of implementing the principle of dialogue of languages and cultures and on the basis of the analysis to develop a scientific and methodical recommendations for teachers of Russian as a foreign language. The leading methods in the study of the problem used include: analysis, description, generalization. In the course of research the author concludes that in modern linguistics there are two directions in the implementation of the principle of dialogue of languages and cultures: 1) instruction in the Russian language in the context of Russian culture; 2) learning the Russian language through knowledge of Russian Culture in cooperation with the language and culture of other nations. The second approach is most suitable for teaching Russian as a foreign language in the Chinese audience. Dialogue of languages and cultures is realized in textbooks and manuals on Russian as a foreign language through the lexical and phraseological fund, as well as through texts of culturological information. The necessity of the interconnected training to Russian language and Russian culture with the involvement of various works of arts include: literature, painting, music, theater, cinema and various cultural institutions such as museums, etc. This study is of interest to trainers, teachers and practitioners who teach Russian as a foreign language.

Keywords: Russian as a foreign language, the principle of dialogue of languages and cultures, Chinese audience, Russian culture


To the teacher of Russian as a foreign language it is important to be aware of this principle in

studying, which is the principle of dialogue of languages and cultures. As is well known, through

language the introduction to the national and cultural values, the achievements of world science and

culture occur. It becomes important comprehension of the Russian language as the spiritual values of

the people, as an integral part of its national culture. For each language stands a whole culture of the

people, a special vision of the world (language picture of the world). As pointed out by V.A.Maslova,

"two national cultures (the native culture and the culture of the studied language) never coincide

completely, that is, they have a universality for the majority of people and national" (Maslova 2012).

Thus, the language always embodies the uniqueness of the people, national vision of the world and

national culture. The inclusion of information about Russian language as a means of expression of the

national culture of the people to the textbooks and manuals, the peculiarities of the Russian language,

about its identity, uniqueness, an aesthetic value. This notion of stereotypes Russian verbal behavior,

including speech etiquette, Russian word-realities include specific details of Russian life, folklore and

history. This widespread using of the texts in general is recreating Russian national and cultural

background. Studying together language and culture of the people is represented by the reflection of

culture in a word, Idiom in the text system. However, a leading company in it is the Russian people's

knowledge of culture in its meeting with other cultures in the dialogue of cultures - the culture of the

Russian people and other peoples.

How can we realize the principle of dialogue of languages and cultures in teaching Russian as a

foreign language? What difficulties can the teacher experience in teaching Chinese students? Let us try

to understand these issues.

This problem was reflected in the research of many scientists Methodist (Ter-Minasova, 2008;

Shakirova, 2008; Hodyakova, 2012; Lysakova, 2014; Biktagirova, 2014; Yusupova, 2012; Yusupova

2014; Andramonova, 2014; Nurullina, 2014; Yusupova, 2015) and other valuable methodological

solutions of the principle of dialogue between cultures as we find in the educational and methodical

works: (Shchukin, 1999; Balykhina, 2010; Liu Hong, 2010; Antonova 2013; Antonova, 2014; Lu Yu,

2015) and others. The authors propose various forms, methods and techniques for the implementation

of the principle of the dialogue of cultures on the lessons of Russian as a foreign language, some of

them actively used in a practice. However, to a lesser extent the methodical use of the interconnected

pieces of different kinds of art in training Russian language in the Chinese audience. We believe that it

is necessary to pay special attention to the implementation of the principle of dialogue between cultures

in language teaching.

Material and methods

To achieve this goal such methods have been used, such as analysis, description, synthesis,

comparison, classification, observation, experiment. The aim of our study is to analyze the existing

guidelines for the implementation of the principle of intercultural dialogue in teaching Russian as a

foreign language and offer the most optimal way of studying together Russian language and Russian

culture in the Chinese audience in terms of training in the language environment. For the study

involved researchers working on the theory and practice of cultural linguistics, linguistic studies on the

language picture of the world, on methods of teaching Russian in a foreign audience, textbooks and

manuals on Russian for Chinese audiences.

The results

In modern linguistics there are two directions in the implementation of the principle of dialogue of

languages and cultures: 1) instruction in the Russian language in the context of Russian culture; 2)

knowledge of the Russian culture in interaction with other cultures. Dialogue of languages and cultures

is realized in modern textbooks and manuals on Russian as a foreign language. As the S.G. Ter-

Minasova notes, "tongue - a mirror of the culture, it reflects not only the real world surrounding the

person, not just the actual conditions of his life, but also the social consciousness of the people, their

mentality, national character and way of life, traditions, customs, morals, system values, outlook,

vision of the world "(Ter-Minasova, 2008).

According to L.Z. Shakirova point of view "connection between language and culture should be

considered in two aspects: the first, in terms of how students in the process of mastering the

communicative function of speech of Russian language will know the culture and traditions of its

carrier, and secondly, as agents of the Russian language, they deepen their knowledge of other cultures

"(Shakirova, 2008).

The culture primarily occurs through a textual foundation. Text organization of educational material

allows the authors to put in the course of Russian idea of the interconnected studying of languages and

cultures. The first is the texts about Russia, about famous people (scientists, military leaders,

composers, etc.), about the holidays, traditions, objects of decorative art (Khokhloma, Palekh, etc.),

about art, music, Russian speech etiquette, etc. At the same time with an acquaintance about Russian

culture, in some textbooks for the Chinese audience there are parallel information about Chinese

culture, traditions and festivals. For example, in the New Year in Russia and China; how to greet, how

to thank, what gifts to give, etc. Thus, foreign students have the opportunity to see more clearly and

visually the originality and specificity of native Russian culture. This is especially important if the

Chinese students studying Russian language in Russia, students are in the language environment, living

and studying in Russian universities. For example, in the Kazan Federal University for many years in

different faculties earn Chinese bachelor students, undergraduates and graduate students. Living and

studying in Kazan in Kazan Federal University, Chinese students have the opportunity to get

acquainted with the Russian and Tatar culture. For example, Chinese students have great pleasure in

trying the national dish, and compare Russian, Tatar and Chinese traditions, festivals, customs, cuisine,


Broadcasters of the dialogue of cultures are primarily textbooks of Russian as a foreign language. A

worthy place in the Russian language textbooks occupy a genre of oral folklore: riddles, proverbs and

sayings. As it is known, knowledge of proverbs and sayings attaches foreign students to popular

wisdom, enrich their vocabulary. Foreign students are happy to get acquainted with Russian literature,

recite poems of Alexander Pushkin and other Russian poets. For example, each year the Day of the

Russian language - 6 of June (the birthday of Pushkin) - Chinese philology students recite poems in

Russian, English, Chinese.

A public opinion poll, organized between 2 Chinese courses students-philologists, who are taught at

the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication named Leo Tolstoy Kazan Federal

University, showed us that students know about the Russian culture and how this knowledge helps

them in intercultural communication, etc.

Dialogue of languages and cultures allows teachers of the Russian language as a foreign language to

immerse Chinese students to the Russian culture, to help them in intercultural communication.

We believe that the translator of a dialogue between cultures can act not only on literature, but also

the works of other art forms, which, in our opinion, have received insufficient use in the practice of

teaching of Russian language. We are talking about music, painting, theater, cinema, museums, which

in conjunction with the literature can help Chinese students overcome intercultural interference,

language and cultural barriers, to better understand the culture of the people – which language they

study. For example, the ability to read passages from the works of Alexander Pushkin's "Queen of

Spades" and watching the play at the same name; Read the story by Mikhail Sholokhov, "The destiny

of man" and watching the movie which have the same name; visiting M. Gorky museum and reading

excerpts from his autobiographical works, etc.


Implementation of the dialogue of cultures in teaching Russian as a foreign language to the Chinese

students at Kazan Federal University through introduction to the general cultural and national values of

the Russian people and other people living in Russia by attracting pieces of different kinds of arts:

literature, music, painting, theater, cinema. Chinese students have formed an idea of Russian culture,

reflected in language and speech. On this basis, there is a dialogue of Russian culture with the native

culture of the students.


The work is performed according to the Russian Government Program of Competitive Growth of

Kazan Federal University.


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20 July 2016

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Future Academy



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Teacher, teacher training, teaching skills, teaching techniques, organization of education, management of education, FLT, language, language teaching theory, language teaching methods

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Yusupova, Z. F. (2016). Dialogue of Cultures of Teaching of Russian as a foreign Language in the Chinese Audience: Approaches and Solutions. In R. Valeeva (Ed.), Teacher Education - IFTE 2016, vol 12. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 203-207). Future Academy. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2016.07.33