The Use of Moderation Technology at Lessons of Russian Language as the Development of Pupils’ Cognitive Activity


The paper is devoted to the study of the moderation technology as one of the modern and productive educational technologies aimed at the development of informative activity of pupils at the lessons of Russian language. The article reveals the essence of "moderation technology," describes in detail each of the stages defined within this technology. The author describes various active teaching methods as the argument for the stated ideas and as the examples for a full disclosure of the content of each of the stages of moderation technology. It is the use of new teaching methods that allow students to generate interest in studied subject, to improve the ability to work independently, to develop communication skills and abilities. The article describes the positive aspects of learning based on moderation technology: the increase in motivation of students, the stimulation of their cognitive activity and creativity. The model of formation of cognitive activity of pupils under the conditions of using moderation techniques at the lessons of Russian language is formulated in this research and the educational competences that the student must master are defined.

Keywords: Moderation technology, the development of pupils’ cognitive activity, lessons of Russian language, active teaching methods


Questions of improving the quality of student learning and raising the efficiency of the teaching

process has remained an important task in modern methodology since the history of the methods

science revival and up to the present. The scholars regard the introduction of new technologies into the

practice of teaching as the most important condition for the intellectual, creative and moral

development of students. The use of modern pedagogical technologies designed to solve the problem

of development of pupils’ cognitive activity; focused on the development of personality socialization

of students in the formation of their competencies.

In accordance with the individual learning needs of each person and its free development, the

modern education system offers a variety of training systems. The task of the Russian language teacher

is to create the conditions for productive activity of students, for the development of their cognitive

activity and creativity. It is the use of new educational technologies that allows to create in students the

ability to work independently, allows to develop communication skills, master the skills of the

collection, research and analysis of the information (Stupina, 2009).

Training on the basis of moderation technology leads to the increase in motivation of students, to the

stimulation of their cognitive activity and creativity, comprehensive discovery and development of

their abilities. The creative nature of learning, enthusiasm, positive attitude of pupils have a motivating

effect on the teacher, allowing the maintaining of efficiency and a good mood for a long time. These

effects of moderation technology used fully comply with modern requirements for school education,

ensuring the achievement of qualitative learning outcomes, and satisfaction of all participants in the

educational process.

1.1. Problem statement

At a lesson of the Russian language sometimes, unfortunately, there is a low cognitive activity of

students in the study of the subject. The task of the teacher is to identify student interest, motivation to

learn the Russian language. Moderation technology is aimed at solving this problem. The teacher,

speaking in the person of the moderator, creates an informal working environment, gains the trust of

the group, mobilizes knowledge, creativity and interaction of participants. Each student brings

experience, knowledge, skills in group discussion. Activation of cognitive activity allows creating in

students all educational competences.

1. Which active teaching methods can be used in the implementation of the moderation technology?

2. What model of the development of pupils’ cognitive activity can be created based on the

moderation technology?

Purpose of the study:

1. To perform educational and scientific literature on the research problem.

2. Identify the steps of the moderation technology and to describe them using active teaching


3. To create a model of the development of pupils’ cognitive activity.

Research methods

Melnikova (2014) identifies the following phases (stages) in moderation technology:

- Initiation (beginning of the lesson, acquaintance);

- Entry or immersion into the topic (informing of the lesson aims);

- Formation of students' expectations (planning the lesson effects);

- Interactive lecture (reproducing and explanation of information);

- Working over the matter of the topic (group work of students);

- Summing up (reflection, lesson evaluation);

- Emotional discharge (warm-up).

For the realization of each stage it is important to use. It is their use that

will ensure the formation of cognitive activity of students. Questions and tasks must necessarily be

problematic, research, educational and creative nature of different levels of difficulty and complexity.

Technology moderation involves group work – each student should be involved in solving the problem.

For example, in the "initiation" phase such method of teaching as "Enjoy your epithet" can be used.

The lesson begins with an unusual greeting. Saying hello students remember a lot of beautiful words -

epithets. For example, the greeting can be as follows: "Good morning on this gloomy, sad autumn

day"; "Let the bright sun - the lord of light and warmth - warm your soul and give a radiant smile", etc.

The teacher gives a bright postcard to a student who gives more adjectives and metaphors. At the same

time students can use compliments greeting their classmates. For example: "Hi, Maria! You have a

radiant smile! "," Hello, Sasha! You have skillful hands!" etc.

The phase of "Entry or immersion into the topic" suggests teacher’s informing of the lesson aims.

There are many methods for successful entry and immersing children into the theme of the lesson.

These methods are aimed at the development of analytical thinking, logical reasoning, they develop

cognitive activity of students. Thus, the method of "Mysterious word" may be used in this phase.

Children can be offered to guess the word (this word is the name of the theme of the lesson) in a

crossword. The questions for the crossword on the lessons of the Russian language can be associated

with vocabulary, grammar. Students actualize the knowledge of the material covered, learn to quickly

answer questions.

Next, after the children’s entry into the topic of the lesson should come with the phase "Formation

of students' expectations (planning the lesson effects)", in which different training methods can also be

used. For example, the "Tree of expectations", "Bus Stop", "Shopping list", "Wishes Tree", "Colorful

pages" "Seven-colored flower", "Orchard", "Forecast", "Wings and teeth" and others (Active teaching

methods аt the lesson of the Russian language). Each of these methods can effectively help to conduct

clarifying the expectations and concerns of the lesson. Of course, this phase is deeply connected with

the psychology of the students. Some students are afraid to express their thoughts, afraid to make a

mistake, do not believe in themselves. This phase allows children to express their feelings and thoughts

about the lesson. Each student has the opportunity to predict the lesson and its result.

Prediction of the lesson allows teaching students to choose the optimum methods and technologies

of training in accordance with the content of the educational material, age-related possibilities, personal

achievements and current problems of the students in the field of mastering the Russian language. Each

student is an individual personality with his interest to the world, to the subject in school. Someone

from the students like, for example, the phonetics of the Russian language, someone is having fun

exploring the morphology or syntax. Under the topic "adjective" with students "Basket of expectations”

method was conducted. Students were given drawings of fruits and vegetables. On the flip side,

students had to express their thoughts about the lesson and throw the "fruits and vegetables" into the

basket. Among the records of the disciples were these: "I would like to know the history of the origin

of gender category", "I've heard about this category, today I learn more about it " etc.

After a successful immersion into the topic of the lesson, children directly come with the phase

"Interactive lecture (reproducing and explanation of information)". Interactive lecture requires the

active participation of the participants and the constant processing of information. Interactive lecture

combines the aspects of a traditional lecture and training games. Interactive lecture participants are

required to talk to each other (student to student, student to students) and to the lecturer (student to

teacher), to participate actively in the search and processing of information. This phase in any case

should not become a game. We must remember that this lecture considers a teacher’s presentation.

At present the teachers often prepare different presentations for the lessons of Russian language.

The use of presentations means an effective introduction of information technologies in education. The

application of information technologies to language education allows to facilitate the work of teachers

immensely, to improve students' motivation to study, the efficiency and quality of education.

Information technology combined with well-chosen teaching technologies creates the necessary level

of quality, variation, differentiation and individualization of education (Information Technology in

Linguistics, 2013).

“Working over the matter of the topic” phase implies group work of students. Currently a

becomes very popular in the classroom. The essence of the quest game is to perform a certain

number of tasks, focused on different aspects of revision, synthesis and study of the material in the

Russian language on the given topic. The game organizer is a teacher and he supervises the

participants. Quest content is based on the performance of a large number of game tasks by the

participants. To realize the full functional capacity of this educational technology on the part of

teachers it is necessary to implement error-free distribution of roles in the team. On the part of students

- to demonstrate the ability to find a common language with each other, the ability to listen to the

arguments of the opponent, to be able to apply the knowledge of the foundations of analysis, logical

confirm of correct results of the exercises, instant response to the situation (Karavka, 2015). In addition

to the quest games different active learning technologies can be used to work out the content of the


To test the learned material the method of "Traffic light" can be used, which involves checking the

quality of the knowledge and skills of students, the reproduction of the acquired material; logical and

consistent presentation by the students of their knowledge, the ability of the students to prove and

substantiate what was said. The method is as follows. On the board are three circles, drawn like a

traffic light. But they are not colored. The students have cards of 3 colors (red, yellow, green). The

teacher in the course of testing the knowledge of students asks them questions. The students' answers

are evaluated by cards in three colors. These cards are then attached to the board. As a result, we will

see what color of the traffic light "lighted up": green (the material has been mastered), yellow (the

material is mastered not very well, there are many inaccuracies in the responses of the students), red

(the material is not mastered).

After a successful working over the content of the topic an important part of the lesson is reflection

suggesting summarizing the results of the lesson. Reflection of the content of the material is used to

identify the level of awareness of the studied material content. The main purpose of the reflection stage

of the lesson is the awareness of the students’ method of overcoming difficulties and self-esteem of the

results of its independent activities.

To achieve this goal, students specify the error correction, referred to as the modes of action that

caused the obstruction, record the degree of compliance with the objectives and results of activities,

assess their own activities in the classroom, set goals follow-up activities in accordance with the results

of the activities in the lesson, agree on homework.

At the end of the lesson each student evaluates his contribution to the achievement of the goals set at

the beginning of the lesson, his own activity, class performance, excitement and usefulness of selected

forms of work. Children in a circle express it in one sentence, selecting the beginning of the sentence

("today I learned...", "it was interesting...", "it was hard...", "I did the job...", "I realized that...", "I felt

that...", "I was surprised...", "lesson gave me for life...", "I wanted...", etc.)

In addition to above mentioned phases a warm-up takes an important place at a lesson. A method of

"Hvalilki" (praising) may be used. The essence of this method is the following. Students should put the

right hand on their own head, pat it and say, "Oh, I’m such a good boy (girl)!”. Then they put a hand on

the neighbor's head, pat it and say, "Oh, you are such a good boy (girl)!"

The development of the aims, principles, content and moderation technologies is based on

pedagogical, psychological and sociological aspects, aimed at the concerned and active participation of

all students in the educational process, at the insurance of comfort of each student during the lesson, at

the forming of insistence of students in the achievement of results (Stupina S.B., 2009).


Clarifying the structure of formation of cognitive activity and considering the presence of

moderation technology in the Russian language teaching, we can create a model of development of

cognitive activity of students:

1) Creation of a positive attitude to the school subject

Understanding of student attitude is very important in supporting their achievement and interest

toward a particular discipline. Attitudes are psychological constructs theorized to be composed of

emotional, cognitive and behavioural components (Sofeme Reuben Jebson & Amos Zamni Hena,


2) Formation of interest of students to the subject

The undeniable role of the teacher in the implementation of moderation technology and formation of

interest of students to the subject is great (Rakhimova, D.I. & Yusupova, Z.F., 2015; Yusupova, Z.F.,

2015). The traditional view of the learning process is typically teacher-centred, with teachers are doing

most of the talking and intellectual work, students are passive receptacles of the information provided.

This is not to indicate that the traditional lecture method is without value, as it allows the teacher to

quickly convey lots of information to students and is a useful strategy for recall or rote learning

(Information and communication technologies in teacher education, 2002). The teacher should

organize educational activities not only to form knowledge, skills and abilities of school children, but

also to stimulate the development and formation of their cognitive activity at Russian language lessons.

3): linguistic (acquirement of skills and abilities of

analyzing the phenomena and the facts of the language, formation of evaluation and self-esteem skills),

language (the gradual mastery of the richness of the native language, enriching vocabulary and

grammatical structure of speech of students, mastering the rules of the language), communicative

(ability to possess different kinds of speech activity in different spheres of communication),

culturological (understanding of language as a form of cultural expression) (Andramonova N. &

Usmanova L., 2014; Nurullina, G.M., 2014).

4) Formation of tolerant attitude towards others.

Multi-culturalism emerged, often unanticipated, as a social condition that affected many

communities and had a major impact on their schools. Classrooms have become microcosms of the

cultural diversity of global society and cross-cultural understanding has become a primary requirement

of a healthy learning climate in schools around the world. A culture of peace thus requires an education

planned and guided by the values of peace, human rights, democracy and, at its very core, tolerance

(Tolerance, 1994).


The organization of the educational process based on the latest educational technologies and taking

into account psycho-physiological characteristics and the personal interests of students allows

achieving high results of educational activity. The growth of self-reliance and responsibility of the

students for the learning outcomes related to their new role and new functions in the educational

process, awareness and consistency of the aims of teaching to the individual needs of pupils, their

acquisition of not only the actual subject knowledge but of vital skills and qualities, respect for all

participants of the process to each other - these are the important effects of moderation that provide the

achievement of the goals of modern education.


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20 July 2016

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Future Academy



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Teacher, teacher training, teaching skills, teaching techniques, organization of education, management of education, FLT, language, language teaching theory, language teaching methods

Cite this article as:

Nurullina, G. M., Usmanova, L. A., & Rakhimova, D. I. (2016). The Use of Moderation Technology at Lessons of Russian Language as the Development of Pupils’ Cognitive Activity. In R. Valeeva (Ed.), Teacher Education - IFTE 2016, vol 12. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 173-179). Future Academy.