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The Psychological Aspects of Cross-Cultural Differences in Organizational Culture

Table 2: Spearman correlation coefficient values for the representatives of the Kazakh culture

Kazakh culture Universalism Self-direction Hedonism Achievement Power Security Uncertainty avoidance index  (UAI) Individualism (IDV) vs. collectivism
Conformity 0,547* -0,551* -0,515* 0,518*
Tradition 0,539* -0,699** -0,605*
Benevolence 0,562* -0,605* 0,821**
Self-direction -0,605*
Stimulation 0,572* 0,858** 0,795**
Hedonism 0,645** 0,821** -0,567*
Achievement 0,808**
Power distance index  (PDI) -0,599*
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