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Digital Competences in School Education: Selfie. Current Perspectives and Challenges

Table 2: Digital Competence framework for citizens (Carretero et al., 2017)

1. Information and data literacy 1.1. Browsing, searching, filtering data, information and digital content1.2. Evaluating data, information and digital content1.3. Managing data, information and digital content
2. Communication and collaboration 2.1. Interacting through digital technologies2.2. Sharing through digital technologies2.3. Engaging in citizenship through digital technologies2.4. Collaborating through digital technologies2.5. Netiquette2.6. Managing digital identity
3. Digital content creation 3.1. Developing digital content3.2. Integrating and re-elaborating digital content3.3. Copyright and licences3.4. Programming
4. Safety 4.1. Protecting devices4.2. Protecting personal data and privacy 4.3 Protecting health and well-being4.4. Protecting the environment
5. Problem solving 5.1. Solving technical problems5.2. Identifying needs and technological responses5.3. Creatively using digital technologies5.4. Identifying digital competence gaps
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