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Principle of Psychocentrism in Designing Curriculum for Adult᾽s Learning and Education

Table 1: Peculiarities of Psychic Processes in Adults

Perception Memory Thinking Attention Personality
In adulthood, the informational content of perception is rich, complex and objective.All the senses (auditory, visual, gustatory, olfactory) register a decline after a certain point during maturity (after the first period - 45 years), but this is gradual and relatively small. In addition, the loss of sensory capacity can be compensated by causing minor lifestyle changes.From a sensory point of view, it has been found that different professions improve visual perception and observation.Changes are dependent on human professional activity, some sensory abilities being perfected or maintained through professionalization. The qualities of memory (volume, suppleness, fidelity) are dependent on the structure of life demands, the use of mnemoschemes, memory strategies.Mechanical memory decreases after 40 years, and short-term memory after 50 years, but ideas are retained even after 60 years, due to their own “semantic anchors”.Fixation and retention have a longer “longevity” compared to recognition and reproduction, which decreases slightly after 55 years.Professional identity influences and gives a certain meaning to life. From a cognitive point of view, it is considered that at this age adults think integratively and that they solve most efficiently the practical problems, having the best performances in this sphere, compared to people in other stages of life.In terms of intellect, a good performance is maintained up to 55-60 years (verbal comprehension, cognitive mobility, reasoning); technical intelligence and intuition are maintained with good performance up to 60-65 years.The results indicate that during maturity there is a level of performance approximately equal to that of youth for thinking, memory and verbal fluency, and spatial orientation. The adult is characterized by openness to new experiences, promptness, freshness in appreciations (non-conformity, lack of rigidity).Distributive attention is “efficient” between 25 and 50 years, slightly decreases the ability of long-term attention and visual acuity, requiring glasses.Adult attention evolves under the influence of social, cultural, extra-professional, informal/non-formal concerns, which create important resources for balance and expression.Lifelong learning, adult education alleviates existing inequalities in training and prolongs the duration of participation in social life by training all functions and cognitive psychic, motivational-affective, volitional phenomena. Abraham Maslow enumerated a series of peculiarities on the basis of which we could characterize the adult age, of a personality that is actualizing itself to the maximum and realizing its potential, these being the following:acceptance of reality;acceptance of own person and others;passion for his/her occupation/ profession, goal orientation, activity; autonomy, independence (in thought, action);social feeling - attentive and benevolent attitude towards other people, ability to help others;openness to new experiences, freshness in appreciation (non-conformity, lack of rigidity);spontaneity and authentic/true/ natural/authentic behavior;ethical certainty - the delimitation of the purposes of means, of the good from evil;sense of humor;deep but selective social relations;creative spirit.
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