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Teaching Strategies Created By Children In Dance Tutorial Videos

Table 1: Teaching strategies applied by children in dance tutorial videos on the media

Doing and saying what to do
Sub category Teaching strategy Explanation and examples
Doing what to do Demonstration Presentation of movements for imitation purpose.
Saying what to do Musical count Counting rhythm or sequence of movements (1, 2, 3, & 4; position 1, 2).
Action verb Saying action verbs when demonstrating movements (cross, switch, clap, tap).
Onomatopoeia Using words whose sound resembles what they signify (tam-tam, boom, bing).
Metaphor Using metaphors reminiscent of movement (plane, drum).
Singing and recitation Performing movements accompanied by singing or recitation song lyrics.
Body part Saying names of the body parts participating in the movement (arms, legs).
Space terms Using terms of space in the performance of movements (up, forward, left).
Doing and saying how to do it
Sub categories Teaching strategy Explanation and examples
Doing how to do it Repetition Repeating demonstration of movement several times.
Breaking down Dividing movements into several sub-movements or positions.
Instruction in sections Teaching each part on its own.
Pantomime and mimicking Presenting literal meaning of something in its functional form and comically.
Slowing down/ accelerating Slowing down movements so they can be followed/accelerating to show the skill aimed for.
Remaining in position Staying in the movements positions to give time for imitation.
Patterns of sequences Breaking down the movements and showing the format of movement sequences.
Linear instruction Teaching each movement by relying on a previous movement and expanding it.
Providing a challenge Setting up a challenge such as performing the movement at high speed.
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