Word-Formation Of Abbreviations – Based On The Denominations Of Russian State Organs


This article takes abbreviated names of state organizations of the Russian Federation of Internet news on the website of the Russian news agency «Sputnik» (http://sputniknews.cn/) as the main objects of study. An examples we have taken 42 popular names of state organs from the site. We analyse their word formation methods as abbreviations and their correct translations in Chinese. In the end, we found out that there are six ways of word-formation of abbreviated denominations of state organs in the Russian language. The elements of word formation can be the initial letters or sounds, the initial part of a word, the indirect case of a noun, an entire word and added letter. This article can help Chinese students learn the ways to form Russian abbreviations. Chinese and Russian students can also use this article as a reference guide for translating the names of Russian state organs from Russian to Chinese.

Keywords: Abbreviationsword-formationtranslationChineseRussian


With the increasing trends of globalization, the contacts and exchanges between countries and nations are becoming more and more, especially with China's good neighbor, friendly state and strategy partner Russia. In the Information Age, there is a growing demand for information exchange, more and more denominations of foreign state organs and organizations appear in Chinese news reports. One of the features of modern Newspapers is that parliamentary vocabulary plays a significant role in the language of modern Newspapers (Zemskaya, 2015). At the same time, due to the faster and faster pace of life in today's society, communication efficiency is required to improve, in Chinese news reports more and more abbreviated forms of names of foreign organizations are used, including names of political organizations of the Russian Federation. The rich emotionality and rhetorical color of abbreviations allow them to be widely used in the press and mass media (Deng, 2017). The names of Russian organizations are usually long and complex, they do not meet the needs of modern rhythm of life and communication, so the corresponding abbreviations representing complex concepts were produced (Qi, 2016). The application and popularization of Russian abbreviated words reflect the pragmatic trend of saving time and effort (Lu, 2017).

The role of abbreviations in the life of society can no longer be ignored. We can say that at this stage in any scientific work, in any media, including radio and television, abbreviations are actively used (Ren, 2015).

As Russian-Chinese relations continue to deepen, it is necessary to master not only basic language knowledge, but also related cultural contexts in the process of learning Russian (Kang, 2018).

The number of abbreviations for the names of international organizations is on the rise, however, judging by the special stylistic studies of newspaper news and the characteristics of teaching such issues for Russian students, the conversion of a large number of abbreviations for the names of international organizations, often mentioned in Chinese newspapers, has not been properly explained (Dan, 2013).

In Russian-Chinese dictionaries, translations of some names of Russian state organs are not standardized, some are not even included, which makes it difficult for students of the two countries to study. It is very meaningful to standardize their translation, taking the translations from the national main website as a reference.

Abbreviation is one of the ways of language compression. Abbreviations are nouns that consist of truncated segments of words that are part of a synonymous phrase, the last of which (the supporting component) can be an entire, untruncated word (Rantala, 2017).

Teachers in the teaching process should pay attention to explain the theoretical knowledge of Russian vocabulary, so that students can understand their meaning (Yu, 2017). For abbreviated words it means students should be taught, how they are formed.

Problem Statement

For second language learners, abbreviations are a challenge. Especially in the different-structured Chinese and Russian languages, the ways of forming abbreviations differ from each other. When studying vocabulary, it is first of all necessary and useful to master its ways of word-formation.

Research Questions

What are the ways of forming abbreviated names of Russian state organs?

What are the right translations in Chinese for them?

Purpose of the Study

Identify the ways to form abbreviated names of Russian state organs and their standard translations into Chinese.

Research Methods

Collect typical examples of names of Russian government organs from reports on the website of the Russian news agency «Sputnik» (http://sputniknews.cn/), revert to their abbreviated and original forms in Russian, and analyse their word-formation methods.


We have taken 42 popular names of state organs from the site, now we list them by model and describe their corresponding original phrases and their abbreviated forms in Russian, while showing the process of shortening these names. The decryptions of abbreviations we took from the Dictionary of abbreviations in Russian (2020), the translations – from The Big Chinese-Russian Dictionary (2020).

Acronym (word formed from the initial letters or sounds of a group of words) (Milchin, 2003).

俄罗斯外交部 or 俄外交部 “Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs”

Chinese denomination with translation: 俄罗斯/俄 ‘Russian’ + 外交 ‘Foreign Affairs’ + 部 ‘Ministry’;

Russian denomination with translation: М инистерство ‘ministry’ + и ностранных д ел ‘foreign affairs’ + России ‘Russian’;

Russian abbreviation: МИД России (МИД pronounced as [мит]) (Filippova, 2019, p. 205);

俄罗斯内务部 or 俄内务部 ‘Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs’

Chinese denomination with translation: 俄罗斯/俄 ‘Russian’ + 内务 ‘internal affairs’ + 部 ‘ministry’;

Russian denomination with translation: М инистерство ‘ministry’ + в нутренних д ел ‘internal affairs’ + России ‘Russian’;

Russian abbreviation: МВД России;

俄罗斯紧急情况部 or 俄紧急情况部 ‘Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations’

Chinese denomination with translation: 俄罗斯/俄 ‘Russian’ + 紧急情况 ‘emergency situations’ + 部 ‘ministry’;

Russian denomination with translation: М инистерство ‘Ministry’ + Российской Федерации ‘Russian Federation’ + по делам гражданской обороны, ч резвычайным с итуациям и ликвидации последствий стихийных бедствий ‘for civil defence, emergency situations and elimination of consequences of natural disasters’;

Russian abbreviation: МЧС России;

俄罗斯移民局 or 俄移民局 ‘Migration Service of Russia’

Chinese denomination with translation: 俄罗斯/俄 ‘Russian’ + 移民 ‘migration’ + 局 ‘bureau’;

Russian denomination with translation: Ф едеральная ‘federal’ + м играционная ‘migration’ + с лужба ‘service’;

Russian abbreviation: ФМС России;

俄罗斯联邦军事技术合作局 or俄罗斯军事技术合作局 or 俄军事技术合作局 ‘Russian Federal Bureau for military and technical cooperation’

Chinese denomination with translation: 俄罗斯联邦/俄罗斯/俄 ‘Russian Federal/Russian’ + 军事技术 ‘military-technical’ + 合作 ‘cooperation’ + 局 ‘bureau’;

Russian denomination with translation: Ф едеральная ‘federal’ + с лужба ‘service’ по в оенно- т ехническому с отрудничеству ‘on military-technical cooperation’;

Russian abbreviation: ФСВТС России;

俄罗斯联邦安全局/俄联邦安全局 ‘Federal security service of the Russian Federation’

Chinese denomination with translation: 俄罗斯联邦/俄联邦 ‘Russian federal’ + 安全 ‘security’ + 局 ‘bureau’;

Russian denomination with translation: Ф едеральная ‘federal’ + с лужба ‘service’ + б езопасности ‘security’ + Российской Федерации ‘Russian Federation’;

Russian abbreviation: ФСБ России;

俄联邦税务局 or联邦税务局 ‘Russian Federal tax service’

Chinese denomination with translation: 俄联邦/联邦 ‘Russian Federal/federal’ + 税务 ‘tax’ + 局 ‘bureau’;

Russian denomination with translation: Ф едеральная ‘federal’ + н алоговая ‘tax’ + с лужба ‘service’;

Russian abbreviation: ФНС России;

联邦警卫局 ‘Federal security service’

Chinese denomination with translation: 联邦 ‘federal’ + 警卫 ‘security service’ + 局 ‘bureau’;

Russian denomination with translation: Ф едеральная ‘federal’ + с лужба о храны ‘security service’ + Российской Федерации ‘Russian Federation’;

Russian abbreviation: ФСО России;

俄罗斯联邦毒品管制局 ‘Russian Federal drug control service’

Chinese denomination with translation: 俄罗斯联邦 ‘Russian Federal’ + 毒品管制 ‘drug control’ +局 ‘bureau’;

Russian denomination with translation: Ф едеральная ‘federal’ + с лужба ‘service’ + Российской Федерации ‘Russian Federation’ + по к онтролю за оборотом н аркотиков ‘on control over drug trafficking’;

Russian abbreviation: ФСКН России;

俄罗斯国家机要通信局 ‘State courier service of the Russian Federation’

Chinese denomination with translation: 俄罗斯 ‘Russian’ + 国家 ‘state’ + 机要通信 ‘courier’ + 局‘bureau’;

Russian denomination with translation: Г осударственная ‘state’ + ф ельдъегерская с лужба ‘courier service’ + Российской Федерации ‘Russian Federation’;

Russian abbreviation: ГФС России;

俄罗斯联邦法警局 or 俄联邦法警局 ‘Federal service of court bailiffs’

Chinese denomination with translation: 俄罗斯联邦/俄联邦 ‘Russian Federal’ + 法警 ‘court bailiffs’ + 局 ‘bureau’;

Russian denomination with translation: Ф едеральная ‘federal’ + с лужба ‘service’ + с удебных п риставов ‘court bailiffs’;

Russian abbreviation: ФССП России;

俄罗斯联邦处罚执行局 or 俄联邦处罚执行局 ‘Russian Federal service of execution of punishments’

Chinese denomination with translation: 俄罗斯联邦/俄联邦 ‘Russian Federal’ + 处罚执行 ‘’ + 局 ‘bureau’;

Russian denomination with translation: Ф едеральная ‘federal’ + с лужба ‘service’ + и сполнения н аказаний ‘execution of punishment’;

Russian abbreviation: ФСИН России;

俄罗斯联邦技术与出口监督局 ‘Federal service for technical and export control’

Chinese denomination with translation: 俄罗斯联邦 ‘Russian Federal’ + 技术与出口 ‘technical and export’ + 监督 ‘control’ + 局 ‘bureau’;

Russian denomination with translation: Ф едеральная ‘federal’ + с лужба ‘service’ + по т ехническому и э кспортному к онтролю ‘for technical and export control’;

Russian abbreviation: ФСТЭК России;

俄罗斯联邦生物医药署or 俄生物医药署 ‘Federal medical and biological Agency’

Chinese denomination with translation: 俄罗斯联邦/俄 ‘Russian Federal/Russian’ + 生物医药 ‘medical and biological’ + 署 ‘agency’;

Russian denomination with translation: Ф едеральное ‘federal’ + м едико- б иологическое ‘medical and biological’ + а гентство ‘agency’;

Russian abbreviation: ФМБА России;

俄罗斯联邦反垄断局 or 俄反垄断局 ‘Russian Federal antimonopoly service’

Chinese denomination with translation: 俄罗斯联邦/俄 ‘Russian Federal/Russian’ + 反垄断 ‘antimonopoly’ + 局 ‘bureau’;

Russian denomination with translation: Ф едеральная а нтимонопольная с лужба

Russian abbreviation: ФАС России;

俄罗斯联邦海关总署 or俄海关局 ‘Federal customs service’

Chinese denomination with translation: 俄罗斯联邦/俄 ‘Russian Federal/Russian’ + 海关 ‘customs’ + 总署/局 ‘general administration/bureau’;

Russian denomination with translation: Ф едеральная ‘federal’ + т аможенная ‘customs’ + с лужба ‘service’;

Russian abbreviation: ФТС России;

Abbreviations that combine the initial part of a word with the indirect case of a noun (Russian grammar, 1980, p. 255)

俄罗斯国防部 or 俄国防部 ‘Russian Ministry of Defense’

Chinese denomination with translation: 俄罗斯/俄 ‘Russian’ + 国防 ‘defense’ + 部 ‘ministry’;

Russian denomination with translation: Министерство ‘ministry’ + обороны ‘defense’ + России ‘Russia’;

Russian abbreviation: Минобороны России ( мин истерство обороны );

俄罗斯联邦文化部 or 俄文化部 ‘Russian Federal Ministry of Culture’

Chinese denomination with translation: 俄罗斯联邦/俄 ‘Russian Federal/Russian’ + 文化 ‘culture’ + 部 ‘ministry’;

Russian denomination with translation: Министерство ‘ministry’ + культуры ‘culture’ + Российской Федерации ‘Russian Federation’;

Russian abbreviation: Минкультуры России ( Мин истерство культуры );

俄罗斯联邦卫生和社会发展部 ‘Ministry of health and social development of the Russian Federation’

Chinese denomination with translation: 俄罗斯联邦 ‘Russian Federal’ + 卫生和社会发展 ‘health and social development’ + 部 ‘ministry’;

Russian denomination with translation: Министерство здравоохранения и социального развития Российской Федерации

Russian abbreviation: Минздравсоцразвития России ( Мин истерство здрав оохранения и соц иального развития );

俄罗斯经济发展部 ‘Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation’

Chinese denomination with translation: 俄罗斯 ‘’ + 经济发展 ‘’ + 部 ‘ministry’;

Russian denomination with translation: Министерство ‘ministry’ + экономического развития ‘economic development’ + Российской Федерации ‘Russian Federal’;

Russian abbreviation: Минэкономразвития России ( Мин истерство эконом ического развития );

俄罗斯教育科学部 or俄罗斯教科部 or俄教科部 ‘Russian Ministry of education and science’

Chinese denomination with translation: 俄罗斯/俄 ‘Russian’ + 教育科学/教科 ‘education and science’ + 部 ‘ministry’;

Russian denomination with translation: Министерство ‘ministry’ + образования и науки ‘education and science’ + Российской Федерации ‘Russian Federation’;

Russian abbreviation: Минобрнауки России ( Мин истерство обр азования и науки );

俄罗斯联邦自然资源和生态局 ‘Russian Federal Ministry of natural resources and ecology of the Russian Federation’

Chinese denomination with translation: 俄罗斯联邦 ‘Russian Federal’ + 自然资源 ‘natural resources’ + 和 ‘and’ + 生态 ‘ecology’ + 局 ‘bureau’;

Russian denomination with translation: Министерство ‘ministry’ + природных ресурсов ‘natural resources’ + и ‘and’ + экологии ‘ecology’ + Российской Федерации ‘Russian Federation’;

Russian abbreviation: Минприроды России ( Мин истерство природы );

Abbreviations that consist of a combination of the initial parts of words (Russian grammar, 1980, vol. I, p. 255).

俄罗斯卫生部 or 俄卫生部 ‘Russian Ministry of health’

Chinese denomination with translation: 俄罗斯/俄 ‘Russian’ + 卫生 ‘health’ + 部 ‘ministry’;

Russian denomination with translation: Мин истерство ‘ministry’ + здрав оохранении ‘health’ + Российской Федерации ‘Russian Federation’;

Russian abbreviation: Минздрав России ( мин - + здрав -);

俄罗斯联邦司法部 or 俄司法部 ‘Russian Federal Ministry of Justice’

Chinese denomination with translation: 俄罗斯联邦/俄 ‘Russian Federal/Russian’ + 司法 ‘justice’ + 部 ‘ministry’;

Russian denomination with translation: Мин истерство ‘ministry’ + юст иции ‘justice’ + Российской Федерации ‘Russian Federation’;

Russian abbreviation: Минюст России ( мин - + юст -);

俄罗斯工业和贸易部/俄工贸部 ‘Russian Ministry of industry and trade’

Chinese denomination with translation: 俄罗斯/俄 ‘Russian’ + 工业和贸易/工贸 ‘industry and trade’ + 部 ‘ministry’;

Russian denomination with translation: Мин истерство ‘ministry’ + пром ышленности и торг овли ‘industry and trade’ + Российской Федерации ‘Russian Federation’;

Russian abbreviation: Минпромторг России ( мин - + пром - + торг -);

俄罗斯联邦农业部 ‘Russian Ministry of agriculturе’

Chinese denomination with translation: 俄罗斯联邦 ‘Russian federal’ + 农业 ‘agriculturе’ + 部 ‘ministry’;

Russian denomination with translation: Мин истерство ‘ministry’ + сель ского хоз яйства ‘agriculturе’ + Российской Федерации ‘Russian Federation’;

Russian abbreviation: Минсельхоз России ( мин - + сель - + хоз -);

俄罗斯联邦财政部 or 俄罗斯财政部 or 俄财政部 ‘Russian Ministry of Finance’

Chinese denomination with translation: 俄罗斯联邦/俄罗斯/俄 ‘Russian Federal/Russian’ + 财政 ‘finance’ + 部 ‘ministry’;

Russian denomination with translation: Мин истерство ‘ministry’ + фин ансов ‘finance’ + Российской Федерации ‘Russian Federation’;

Russian abbreviation: Минфин России ( мин - + фин -);

俄罗斯联邦交通运输部 or俄交通部 ‘Russian Federal Ministry of transport’

Chinese denomination with translation: 俄罗斯联邦/俄 ‘Russian Federal/Russian’ + 交通 ‘transport’ + 运输 ‘communication’ + 部 ‘ministry’;

Russian denomination with translation: Мин истерство ‘ministry’ + транс порта ‘transport’ + Российской Федерации ‘Russian Federation’;

Russian abbreviation: Минтранс России ( мин - + транс -);

俄联邦铁路运输署 ‘Russian Federal railway transport Agency’

Chinese denomination with translation: 俄联邦 ‘Russian Federal’ + 铁路运输 ‘railway transport’ + 署 ‘agency’;

Russian denomination with translation: Федеральное ‘federal’ + агентство ‘agency’ + жел езно дор ожного транспорта ‘railway transport’;

Russian abbreviation: Росжелдор ( рос - ( рос сийское) + жел - + дор -);

Abbreviations that consist of combining the initial part of a word with an entire word (Russian grammar, 1980, vol. I, p. 255).

俄罗斯联邦旅游署 or 俄联邦旅游署 ‘Russian Federal Agency for tourism’

Chinese denomination with translation: 俄罗斯联邦/俄联邦 ‘Russian Federal’ + 旅游 ‘tourism’ + 署 ‘agency’;

Russian denomination with translation: Федеральное ‘federal’ + агентство ‘agency’ + по туризм у ‘for tourism’;

Russian abbreviation: Ростуризм ( рос - ( рос сийское) + туризм );

俄罗斯联邦消费者权益及公民平安保护监督局 ‘Federal service for supervision of consumer rights protection and human welfare’

Chinese denomination with translation: 俄罗斯联邦 ‘Russian Federal’ + 消费者权益及公民平安保护 ‘consumer rights protection and human welfare’ + 监督 ‘supervision’ + 局 ‘bureau’;

Russian denomination with translation: Федеральная ‘federal’ + служба ‘service’ + по надзор у в сфере защиты прав потреб ителей и благополучия человека ‘for supervision of consumer rights protection and human welfare’;

Russian abbreviation: Роспотребнадзор ( рос - ( рос сийское) + потреб - + надзор );

俄罗斯联邦劳动和就业局 or 俄劳动和就业局 ‘Federal service for labor and employment’

Chinese denomination with translation: 俄罗斯联邦/俄 ‘Russian Federal/Russian’ + 劳动和就业 ‘labor and employment’ + 局 ‘bureau’;

Russian denomination with translation: Федеральная ‘federal’ + служба ‘service’ + по труд у и занятости ‘for labor and employment’;

Russian abbreviation: Роструд ( рос - ( рос сийское) + труд );

俄罗斯联邦档案局 or 俄档案局 ‘Federal archival agency’

Chinese denomination with translation: 俄罗斯联邦/俄 ‘Russian Federal/Russian’ + 档案 ‘archival’ + 局 ‘bureau’;

Russian denomination with translation: Федеральное ‘federal’ + архив ное ‘archival’ + агентство ‘agency’;

Russian abbreviation: Росархив ( рос - ( рос сийское) + архив );

俄罗斯联邦新闻和大众传媒署 ‘Federal Agency for press and mass communications’

Chinese denomination with translation: 俄罗斯联邦 ‘Russian Federal’ + 新闻和大众传媒 ‘press and mass communications’ + 署 ‘agency’;

Russian denomination with translation: Федеральное ‘federal’ + агентство ‘agency’ + по печат и и массовым коммуникациям ‘for press and mass communications’;

Russian abbreviation: Роспечать ( рос - ( рос сийское) + печать );

俄罗斯联邦青年事务署or俄青年事务署 ‘Russian Federal Agency for youth Affairs’

Chinese denomination with translation: 俄罗斯联邦/俄 ‘Russian Federal/Russian’ + 青年事务 ‘youth Affairs’ + 署 ‘agency’;

Russian denomination with translation: Федеральное ‘federal’ + агентство ‘agency’ + по делам молодеж и ‘for youth Affairs’;

Russian abbreviation: Росмолодежь ( рос - ( рос сийское) + молодежь );

俄罗斯联邦注册局 ‘Federal registration service’

Chinese denomination with translation: 俄罗斯联邦 ‘Russian Federal’ + 注册 ‘registration’ + 局 ‘bureau’;

Russian denomination with translation: Федеральная ‘federal’ + регистраци онная ‘registration’ + служба ‘service’;

Russian abbreviation: Росрегистрация ( рос - ( рос сийское) + регистрация );

俄罗斯联邦测绘局 ‘Federal Agency of geodesy and cartography’

Chinese denomination with translation: 俄罗斯联邦 ‘Russian Federal’ + 测绘 ‘geodesy and cartography’ + 局 ‘bureau’;

Russian denomination with translation: Федеральное ‘federal’ + агентство ‘agency’ + геодезии и картографи и ‘geodesy and cartography’;

Russian abbreviation: Роскартография ( рос - ( рос сийское) + картография );

俄罗斯联邦国家储备署 or 俄国家储备署 ‘Federal Agency for state reserves’

Chinese denomination with translation: 俄罗斯联邦/俄 ‘Russian Federal/Russian’ + 国家储备 ‘state reserves’ + 署 ‘agency’;

Russian denomination with translation: Федеральное ‘federal’ + агентство ‘agency’ + по государственным резерв ам ‘for state reserves’;

Russian abbreviation: Росрезерв ( рос - ( рос сийское) + резерв );

Abbreviations that consist of combining the initial letters, initial parts of words and an entire word (Gu, 2006, p. 57).

俄罗斯联邦矿产开发署 or 俄矿产开发署 ‘Russian Federal Agency for subsoil use’

Chinese denomination with translation: 俄罗斯联邦/俄 ‘Russian Federal/Russian’ + 矿产开发 ‘subsoil use’ + 署 ‘agency’;

Russian denomination with translation: Федеральное ‘federal’ + а гентство ‘agency’ + по недр опользованию ‘for subsoil use’;

Russian abbreviation: Роснедра ( рос - ( рос сийское) + недр - + а -);

俄罗斯总检察院 or 俄总检察院 ‘Prosecutor General's office of the Russian Federation’

Chinese denomination with translation: 俄罗斯/俄 ‘Russian’ + 总 ‘general’ + 检察 ‘prosecutor’ + 院 ‘office’;

Russian denomination with translation: Ген еральная ‘general’ + прокуратура ‘prosecutor’ + Р оссийской Ф едерации ‘Russian Federation’;

Russian abbreviation: Генпрокуратура РФ ( ген - + прокуратура + Р + Ф );

Abbreviations that consist of combining the initial parts of words and added letter

俄罗斯联邦特种建设局/俄特种建设局 ‘Russian Federal Bureau for special construction’

Chinese denomination with translation: 俄罗斯联邦/俄 ‘Russian Federal/Russian’ + 特种建设 ‘special construction’ + 局 ‘bureau’;

Russian denomination with translation: Федеральное ‘federal’ + агентство ‘agency’ + спец иального стро ительства ‘special construction’;

Russian abbreviation: Спецстрой России ( спец - + стро - + й );

俄罗斯能源部 or 俄能源部 ‘Ministry of energy of the Russian Federation’

Chinese denomination with translation: 俄罗斯/俄 ‘Russian’ + 能源 ‘energy’ + 部 ‘ministry’;

Russian denomination with translation: Мин истерство ‘ministry’ + энерг етики ‘energy’ + Российской Федерации ‘Russian Federation’;

Russian abbreviation: Минэнерго России ( мин - + энерг - + о );


In summary, there are six ways of word-formation of abbreviated denominations of state organs in the Russian language:

  • Acronym (word formed from the initial letters or sounds of a group of words);

  • Abbreviations that combine the initial part of a word with the indirect case of a noun;

  • Abbreviations that consist of a combination of the initial parts of words;

  • Abbreviations that consist of combining the initial part of a word with an entire word;

  • Abbreviations that consist of combining the initial letters, initial parts of words and an entire word;

  • Abbreviations that consist of combining the initial parts of words and added letter.

In the meantime, to each abbreviated form are added either entire word России, or the initial part of the word Российский – Рос-.

Phrases that modify nouns in Russian are usually placed after the nouns, but in Chinese they are placed before the modified nouns. So Russian phrases with post-modifiers should be translated according to Chinese habits.

Some names can be literally translated into Chinese as equivalents, but others can only be free translated into Chinese, due to they are absent in the reality of the Chinese language.


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  2. Deng, Z. (2017). Study on the rhetorical characteristics and pragmatic functions of Russian acronyms after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Journal of Changchun Institute of Education, 33(4), 25-29.
  3. Dictionary of abbreviations in Russian. (2020). Retrieved July, 2020, from http://sokr.ru
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25 December 2020

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Xiaoge, L. (2020). Word-Formation Of Abbreviations – Based On The Denominations Of Russian State Organs. In I. Elkina, & S. Ivanova (Eds.), Cognitive - Social, and Behavioural Sciences - icCSBs 2020, vol 1. European Proceedings of Educational Sciences (pp. 198-208). European Publisher. https://doi.org/10.15405/epes.20121.23