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Series: European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Problems of Enterprise Development: Theory and Practice

Proceedings of the Problems of Enterprise Development: Theory and Practice (PEDTR 2019), 19-20 December 2019, Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia

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About the Proceedings

The volume contains selected, peer-reviewed papers from the Problems of Enterprise Development: Theory and Practice (PEDTR 2019), 19-20 December 2019, Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia.

The conference provides significant value for researchers, postgraduates, students of economic universities, as well as managers and specialists of enterprises while considering various issues of enterprises’ development under modern conditions.

152 full papers were subjected to a double-blind review process and 130 full texts were accepted for publication. Thematically, the conference covers the following areas: Reproduction of Innovative Development Resources in the Conditions of Nonequilibrium Economy; Regional Development in the Context of Globalization; Reserves for Increasing the Usage Efficiency of the Innovation and Investment Potential of Industrial Enterprises; Development of Theory and Practice of Enterprise Management in the Context of the Transition to Innovative Economy; Problems of the Methodology of Statistical Research of Business Processes; Theory and Practice of Labor Management in the Innovative Economy; Optimization of Enterprises’ Goods Movement on the Basis of Logistics, Commerce, Marketing and Service; Development; Formation and Realization of Export Potential in the Agro-industrial Complex; Management of the Development of Foreign Economic Activities of Russian Organizations in the Unstable International Environment; Legal Regulation of the Business Entities’ Activities; Corporate Information Systems, Electronic Services and Cognitive Technologies; Socialization Processes in the Context of Modern Telecommunication Technologies; Improvement of Accounting and Analytical Support of Sustainable Development of Social and Economic Systems; Theory and Practice of Taxation and Audit of Enterprises; Ecology, Geography and Life Safety.

For detailed information of the conference is available at


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