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The Moonlighting Survival During Economic Instability: Post Pandemic Experience

Table 6: Multiple Comparisons

Dependent Variable: ML
(I) Age (J) Age Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound Upper Bound
18-25 25-30 .03175 .26389 1.000 -.7308 .7943
30-40 .36429 .24056 .563 -.3427 1.0713
40-50 .81358* .24874 .022 .0880 1.5392
50 and more 1.36630* .27454 .000 .5621 2.1705
25-30 18-25 -.03175 .26389 1.000 -.7943 .7308
30-40 .33254 .20428 .485 -.2391 .9042
40-50 .78183* .21385 .004 .1839 1.3798
50 and more 1.33455* .24338 .000 .6318 2.0373
30-40 18-25 -.36429 .24056 .563 -1.0713 .3427
25-30 -.33254 .20428 .485 -.9042 .2391
40-50 .44929 .18428 .114 -.0628 .9613
50 and more 1.00201* .21786 .001 .3613 1.6427
40-50 18-25 -.81358* .24874 .022 -1.5392 -.0880
25-30 -.78183* .21385 .004 -1.3798 -.1839
30-40 -.44929 .18428 .114 -.9613 .0628
50 and more .55272 .22686 .136 -.1088 1.2142
50 and more 18-25 -1.36630* .27454 .000 -2.1705 -.5621
25-30 -1.33455* .24338 .000 -2.0373 -.6318
30-40 -1.00201* .21786 .001 -1.6427 -.3613
40-50 -.55272 .22686 .136 -1.2142 .1088
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