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Food Innovation Products Potential From Food Waste for Business Opportunity in Terengganu

Table 4: Mean scores of respondents’ responses in terms of surplus food as a new business opportunity in Terengganu (n=200)

No. Items Mean ± SD
1. Consumers need detail plans to reduce the rate of surplus food disposal. 4.68(0.50)
2. Terengganu state government should focus on the rising issue of surplus food disposal. 4.70(0.50)
3. The community or the public should be educated regarding the benefits of managing surplus food properly. 4.71 (0.48)
4. Local authorities (PBT) need to provide information to the people regarding the benefits of using compost fertiliser produced from food waste. 4.71 (0.49)
5. Promotion of innovation activities/recycling surplus food should be done through mass media (e.g.: radio, television, internet), or print (e.g.: magazines, newspapers) 4.69 (0.50)
6. Local authorities (PBT) need to provide incentives to individuals or entrepreneurs who manage surplus food. 4.68(0.52)
7. The in-charged authorities need to increase their efforts or aid parties interested in cultivating fertiliser from surplus food in Terengganu. 4.69(0.51)
8. Products produced from surplus food can provide business opportunities to the people of Terengganu. 4.69(0.53)
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