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Quality Of Life In Osteosarcoma Patients After Limb Salvage Surgery And Amputation

Table 1: Equal QoL indices in patients with osteosarcoma after LSS and amputation

EORTC QLQ-C30 scales LSS (n=41) M±m Amputation (n=39) M±m
General Health (QL) 56.3±3.5 49.0±3.7
Role Functioning (RF) 56.9±5.3 46.9±6.4
Emotional Functioning (EF) 70.7±3.6 71.3±3.9
Social Functioning (SF) 64.6±5.5 56.7±5.1
Fatigue (FA) 41.2±3.9 45.8±4.2
Nausea and vomiting (NV) 8.1±2.6 8.9±2.8
Pain (PA) 39.4±4.9 43.2±5.5
Dyspnea (DY) 21.1±4.6 23.9±5.0
Insomnia (SL) 33.3±5.1 38.5±5.0
Appetite loss (AP) 24.4±4.4 33.3±4.9
Constipation (CO) 13.8±4.2 24.9±5.9
Diarrhea (DI) 4.9±1.9 11.5±3.8
Financial difficulties (FI) 55.1±5.3 44.8±5.3
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