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The Effect of Peace of Mind and Grit on Career Satisfaction

Table 1: Factor loadings, Cronbach’s Alpha, AVE and CR values of scales

Items Items’ Factor Loadings (r>0.5) AVE (AVE>0.5) Construct Reliability (CR>0.7) Cronbach’s Alpha
Peace of Mind .624 .930 .931
PoM2 .870
PoM8 .844
PoM3 .834
PoM7 .819
PoM1 .798
PoM4 .728
PoM6 .705
PoM5 .701
Grit .583 .918 .923
GR3 .815
GR1 .792
GR8 .773
GR2 .770
GR7 .759
GR6 .739
GR5 .736
GR4 .722
Career Satisfaction .686 .789 .912
CS3 .877
CS4 .877
CS2 .852
CS1 .768
CS5 .759
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