The article discusses the place of socio-political vocabulary in the Great Russian-Kabardino-Circassian Dictionary. The lexical level of the language most quickly and convincingly reflects all the changes in the language, so the sociolinguistic analysis of socio-political vocabulary in modern linguistics is of great interest. The paper shows that in the Great Russian-Kabardino-Circassian Dictionary all six thematic groups of the socio-political vocabulary of the modern Kabardino-Circassian language are found: political language; language characterizing political parties, organizations, social movements; legal language; military-political discourse; language expressing the spiritual and moral sphere of public life; economic vocabulary. The Big Russian-Kabardino-Circassian dictionary contains both rather voluminous dictionary entries and brief definitions of the words of socio-political realities. Political terms that are common to the Russian and Kabardino-Circassian languages are accompanied by their interpretations in the Kabardino-Circassian language, which contributes to their rapid absorption. It is emphasized that this dictionary most fully reflects the layer of the socio-political vocabulary of the modern Kabardino-Circassian language. As a result of the study, it was established that the socio-political vocabulary recorded in the Great Russian-Kabardino-Circassian Dictionary should become the basis for creating a special dictionary of socio-political words.
Keywords: Dictionary, Kabardino-Circassian language, socio-political vocabulary
The last Russian-Kabardino-Circassian dictionary was published over 70 years ago. Since then, the socio-political life of the country has changed significantly. The lexemes included in the Big Russian-Kabardino-Circassian Dictionary reflect the transformations that took place in the Russian and Kabardino-Circassian languages during this period.
Problem Statement
The modern world is characterized by the intensification of social and political activities. In this regard, there is an increase in the number of socio-political programs in the media. At the same time, at present, in the Kabardino-Circassian language, there is a discrepancy in the spelling of socio-political lexemes, so there is a strong need to unify this group of words. The Big Russian-Kabardino-Circassian Dictionary partially fills this gap.
Research Questions
The subject of the study was the socio-political lexemes, which are recorded in the Big Russian-Kabardino-Circassian Dictionary.
Purpose of the Study
The problem of lexicographical definition of socio-political vocabulary in the Great Russian-Kabardino-Circassian Dictionary was not the subject of a special study. In the meantime, the principles of vocabulary selection and methods of lexicographical representation of socio-political words in modern dictionaries are research problems. Our aim with this paper is to analyze the groups of socio-political vocabulary registered in the new bilingual dictionary. The study of the considered groups of words is based on an integrated approach: a dictionary entry, translation, definitions, interpretations, and usage labels.
Research Methods
The following were used as materials: a new bilingual dictionary of the Kabardian-Circassian language (Big Russian-Kabardino-Circassian Dictionary, 2021; Big Russian-Kabardian-Circassian Dictionary, 1955) and scientific works (Apazhev, 2000; Karamova, 2004; Mannik, 2001; Zhdanova, 1996; Zhiletezhev, 2019). These materials show the current state of the socio-political vocabulary of the Kabardino-Circassian language and its further development.
The main method in the analysis of dictionaries is the lexicographic method, which was developed by Russian lexicographers (Karpova, 2004; Stupin, 1985).
The descriptive method was used in the collection, analysis, and classification of material in the study. The contrastive method was applied to draw on material from other dictionaries and identify differences between two unrelated languages. The comparative-historical research made possible the selection, comparison, and historical correlation of lexemes. The contextual approach revealed the functional specificity of words and their meanings in languages of different systems. The statistics helped to count the number of socio-political words.
The complex application of various research methods shows that the socio-political vocabulary in the Big Russian-Kabardino-Circassian Dictionary occupies a large layer of vocabulary.
The lexicographic explosion that was observed in the Kabardian-Circassian lexicography in the middle of the 20th century was marked by the appearance of several dictionaries. The most significant of them was the Russian-Kabardian-Circassian Dictionary of B.M. Kardanov and A.T. Bichoev, the volume of which was more than 30.000 words (Russian-Kabardian-Circassian Dictionary, 1955). The dictionary was highly appreciated by Adyghe experts. According to the researcher of the Adyghe lexicography Apazhev (2000), “the appearance of this dictionary was a significant event in the cultural life of the republic and marks a qualitatively new stage in Kabardino-Circassian lexicography” (p. 27). For a long time, about 70 years, it remained the only and most complete bilingual dictionary in terms of volume and content. During this time, global political, economic, and cultural changes have taken place in the world. As a result, a significant number of new words appeared in the vocabulary of the Kabardino-Circassian language, which was to find their place in the new dictionary. A group of researchers from the Kabardino-Balkarian Institute for Humanitarian Research has been dealing with this problem for several years. In 2018, the Big Russian-Kabardino-Circassian Dictionary was published in a limited edition. A number of copies were associated with financial problems and the experimental nature of the dictionary. The authors republished this dictionary having improved the content and design (Big Russian-Kabardino-Circassian Dictionary, 2021). The revised and enlarged second edition contains over 75.000 words and set expressions. In terms of volume, it is more than twice as large as the previous dictionary of 1955. According to the authors, “the task of the dictionary was to reflect the changes that took place both in Russian and in the Kabardino-Circassian language in one of the most difficult periods in the history of Russia on the threshold of the new millennium” (Big Russian-Kabardino-Circassian Dictionary, 2021). The creators of the dictionary coped with this task: It contains a large number of terms and words that were accepted in the analyzed languages in the post-Soviet period. The Big Russian-Kabardino-Circassian dictionary has the main characteristics of translation dictionaries, namely, accuracy and normativity. (Kudashev, 2007). It also contains an interpretation and explanation of the headword, its various meanings, and peculiarities of functioning in different system languages.
A large place in the dictionary is occupied by socio-political vocabulary, which forms a lexical-thematic group of words. The Great Russian-Kabardino-Circassian Dictionary presents all six thematic groups of the socio-political, identified by us in the modern Kabardino-Circassian language (Zhiletezhev, 2019), i.e.:
1. is most fully represented here. This includes names that characterize politics, the political activity of society and the state, political events and phenomena: ‘authoritarianism’ –; ‘aggressor’ polit.,,; ‘action’ –; ‘relationships’ –; ‘power’ – 1.,,,, 2.,; 3.; ‘foreign’ –,; ‘head’ –,,; ‘state’ –; ‘delegate’ –,; ‘convention’ –; ‘independence’ –; ‘society’ –; ‘parliament’ –; ‘ambassador’ –; ‘leader’ –,; ‘sovereignty’ –, ‘federation’ – federatse (Big Russian-Kabardino-Circassian Dictionary, 2021, 26, 27, 31, 41, 103, 113, 116, 175, 188, 204, 215, 416, 440 , 481, 562, 636, 697, 747).
2. A large place is occupied by: ‘to run for office’ –; ‘elections’ –; ‘voter’ –; ‘liberal’ –; ‘rally’ –; ‘organization’ –‘party’ – polit.; ‘plenum’ –; ‘revolution’ –; ‘congress’ –,; ‘fraction’ –, (Big Russian-Kabardino-Circassian Dictionary, 2021, 47, 146, 274, 350, 384, 454, 482, 515, 624 , 698, 751).
3. A significant role is given to: ‘to arrest’ –,; ‘lawlessness’ –; ‘bribe’ –; ‘law’ –,; ‘instigator’ –,; ‘constitution’ –; ‘punishment’ –; ‘illegally’ –,; ‘to appeal’ –; ‘jus’ –,; ‘law and order’ –; ‘court’ –,; ‘judge’ –, (Big Russian-Kabardino-Circassian Dictionary, 2021, 39, 54, 106, 245, 260, 326, 405, 416, 428, 567, 567, 698, 698).
4. The in the dictionary is represented by: ‘avant-garde’ –; ‘battle’ –; ‘military leader’ – dze unafeshchI; ‘warrior’ –,; ‘war’ –; ‘defender’ –; ‘extermination’ –,,; 'offensive’ –; ‘medal’ – orden; ‘captivity’ –; ‘victory’ –; ‘disarmament’ –; ‘soldier’ –; ‘battle’ – (Big Russian-Kabardino-Circassian Dictionary, 2021, 24, 65, 119, 124, 124, 261, 299, 411, 454, 515, 520, 605, 678, 688).
5. The is revealed by the words: ‘selflessly’ –,-; ‘charity’ –,,; ‘hero’ –; ‘duty’ –,,; ‘spirituality’ –; ‘personality’ –,; ‘courage’ –,; ‘nation’ –,; ‘homeland’ –, (Big Russian-Kabardino-Circassian Dictionary, 2021, 54, 67, 173, 217, 226, 353, 395, 412, 632).
6. A small but important group is: ‘tenant’ –; ‘budget’ –; ‘money’ –,; ‘income’ –; ‘credit’ –; ‘tax’ –; ‘worker’ –,; ‘loss’ – (Big Russian-Kabardino-Circassian Dictionary, 2021, 39, 86, 206, 222, 330, 406, 591, 723).
It has been demonstrated that the socio-political vocabulary is a large part of the Big Russian-Kabardino-Circassian Dictionary. During the statistical word count, we found about two thousand socio-political lexemes and expressions in this dictionary, which indicates an increase in the social and political activity of native speakers. The analyzed lexicon is the comprehensive and most complete lexicographical publication in both Adyghe and Caucasian linguistics. The Big Russian-Kabardino-Circassian dictionary can play a role in the systematization and unification of the socio-political vocabulary of the Kabardino-Circassian language. Equally important is this lexicographic work that The Big Russian-Kabardino-Circassian Dictionary will become the basis for the creation of a special socio-political dictionary of the Kabardino-Circassian language, the publication of which has long been needed by linguists, translators, and media workers.
Apazhev, M. L. (2000). Modern Kabardino-Circassian language: Lexicology, Lexicography. Elbrus.
Big Russian-Kabardino-Circassian Dictionary (2021). Fregat LLC.
Karamova, A. A. (2004). Estimated Socio-Political Vocabulary and Phraseology of the Modern Russian Language (Second Half of the 20th Century). Editorial and publishing department of Bashkir State University.
Karpova, O. M. (2004). Lexicographic Portraits of Modern English Dictionaries. Ivanovo State University.
Kudashev, I. S. (2007). Designing Translation Dictionaries of Special Vocabulary. The University of Helsinki, Department of Translation Studies.
Mannik, S. A. (2001). Socio-Political Vocabulary (Evaluation Sheet) in Dictionaries of Various Types [Cand. Dissertation thesis]. Ivanovo.
Russian-Kabardian-Circassian Dictionary. (1955). State publishing house of foreign and national dictionaries.
Stupin, L. P. (1985). Lexicography of the English language. Highest school.
Zhdanova, L. A. (1996). Socio-Political Vocabulary: Structure and Dynamics [Cand. Dissertation thesis]. Moscow.
Zhiletezhev, K. C. (2019). Socio-Political Vocabulary of the Kabardino-Circassian Language (Composition and Ways of Formation). Print Center.
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About this article
Publication Date
25 November 2022
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1st Edition
Sociolinguistics, linguistics, semantics, discourse analysis, translation, interpretation
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Zhiletezhev, K. C., & Kumykova, D. M. (2022). Socio-Political Vocabulary In The "Great Russian-Kabardino-Circassian Dictionary". In D. Bataev, S. A. Gapurov, A. D. Osmaev, V. K. Akaev, L. M. Idigova, M. R. Ovhadov, A. R. Salgiriev, & M. M. Betilmerzaeva (Eds.), Social and Cultural Transformations in the Context of Modern Globalism (SCTCMG 2022), vol 128. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 731-735). European Publisher. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2022.11.99