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Wages And Their Dynamics In Russia In Post-Crisis Period Of 2009–2013

Table 1: Distribution of total accrued wages and average wages for R/P10 % groups of employees in the economy of the Russian Federation

Total accrued wages Average wages, RUB
April2009 April2013 April2009 April2013 April 2013 to April2009, %
Total: 100 100 18286.8 29452.8 161.1
including for R/P 10 % groups of employees in the order of their wage increase:
First 2.3 2.1 4135.9 6183.3 149.5
Second 3.3 3.3 5992.6 9714.5 162.1
Third 4.3 4.4 7869.4 12893.3 163.9
Fourth 5.4 5.5 9873.0 16074.8 162.8
Fifth 6.6 6.6 12028.0 19456.3 161.8
Sixth 7.9 7.9 14489.5 23344.3 161.1
Seventh 9.6 9.6 17512.6 28262.0 161.4
Eighth 11.8 11.9 21662.7 35089.5 162.0
Ninth 15.7 15.6 28673.4 45934.4 160.2
Tenth 33.1 33.1 60630.6 97575.5 160.9
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