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Study Of Psychologically Safe Communication Skills In Adolescents

Table 2: Correlation relationships between interpersonal communication quality indicators and psychological defense strategies in adolescents (Pearson's method)

Correlations (Spreadsheet1)Marked correlations are significant at p < .05000N = 54 (Casewise deletion of missing data)
Peacefulness Avoidance Aggressiveness
Trust 0.60*** 0.08 –0.67***
Benevolence 0.60*** 0.02 –0.62***
Adoption –0.37* –0.07 0.40*
Tolerance 0.64*** 0.09 –0.70***
Agression –0.61*** –0.02 0.62***
Conflict –0.45** 0.15 0.34*
Hostility –0.66*** –0.08 0.71***
Manipulative attitude –0.49** –0.17 0.60***
K. Pearson's method. Legend: * – correlation coefficients, significant at p = 0.05; ** – correlation coefficients significant at p = 0.01; *** at p = 0.001
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