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The Vocational Education System In The Central Black Earth Economic Region

Table 4: Distribution of students in bachelor's, specialist's and master's degree programs in the branches of sciences in the Belgorod, Voronezh, Kursk, Lipetsk and Tambov regions (in %)

Branches of science Belgorodregion Voronezhregion Kurskregion Lipetskregion Tambovregion
Humanities 3.90 4.22 3.11 5.02 3.79
Education and pedagogical sciences 9.00 7.48 9.56 26.52 8.56
Art and culture 3.76 0.93 0.88 1.20 2.91
Mathematical and natural sciences 2.93 9.53 2.89 4.35 5.42
Social sciences 29.51 25.65 29.41 29.95 26.58
Agriculture and agricultural sciences 8.16 6.78 6.84 1.95 7.99
Engineering, technology and technical sciences 33.70 33.80 18.44 31.00 24.74
Healthcare and Medical sciences 9.04 11.55 28.88 - 20.00
Defense and security of the state, military sciences - 0.06 - - -
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