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Modern Trends And The Development of Gastronomic Tourism In The Russian Federation

Table 1: Groups of factors influencing the development of tourism in the region

Factor groups Factors Description
1 Tourism potential factors Tourism infrastructure development factors The sphere of catering services (the development of light and food industries)Sector of accommodation services (development of resort construction and motel business)The sphere of transportation services (the development of the transport system)Entertainment services sector (attractiveness of entertainment infrastructure
Resource factors Number of specialized catering establishmentsNumber of roomsNumber of entertainment venuesNumber of vehicles, etc.
2 Marketing Factors Competitiveness factors ImageFamePriceOriginalityMarketingAdvertising
Environmental factors Factors of direct influenceFactors of indirect influenceFactors outside the sphere of direct influence
Internal environmental factors Organizational structureFinancial serviceProduction serviceEconomic serviceSubdivisions of material and technical supply and sales
3 Consumer preference factors Price factors Organizational structureFinancial serviceProduction serviceEconomic serviceSubdivisions of material and technical supply and sales
Non-price factors Organizational structureFinancial serviceProduction service
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