Innovative Behaviour Of Enterprises In The Market In The Digital Economy


An important part of the activity of any enterprise is its innovative behaviour. New technological conditions increasingly determine the basic principles of innovative behaviour of enterprises in the coordinates of the development of the digital economy. Here, key technological resources, principles and materials allow the company to introduce a new combination of production factors and minimize the inefficient use of traditional resources. In the new economic and technological situation, the trend of strategic behaviour of enterprises is determined. Digital technologies, being unique technologies based on exclusively new materials and principles, make it possible to improve the production process of goods and services. Based on digital technologies, new mechanisms based on the interaction of qualitative factors of production appear and are used. The values of digital technology platforms and production mechanisms are determined by how timely changes are made, economic resources are effectively used and the competitive advantage of the enterprise is ensured. We believe that technological renewal is changing the principles of the company's work, and their innovative behaviour is changing. Rather, it is the beginning of new models of innovative behaviour of enterprises. Under the influence of the digital revolution, the sustainable innovative behaviour of an enterprise becomes an active permanent process if the condition of progressivity potential is constantly met. The principle of technology change affects the sphere of production, including the management system, production and research industries. In such conditions, the importance of the innovation sphere increases, since there is an endogenous demand for innovation.

Keywords: Digital Economy, development mechanisms, ınnovation, resources, sustainable development


The diffusion of new technologies creates new markets for goods and services. At the same time, new production models are emerging that are effective enough to make rapid changes in the image, style and sustainable innovative behaviour of enterprises. The choice of innovative behaviour of the enterprise is based on the analysis of the main factors characterizing the state of the enterprise, taking into account the results of the analysis of the investment and innovation portfolio, as well as the nature and essence of the strategies being implemented.

Creative change of technological platforms, systems and complexes within the product life cycle is subject to the general laws of the dialectic of development. The change in the creative technological characteristics of production over time (power, productivity, speed, number of systems produced) is influenced by innovative processes (Mokyr, 2014). If an enterprise has a wide range of manufactured goods, then it usually uses various adaptive strategies for them, and generally forms a portfolio of innovative strategies. In general, with this approach, the risk of the enterprise for the development, production and sale of goods and services is minimized.

The digital revolution makes it possible to adjust the trajectory of sustainable innovative behaviour of the enterprise taking into account the permanent accelerated metamorphosis of the technological and production process. By metamorphosis, we mean technological modification and transition to another form of development with the acquisition of a new quality, mechanism and functions of production. Catching and investing in new business ideas of the enterprise, at the same time helps its partners to develop the latest models of goods.

The digital economy is characterized by high-performance capacities and an increase in the performance of hardware and mechanisms while reducing the costs of energy and natural resources. This is the fundamental advantage of the engineering and technical level of the tasks being solved, which are typical for the production of the digital economy. Digitalization allows us to conclude that it is one of the main factors in the radical restructuring of the technological structure of production, where the functional properties of production systems increase, especially when integrated with digital technologies. The functional purpose of the created set of unique industries and activities consists in the production of new economic benefits.

Problem Statement

The active activity of the enterprise includes scientific and technical, organizational, investment, commercial activities and is the most important component of promoting innovations to consumers (Drucker, 2009). The development and production of unique products is associated with the need for innovative conversion of production and implies higher costs for R&D, and accelerated diffusion of innovations (Miller & Morris, 2008). These processes acquire new features in the coordinates of the development of the digital economy (Tapscott, 1995). At the same time, the necessity and expediency of effective innovative behaviour of the enterprise is dictated by the inevitable increase in competitiveness during the development of new markets (Biryukov & Ploskonosova, 2015). This means the expressive innovative behaviour of the enterprise, i.e., the state of dynamic activity in the innovation markets to conquer certain niches in the market. As a criterion for solving the problem of optimizing market entry, the minimum of total microeconomic costs for the entire planned period of release of a certain number of new models of goods is taken.

Research Questions

The theory and practice of the digital economy show that within the framework of the innovative behaviour of the enterprise, it is necessary to take into account the rational timing of the release of a new basic product model, within which it is rational to modernize production. Consequently, after these deadlines, it is necessary to accelerate the transition to the creation and release of fundamentally new products. Intensive modification of the basic product model occurs only within its life cycle. The maximum duration of mass production of goods should not exceed their potential for progressiveness in the market. Practice shows that the term of changing models of goods in the optimal case should be less than the potential of progressiveness by the amount of its period of use. If this condition is met, the company will produce goods that meet the requirements of global standards. The change of models of goods and the permissible duration of their use presuppose mandatory accounting of the volume of demand in the short term. If the quality indicators of this product model meet global standards, it is possible to continue its production within the framework of the demand on the market. In the digital economy, taking into account the impact of demand is a necessary task and also applies to the basic factors taken into account in the formation of innovative behaviour of the enterprise. It generates an appropriate system of enterprise management organization and a system of regulators to give the necessary stability to the links in a permanently changing market.

Purpose of the Studу

The purpose of the article is to deepen and supplement the theoretical and methodological development of methodological provisions that determine the technological and economic aspects of changing the sustainable innovative behaviour of enterprises in the coordinates of the development of the digital economy.

Research Methods

The article uses general scientific and special methods of scientific cognition, as well as methods of formal logic to identify the content of sustainable innovative behaviour of enterprises, to determine the trends of their change. In addition to these methods, the technique of comparative analysis and the presentation of research results in a formal form are also used.


The need of the consumer and the task of satisfying it with their benefit is the main motive for the activity of any enterprise. In the context of the digitalization of the economy, the market of innovative goods and services demonstrates that enterprises respond quickly to new demand, both expected and unexpected, and increase supply (Basaev, 2019). Each market is characterized by demand for a product. The market of innovative goods and services is generally subject to this law. At the same time, this market has a certain specificity in the coordinates of the development of the digital economy and affects the formation of sustainable innovative behaviour of the enterprise. However, new problems and dangers for business are emerging in the coordinates of the digital economy (Tapscott, 2014).

Firstly, the production of certain unique goods and services is provided by the partnership of the state and business, and they are used to solve exclusive social and economic problems.

Secondly, there are numerous barriers to the rapid implementation of innovative goods and services due to economic, commercial, legal and environmental factors.

Thirdly, innovative goods and services differ from other goods and services in novelty and knowledge intensity (they have a new consumer ability).

The market of innovative goods and services reveals features that distinguish it from the market of traditional goods and services. The market, as a communication system, receives a modern information and technological basis in the digital economy (Konovalova et al., 2020). At the same time, the market mechanism becomes more flexible, intensively operating, capable of transmitting a huge amount of information to producers and consumers (Gasanov, 2013). The formation of a high-speed information infrastructure meets the needs of market entities. Based on revolutionary technological platforms, there is a rapid growth in the use of information, which is becoming a trend (Parker, 2017). In the digital economy, innovative platforms based on fundamentally new resources change the criteria of economic behaviour of an enterprise and business management (Patinson, 2013). The strategic innovative behaviour of an enterprise needs to select the necessary information of a special nature in conditions of its abundance. Practice shows that to implement effective sustainable innovative behaviour of an enterprise, complete information and its sustainable use are needed. This is a consequence of the general growth of information needs. At the same time, the development of the high-speed information infrastructure of the company contributes to the formation of a sustainable sharing economy (Light & Miskelly, 2019).

Thanks to digital technologies, streams of diverse information have become an indispensable element of consumers' daily lives. Digital technologies create prerequisites and conditions for the fundamental enrichment of collective, group, individual information activities of consumers. This expands the scope of the social communication of consumers.

Sustainable innovative behaviour of an enterprise is an innovative style of economic behaviour with a creative search: it is necessary to set unambiguous and achievable goals. If the trajectory of an enterprise's movement changes slightly at the beginning of small market fluctuations, then it can be argued that its innovative behaviour is stable. The specifics of an enterprise's innovative behaviour are determined by competition. Enterprises should know the specifics of sustainable development in the innovation sphere, possess pricing methods, the movement of resources and capital, be able to establish and maintain convergent nature-like technologies (Zhironkin et al., 2019). In the coordinates of the sustainable development of the digital economy, the importance of technologies for the continuous well-being of society is increasing (Zhironkin et al., 2016). Enterprises are making every effort to change their development strategy. Today, dynamically developing enterprises can stay on the market. They are becoming the most competitive and promising in the coordinates of the digital economy. Innovation has become a strategic resource for both producers and consumers. This is confirmed by the expansive development of the market of innovative goods and services.

Digitalization has provided many different information services. The unified information system provides prompt access to complete information about goods and services. Consumer product information is information about a product intended to create consumer preferences.

The activity and flexibility of the digital economy allow enterprises to change the basis of sustainable innovative behaviour and quickly respond to changing market conditions. In such conditions, the market becomes more dynamic and a new model of competition is also being formed in traditional industrial regions (Vlasov, 2020). Competitive enterprises, guided by a remodelling strategy in the short term, receive maximum profit. When forecasting conjunctural changes, due to the dynamism of modern markets, its horizon usually coincides with the short-term period. The study of the market conditions of innovative goods and the definition of the general contours of sustainable innovative behaviour of the enterprise involves the following stages:

a) analysis of the release of innovative goods and services based on the study of its general dynamics;

b) study of the dynamics of demand for innovative goods and services causes of change;

c) identification of the main producers and consumers of innovative goods and services, their possibilities for further production;

d) conducting the necessary marketing research, including, in addition to the analysis of innovative goods and services and their prices, also the organization of advertising and channels for their implementation.

For an enterprise, the market of innovative goods and services is an economic space of a certain infrastructure with statistical predictable properties, acting as a consumer market. The market of innovative goods and services is a market of ideas, knowledge, products, technologies, methods, recipes, services and embodied in a form accessible for perception, reproduction and use by consumers. Many goods and services have legal protection. This protection can be carried out with the help of copyright and patent, which provide different levels of legal protection. The copyright to the work is valid for a period determined by national legislation. According to the law, a patent for an invention (utility model, industrial design) assigns to the copyright holder the exclusive right to use the invention at his discretion. The use of the invention by other persons without the permission of the patent owner is not allowed. The patent holder has the right to sell or otherwise assign a patent or issue a license for it. A patent protects the essence of the idea itself, while copyright protects the form of the idea's embodiment, only indirectly protecting the idea itself.

What are the main problems that should be taken into account by an enterprise that produces innovative goods and services? We believe that there are contradictions between intellectual property owners and manufacturing enterprises. All of them must be considered in interrelation, systemically, simultaneously.

An innovative product is most often a new product that has a sum of useful properties and qualities that satisfy the needs of its buyer. It is created either by a separate specialist or by the efforts of specialists from several professional groups. The aspirations of the company's employees to innovative behaviour are of great importance here (Yusov et al., 2018). They implement the technological innovation cycle of product creation and the marketing cycle of product creation. A new product must have not only the sum of technical properties and quality but also the property of "market novelty", a competitive price that meets the requirements of the target market and its segments. There is a contradiction between the old and the new product.

Another group of problems is a consequence of the fact that various enterprises in the market of innovative goods and services are competitors. At the same time, their desire for rapid implementation depends not only on the need to achieve the competitiveness of their product, which has a market novelty. But this aspiration also depends on a system of reliable isolation from a competitor, protection of their goods, legal protection of intellectual property related to the innovation cycle and information constituting an industrial secret.

The analysis of the main problems arising around innovative goods and services on the market allows us to draw the following conclusions to determine the sustainable innovative behaviour of the enterprise:

1) the possession of an exclusive factor of market competitiveness of innovative goods and services is a multifaceted process;

2) innovative goods and services – the final result of innovative activity, embodied in the form of a new or improved product introduced on the market; to create

3) the work of service services should be based on a comprehensive basis;

4) it is necessary to take into account the systemic nature of the purpose of the release of innovative goods and services;

5) optimal support of interrelated blocks: product, marketing, service, legal protection.

In the digital economy, the market of innovative goods and services includes the whole range of exchange relations:

1) purchase and sale of patents and licenses;

2) trade-in innovative goods;

3) provision of services.

In modern conditions, the subjects of the market of innovative goods and services are the state, enterprises, universities, non-profit organizations, foundations and individuals. The objects of the market of innovative goods and services are the results of intellectual activity in tangible (equipment, aggregates, tools, technological lines, etc.) and non-tangible form (various kinds of technical documentation, knowledge, experience, etc.).

An enterprise in its behaviour should take into account that not every new product is an innovative product, and not all new services represent innovation in various intangible forms of existence. Innovation becomes a commodity only under certain conditions. Not even all patented innovations get to the market. In the process of passing an innovative idea along the path of its transformation into a commodity, there is a significant dropout.


We believe that the study of sustainable innovative behaviour of an enterprise in the markets of innovative goods and services in the coordinates of the development of the digital economy is of great theoretical and practical importance. The relevance of this problem is even more undeniable for enterprises in the Russian economy. For which it is necessary to develop the production of innovative goods and services, firmly maintain their positions and develop innovative activities based on the achievements of the digital revolution.


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03 June 2022

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Cite this article as:

Krasota, T. G., Gasanov, E. A., Gasanova, S. E., Kulikov, A. V., & Boiko, T. S. (2022). Innovative Behaviour Of Enterprises In The Market In The Digital Economy. In N. G. Bogachenko (Ed.), AmurCon 2021: International Scientific Conference, vol 126. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 571-577). European Publisher.