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Dialogical Approach In Students’ Training Majoring In Work Organization With Youth

Table 1: Correlation between the use of different types of dialogues in academic disciplines and extracurricular work

Types of dialogue Academic disciplines Extracurricular activities
Professional dialogue "Introduction to the speciality", "Technologies of professional interaction", "State youth policy in the Russian Federation", "Career strategies and technologies of personal effectiveness" Hour of professional interaction, alumni meetings, subject week, youth forums, conversations with representatives of authorities and youth organizations in the field of youth work, career guidance events
Value-search dialogue "Pedagogy and pedagogical technologies in the organization of work with youth", "Spiritual, moral and patriotic education of youth in the Russian Federation" Meetings of the pedagogical film club, reconstruction of pioneer traditions, Victory Day, Children's Day, New Year, action "1000 good deeds"
Intercultural dialogue "Technologies of countering extremism among youth", "History of religions of the world", "Social anthropology", "Contemporary youth art", "Youth subcultures" Youth Forum "Kaleidoscope of Cultures", literary and musical evenings, World Youth Day, International Friendship Day, creative activity in the student cultural centre of the University
Research dialogue "Methods of scientific research", disciplines requiring the preparation of term papers – "Pedagogy and pedagogical technologies", "Theory and practice of social work with youth", "Technologies of social work with youth" All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Theory and practice of organizing work with youth", competitions of research papers, participation in conferences held by other universities
Project dialogue "Project management in the field of organization of work with youth", "Fundraising in the organization of work with youth" International, All-Russian and regional project competitions
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