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On The Problem Of Overcoming The Crisis By Info-Communications And Construction Organizations

Table 1: The main economic indicators of the activities of construction organizations and the field of information and communication for 2018

n/a Indicator name Unit Activities Comparative conditional advantages
construction sphere of information and communication construction sphere of information and communication
1. Number of operating companies and organizations of private ownership thousand units 474.9457.4 126.4113.6 +
2. Employed at the end of the year thousand units 6391 1464 +
3. Labor productivity growth rates % 102.8 100.2 +
4. Educational level of employed:- higher- mid-level specialists % 24.421.3 64.019.0 +
5. Labor movement (list number)- accepted- dismissed % 55.359.8 31.429.8 +
6. Number of part-time workers thousand people 2.4 0.3 +
7. Index of physical volume of output to the level of the previous year % 105.3 101.7 +
8. Companies’ turnover blnrub 7424.8 3989.9 +
9. Fixed capital investments blnrub 636.2 601.5 +
10 Financial investments mln.rub. 3 471 513 7 882 259 +
11 Availability of fixed assets mln.rub. 271 885 14 5 881378 +
12 Depreciation of fixed assets % 48.9 62.0 +
13 Share of fully worn-out fixed assets % 16.2 25.7 +
14 Fixed assets renewal ratio 11.3 5.9 +
15 Retirement rate of fixed assets 1.0 2.5 +
16 Balanced financial result (profit minus loss) mln.rub. - 62572 276 730 +
17 Share of unprofitable organizations % 34.7 31.9 +
18 Total debt mln.rub. 5 845 508 2757 078 +
19 Number of organizations using:- information and communication technologies- electronic document management- Internet for communication with suppliers and consumers % 96.670.877.9 +++
20 Organizations' expenses on infocommunication and information technologies blnrub 33.0 328.0 +
Total 8 14
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