There is a transformation of the traditional stereotypes of the image of maternal behavior, the displacement of motherhood by professional, material, and values of self-development. This transformation leads to the dilemma "child or career" being increasingly solved by a woman in favor of a career. The adopted programs and amendments to the current legislation of the Russian Federation contribute to the improvement of the situation of mothers and children. Among the priorities remains the task of increasing the availability of preschool education. Realizing the importance of the existing problems and the attempts to solve them, the President and the Government of the Russian Federation initiate the development and implementation of projects and programs to support mothers and children. However, the peculiarity of these projects is the emphasis mainly on financial and social assistance. At the same time, the questions of psychological support for mothers remain open. One of the requirements for the psychological and pedagogical conditions of a preschool educational organization is to ensure family support and increase the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection, and strengthening of children's health. In recent years, the number of women-mothers who need psychological support at every stage of active motherhood has been increasing. At the same time, the modern psychological practice of preschool education is experiencing a deficit in this kind of support program.
Keywords: psychological and pedagogical support, emotional interaction, psychological characteristics of young children, interaction in the "mother-child" dyad, emotional interaction
The social transformations currently underway in Russia actualize the role of the mother in the development and upbringing of the child. According to many authoritative psychologists, it is from the mother that the child receives the first ideas about himself and the world around him, the child forms the basic behavioral skills that form the basis of his further behavioral activity (Karabanova, 2018; Lodkina, 2011; Ovcharova, 2003; Filippova, 2005).
The demand from the mother of greater maturity in raising children, a high level of her reflexivity, readiness for personal development is indicated in their works by modern Russian scientists (Zakharova, 2015; Karabanova, 2017; Smirnova, 2009). However, an analysis of numerous studies suggests that modern women do not meet society's expectations and, along with a positive attitude towards the maternal role, one can meet her categorical rejection (Zakharova et al., 2020). In current socio-economic conditions, most preschoolers' mothers are busy providing for the family's material needs.
In the works of K.N. Polivanova, the phenomenon of deviant motherhood is considered, which is increasingly perceived in our society as a phenomenon that has become widespread. The researcher identifies the distortion factors of the "normative" maternal position, which presupposes the realization of love, acceptance, and caring for a child (Polivanova, 2015). Modern studies indicate a noticeable increase in mothers' desire for the values of personal autonomy, high professional status, and career, professional self-realization (Vasyagina & Adushkina, 2015; Gritsai, 2011; Lanzburg, 2016).
The adopted programs and amendments to the current legislation of the Russian Federation contribute to the improvement of the situation of mothers and children. The priority is the task of increasing the availability of preschool education. In the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, preschool education services are in demand due to the favorable demographic situation. To date, the city of Nizhnevartovsk has become the first city of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Ugra, where conditions have been created for the admission of children to preschool organizations for two months.
Realizing the importance of the existing problems and making attempts to solve them, the President and the Government of the Russian Federation initiate the development and implementation of projects and programs to support mothers and children. However, the emphasis is on financial and social assistance, while the psychological and pedagogical support of mothers remains open.
Problem Statement
According to the federal state educational standard for preschool education, work with parents should be carried out based on a differentiated approach. The differentiated approach involves considering the parents' social status, the microclimate of the family, parental requests, and the degree of parental interest in the activities of the preschool educational organization. One of the requirements for the psychological and pedagogical conditions of a preschool educational organization is the requirement to ensure family support and increase the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection, and strengthening of children's health.
As T.F. Novoseltseva, "Ugra mothers, finding themselves today at the epicenter of many crisis processes in society, need special attention from various social institutions" (Novoseltseva, 2010). On the one hand, the current situation requires a careful study of the problems of mothers with children of early preschool age attending a children's educational organization. On the other hand, the current situation requires identifying the possibilities of their psychological and pedagogical support. In recent years, the number of women-mothers who need psychological and pedagogical support at each stage of active motherhood has been increasing. The modern psychological practice of preschool education is in short supply in this kind of support program (Okulich, 2016).
The recognition of the mother's decisive role in the child's life in foreign and Russian science took shape a long time ago. In modern psychology and pedagogy, attempts are made to identify the main problems characteristic of mothers with young children attending a preschool organization (Smirnova & Trushkina, 2011). There is a turn of society towards the problems and needs of preschool children's parents, and complex targeted programs are being developed and implemented to strengthen and increase the importance of the family in raising children. At the same time, processes are observed that aggravate the psychological and pedagogical problems of mothers of children from 2 months to 1 year old attending a preschool organization.
Thus, there is a turn of society towards the problems and needs of parents of preschool children. The complex targeted programs are being developed, and they aim to strengthen and increase the importance of the family in the upbringing of children. However, some processes aggravate the psychological problems of mothers of children attending a preschool organization. All this leads to the importance of psychological and pedagogical support of mothers of kindergarten pupils (from 2 months to 1 year).
Research Questions
The subject of the research is the process of psychological and pedagogical support of mothers of pupils of a kindergarten in a nursery group.
Purpose of the Study
The article aims at theoretical and methodological substantiation and experimental study of the psychological and pedagogical support of mothers of pupils of a kindergarten or a nursery group. As a hypothesis, it was suggested that the psychological and pedagogical support of mothers of pupils of a kindergarten in a nursery group could be successful if the following conditions are created:
- the psychological problems of mothers of pupils of the kindergarten of the nursery group were revealed;
- the psychological characteristics of mothers of pupils of the kindergarten of the nursery group have been investigated;
- created conditions aimed at changing the level severity of the psychological characteristics of emotional interaction of mothers, which affect the formation of effective ways of interaction in the "mother-child" dyad.
Research Methods
Theoretical methods are used in this study: analysis, synthesis, generalization of psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of psychological and pedagogical support of parents (mothers) in preschool education; analysis of various support models.
Empirical methods: experiment.
Methods: E.M. Zakharova "Questionnaire for the study of the emotional side"; PARI (parental attitude research instrument) questionnaire, developed by E.S. Schaefer and R.K. Bell.
The empirical study was implemented based on the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of kindergarten No. 1 "Berezka" in Nizhnevartovsk.
In the function of the research questionnaire, 11 preoccupied mothers took part in the questionnaire from 2 months to 1 year old. All women are married, and the average age of mothers is 27 years.
The organization and conduct of the experiment following the purpose and objectives of the study included the following stages:
- at the first stage, psychological and diagnostic tools were determined, an experimental space was created, a sample of subjects was determined;
- at the second stage, psychological diagnostics itself was carried out;
- at the third stage: processing, analysis, and interpretation of the data obtained were carried out; Conclusions were made about the results of the study, on their basis, a psychological and pedagogical program, "I am a happy MOTHER" was developed, aimed at changing the level severity of the psychological characteristics of emotional interaction between mothers, which affect the formation of effective ways of interaction in the "mother-child" dyad.
A detailed analysis of the results of the experimental study allowed determining three groups of mothers, depending on the pole of the severity of the emotional side of the interaction on the part of the mother in the mother-child dyad, which is presented in the table (Table 01).
is mothers who showed high values of emotional interaction with the child. This group includes six people, which is 54.5% of the entire sample of subjects.
Block "Sensitivity": high indicators – "the ability to perceive the child" and "empathy"; average severity in terms of "understanding the causes of the condition."
Block "Emotional acceptance": high indicators – "unconditional acceptance" and "predominant emotional background of interaction"; average severity in terms of "unconditional acceptance."
We found different severity in terms of "acceptance of oneself as a parent" – high, medium, and one mother (9.5%) had a low level of this indicator.
Block of "behavioral manifestations of emotional interaction": high indicators – "provision of emotional support"; high and medium severity in terms of indicators: "orientation to the state of the child when building interaction"; "The ability to influence the emotional state of the child"; medium and low levels were found according to the indicator "desire for body contact."
Also, these mothers of this group have the following indicators: lack of tendency to conflicts in the family, low indicators of irritability, are satisfied with themselves as a hostess, value partnerships, are aimed at developing the child's activity, try to attract the husband to interact with the child. At the same time, the mothers are observed to be excessively strict, excessive care, and high rates of dependence on the family are determined.
, the subjects showed average values for all indicators of emotional interaction with the child. These include two mothers (18.2% of the entire sample). They also have the following characteristics: excessive care, dependence on the family, verbalization. These mothers are also aimed at developing the child's activity, striving to accelerate the child's development. At the same time, they revealed a sense of self-sacrifice, fear of offending the child, high rates of dissatisfaction with the role of the hostess, an attempt to dominate. They expressed their wishes for greater participation of the husband in the upbringing of the child.
is mothers, who showed low values for most indicators in the experimental study, which indicates the lack of formation of their positive interaction with their child. This group included three mothers (27.3% of the entire sample of subjects). No high rates were found.
Block "Sensitivity": average severity by indicators: "ability to perceive the state of the child" and "empathy"; low level of "understanding the reasons for their condition and the condition of the child."
Block "Emotional acceptance": low indicators – "feeling of parents in a situation of interaction," "acceptance of oneself as a parent"; average severity in terms of "unconditional acceptance" and "prevailing emotional background."
The block of behavioral manifestations of emotional interaction: low indicators – "striving for bodily contact"; low and medium severity in terms of the indicator "orientation to the child's state when building interaction"; the average level was found in terms of "providing emotional support" and "the ability to influence the emotional state of the child."
Also, mothers of this group have the following indicators: a sense of self-sacrifice, initiation of family conflicts, high irritability, excessive severity, dissatisfaction with the role of the hostess, avoidance of contact with the child, lack of independence. At the same time, they want to dominate and express a desire to accelerate the child's development. These ideas testify to the lack of formation of the effective interaction between a mother and her child.
Thus, the mothers of the third group will be offered the psychological and pedagogical Program "I am a happy MOTHER" on forming effective ways of interaction between a mother and a child of an early age.
Analysis of domestic and foreign works has shown that the term "accompaniment" in modern practical psychology and pedagogy is considered in the context of the activities of a practical educational psychologist. Concerning a mother raising a child from 2 months to 1 year, accompaniment in a preschool organization is a process within which assistance, support, training, and correction of activities are carried out to provide appropriate care, stimulating the development and upbringing of the child. The choice of a model for accompanying parents in a preschool organization depends on the nature of the reasons causing the parent (mother) problem.
As part of the experimental work, three groups of mothers were identified. Identification depended on the intensity of the emotional side of interaction on the mother in the mother-child dyad: the first and second groups included mothers who showed high and average values for all indicators of emotional interaction with the child. The third group included three mothers (27.3% of the entire sample of subjects), who showed low values for most of the indicators, which made it possible to conclude that the ways of emotional interaction between a mother and her child were not formed.
The psychological and pedagogical Program "I am a happy MOTHER" was developed and tested to create conditions for changing the level severity of the psychological characteristics of the emotional interaction of mothers, which influence the formation of effective ways of interaction in the "mother-child" dyad.
An analysis of the experimental data before and after the program's implementation was carried out. It can be concluded that psychological characteristics have changed, reflecting the positive dynamics in the manifestation of effective ways of interaction between a mother and her child.
Acknowledgments [if any]
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31 March 2022
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Cite this article as:
Artemieva, G. N., & Romanko, O. A. (2022). Psychological And Pedagogical Support Of Mothers Of Kindergarten Children. In I. Savchenko (Ed.), Freedom and Responsibility in Pivotal Times, vol 125. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 892-898). European Publisher. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2022.03.106