One of the most important tasks of the modern scientific and educational space is training of highly qualified personnel for the agro-industrial complex. Kursk State Agricultural Academy named after I. I. Ivanova has been successfully preparing agrarian personnel for 70 years. The article deals with the study of the women – scientists’ role in the development of a regional agricultural university. The article shows the role of women - scientists in the organization of educational work, the development of scientific knowledge, and the social life of a regional agricultural university in the context of gender history. The history of the academy allows us to trace the role of women scientists in the evolution of scientific knowledge both in the "core" disciplines for the academy: agricultural, biological, economic, chemical and social humanitarian ones, the lack of which makes it impossible to prepare high-quality specialists of agroindustrial complex. The research is interdisciplinary and based on archival documents, published sources. The practical significance is seen in the formation of a historical narrative about the academy, the preparation of biographical materials about scientists for educational and commemorative purposes. The authors concluded that separate and seemingly disparate details of women scientists’ biographies add up to the general history of a higher educational institution, become evidence of events not only in their personal lives and shape the image of the university.
Keywords: Kursk State Agricultural Academy, women – scientists
One of the oldest Russian regional agricultural universities is Kursk State Agricultural Academy named after I. I. Ivanov. It celebrates its 70th anniversary in 2021. Studying the history of higher educational institutions as centers of education, science, culture contributes to the formation of collective historical memory and the preservation of cultural and historical heritage.
Celebrating the anniversary dates of higher educational institutions traditionally entails the expansion of the historical narrative about the university, its teachers, and graduates. The analysis of historiography testifies to the growth of biographical research, in which the gender theme occupies a special place.
The Russian scientific school of gender women's history is relatively young, but despite its "young age", it has received international recognition. Among the topical problems is the phenomenon of women scientists who have "invaded" the scientific and educational sphere of the university, which are being studied by Pushkareva (2012), Valkova (2019) and others. The historiography of the topic is complemented by research carried out on the example of a separate university the work of Stepnov (2019), who described the personal and creative destinies of women professors at Tomsk University. Many aspects of the gender history of science remain poorly developed. The contribution of women scientists to the development of agrarian science and the training of specialists in the agro-industrial complex has not been studied in the subject field of historical science.
Problem Statement
The formation of higher education for women in Russia can be characterized by the triad “to receive cannot be prohibited”, where the punctuation mark was put in different ways at different historical stages. The first higher women's courses in Russia were founded in 1872 - they were opened in Moscow and realized the hopes of “many residents of the capital for higher education, which provided them (albeit not immediately, but only in the 1910s) access to professional teaching and research activities (Pushkareva & Sekenova, 2020). Initially, the emphasis was on the study of historical and philological disciplines. In 1878, permission was obtained to open the Higher Courses for Women with systematic teaching.
In Kursk the “woman-scientist” is steeped in historical symbols: a kuryanin, one of the most educated people of his time, monk Karion Istomin created the first illustrated school primer in Russia in 1694, which could be used by both boys and girls.
The first woman professor in Russia is Sofia Vasilievna Kovalevskaya, it was she who opened the door to the world of exact sciences for women. Russian women who “successfully passed the test of knowledge of the university course” were granted the right to “acquire academic master's and doctoral degrees from universities” after the adoption of the law of December 19, 1911.
Only in 1920, women in Russia received the right to higher education on an equal basis with men, but the problem of recognizing the authority of women scientists in science remained. This is evidenced by the emergence in the early 1990s of the term "Matilda effect", meaning the systematic denial of women's contributions to science. The tendency to diminish the importance of women's contributions in science is evidenced by the establishment in 2015 based on a resolution of the UN General Assembly of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, which is celebrated annually on February 11.
Studying the experience of the Kursk State Agricultural Academy - a regional agrarian university with a clearly “masculine” nature of the problem under study - will allow us to analyze the contribution of women scientists to the educational and scientific space, and the public life of a higher educational institution.
Anniversary histories of higher educational institutions as centers of education, science, culture, solving versatile problems, acting as a socio-historical phenomenon, foster a culture of memory, form a corporate spirit. It is well known that professional activity largely determines the way of life of a person, influences the choice of value orientations, determines everyday life, demeanor. Around the university, a corporation of different generations of graduates, faculty, employees is being formed, which contributes to the consolidation of society and the formation of collective historical memory. One of the oldest universities in the Central Black Earth Region is the Kursk State Agricultural Academy named after I. I. Ivanov - celebrates its 70th anniversary in 2021. Anniversary dates of the university entail the growth of corporate interest in the fate of the Alma mater (Kharchenko et al., 2021). The formation of the jubilee-historical narrative of the academy involves the teaching staff, employees, graduates, as well as families of people in whose life the Kursk agricultural university took an important place, defining the formation, professional path, scientific priorities, value guidelines. The anniversary date of the university, actualized by the growing attention in the modern world to a corporate idea that can consolidate society, as well as the desire of different generations of teachers and students to position Alma mater to the outside world, make it timely to study the history of the Kursk State Agricultural Academy, considering the identification of new historical sources and the expansion of methodological scientific approaches (Pigorev et al., 2020).
Research Questions
The history of the regional agrarian university - Kursk State Agricultural Academy - allows us to trace the role of women - doctors of science in the activities of a regional agricultural university, the development of scientific knowledge both in the field of branches of scientific knowledge "core" for the academy: agricultural, biological, economic, chemical sciences, and within the framework of social -humanitarian disciplines, without the development of which it is impossible to provide high-quality training for specialists in the agro-industrial complex.
Modern scientific knowledge has developed theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the history of Russian universities. Special attention should be paid to the historiography of the “anniversary event”, which is of great importance in the self-presentation of the university and the mobilization of the community of people involved in it.
The article shows the role of women (Doctor of Sciences) in the organization of educational work, the development of scientific knowledge, and the social life of a regional agricultural university in the context of gender history.
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of the article, written on the 70th anniversary of the Kursk State Agricultural Academy named after I. I. Ivanov is to present the results of a study on the role of women - Doctor of Sciences in the development of a regional agricultural university: training agrarian personnel, forming new directions of scientific research, reinforcing the image of the university.
Research Methods
The research is interdisciplinary, involving the use of a complex of approaches and methods of such branches of scientific knowledge as history, psychology, pedagogy, sociology. The material is analyzed within the framework of the problem-chronological method. The historical and systematic approach made it possible to study the change in state policy in the field of science in the context of the activities of a regional agricultural university as a social phenomenon that forms a collective historical memory. The authors used a biographical method that presupposes an approach to the study of a person through the history of her life path. Among the applied modern interpretative concepts is gender. Reference to the experience of a regional agrarian college led to increased demand for the use of local and oral history methods.
Kursk Agricultural Institute was opened on May 15, 1951, following Resolution No. 1618, signed by the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR I. V. Stalin. It was planned that the training sessions will begin on the territory of the Maryino holiday home, located in the Rylsky district of the Kursk region. At the state level, it was considered expedient to bring the institute closer to the administrative and economic center of the region. Classes with students at the Kursk Agricultural Institute began on September 1, 1956; 100 students were admitted to the agronomic and zootechnical faculties.
The first woman, an employee of the Kursk Agricultural Institute, who defended her doctoral dissertation was Natalya Sergeevna Kolyshkina. She started working in Kursk Agricultural Institute in 1958, having practical experience in her specialty. In 1967, Natalya Sergeevna headed the department of breeding and genetics of farm animals at the Kursk Agricultural Institute, where she continued working until 1973, until her retirement. In 1968 she defended her doctoral dissertation. N. S. Kolyshkina did a lot of research work, the results of which were implemented in production. So, in 1970, Professor N. S. Kolyshkina developed and implemented plans for breeding work in several farms of the Kursk region (at an experimental agricultural station, at the educational farm, state farm "Rudavsky" of the Oboyansk region, etc.), a method was proposed for working with lines and families of the Simmental breed, which will speed up the process of creating factory lines and improve the breeding qualities of animals (State Archives of the Kursk … Inventory 2. Case 1377. Р. 21).
Natalya Sergeevna was elected a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (1963-1967), a deputy of the regional and city Soviets of Working People's Deputies.
For dedication to the profession, the Kurskoye tribal association established the annual regional award "Recognition" named after NS. Kolyshkina in the category "Zootechnical skill for the qualitative improvement of the herd". Experts highly appreciated the monograph by N. S. Kolyshkina "Breeding of dairy and beef cattle", published based on the materials of her doctoral dissertation in 1970 in the central publishing house. Historical sources indicate that the name of N. S. Kolyshkina was indicated among the professors (along with such venerable scientists as A. A. Sysoev, S. I. Vishnyakov) who will be able to train veterinarians, which was an important argument in the petition to the founder to open a veterinary faculty at the Kursk Agricultural Institute.
In the Kursk Agricultural Academy, scientific activity was not limited to agricultural topics. A unique phenomenon was the work of a philosophical seminar (started work in October 1965), led by V. A. Blumkin, N. S. Kolyshkina with a report on topical problems of genetics, which analyzed the issues of studying protein biosynthesis and the regulatory role of DNA and RNA, the mechanism of continuity of molecular structures and biochemical processes at the cell level.
Golikova Natalya Alekseevna - Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, worked at the Academy for almost 60 years. In 1953 she graduated from the fruit and vegetable faculty of the Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev. In 1957 she came to work at the Kursk Agricultural Institute - she was sent immediately after defending her Ph.D. thesis. In 1960, Natalya Alekseevna headed the department of fruit growing, having worked as the head of the department for 37 years. The department under her leadership was actively engaged in scientific work. So, according to the results of 1970, it was noted that the Department of Fruit and Vegetable Growing successfully worked on the scientific substantiation of the zonal distribution of vegetable seed production in the country. In 1973, Natalya Alekseevna defended her doctoral dissertation. The subject of scientific research N. A. Golikova was the biological substantiation and complex development of methods for increasing the production of fruit and vegetable products. The high theoretical and practical importance of scientific work is evidenced by the fact that her doctoral dissertation was contracted to the GDR (State Archives of the Kursk … Inventory 1. Case 3104, pр. 6, 13).
About the outstanding personality of N.A. Golikova is said by the fact that she was one of four candidates who were nominated in 1988 by the Academic Council of the Kursk Agricultural Institute for the post of rector.
Complements the idea of N. A. Golikova, the publication "Such a state of mind" in the high school newspaper "Znamya" (March 1988, Natalya Alekseevna at that time - 58 years old). We learn from the newspaper that, in addition to teaching and research work, heading the department, she was engaged in tennis, skiing, vocals, and after she came from a tourist trip from India, she organized a special group at the institute to study English, as she was upset the fact that many tourists did not speak spoken English.
Lyudmila Alekseevna Zhukova - Doctor of Chemistry, Professor. In 1970 she headed a new department - inorganic and general chemistry (order for the Kursk Agricultural Institute No. 95 dated August 3, 1970, based on the order of the Main Directorate of Higher and Secondary Agricultural Education of the USSR Ministry of Agriculture). In the post of head of the department, L. A. Zhukova worked for 40 years. Lyudmila Alekseevna is the founder of the scientific school for the study of the regularities of the distribution of trace amounts of metal ions and heterogeneous natural systems such as soil and sewage residues.
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Zinaida Dmitrievna Ilyina takes a special place in the development of teaching at the Academy of the block of social and humanitarian disciplines. In 1999 she defended her doctoral dissertation. From 2002 to 2017, she oversaw the Department of History of State and Law at the Kursk State Agricultural Academy. She was a member of the Public Chamber of the Kursk Region for two convocations. She saw her task as a teacher at an agricultural university in fostering students' self-esteem and love for their country. She was engaged in the study of cultural policy and spiritual needs of urban and rural residents of the Central Black Earth Region. Thanks to the efforts of Zinaida Dmitrievna, a scientific and practical conference "Damian's Readings" began to be held at the academy, dedicated to preserving the memory of the repressed clergy, Orthodox laymen who became victims of political repression. To the question "Who is most dear to you" Zinaida Dmitrievna answered: "Family, teachers, and students." Indeed, people are of great value to her. She managed to create a team of like-minded people at the department, many of whom were her students.
Professor Z. D. Ilyina is the founder of the scientific school: under her leadership, 3 doctoral and more than 20 candidate dissertations were defended. Under the guidance of Professor Z. I. Ilyina's doctoral dissertation in historical sciences was prepared by one of the authors of this publication - Olga Vladimirovna Pigoreva, the defense took place in 2017.
Since 1995, Klavdia Ilyinichna Privalo has been working at the academy. She graduated from the Lugansk Pedagogical Institute. In 1999 she defended her doctoral dissertation, devoted her scientific research to the study of the structural features of the trophic chain and their influence on the ecological sustainability of agroecosystems. Klavdiya Ilyinichna - Professor of the Department of Physics and Mathematics Disciplines and Informatics.
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Svetlana Nikolaevna Volkova has been working at the Academy since 1990. Since 1997, she has been the head of the Department of Physics and Mathematics and Computer Science, during this time she managed to create a strong, efficient team of professionals with a 100% degree. Develops the department by introducing advanced technologies, participating in the growth of the scientific potential of employees. In 1999 she defended her doctoral dissertation. Among the areas of research - modeling and forecasting evolutionary processes in socio-ecological systems. Scientific success is evidenced by the fact that S. N. Volkova has repeatedly been the winner (28 times) and laureate of scientific research competitions in various nominations.
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Galina Fedorovna Ryzhkova heads the Department of Physiology and Chemistry named after Professor A. A. Sysoeva. She has been working at the academy since 1976, has gone from an associate professor to a professor. In 1989 she defended her thesis and her doctoral dissertation in 2005. Research topics - the activity of transport ATPases and intercellular exchange of electrolytes in farm animals and poultry.
Professor of the Department of Plant Growing, Breeding and Seed Production Elza Vladimirovna Zasorina - Doctor of Agricultural Sciences (2006). His scientific research E. V. Zasorina devoted to the study of agrobiological aspects of increasing the efficiency of potato cultivation in the Central Black Earth Region.
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Ilona Vyacheslavovna Glebova has been heading the Department of General Animal Science since 2010. In 2009 she defended her doctoral dissertation. Directions of her scientific research: "Translocation and sorption distribution of heavy metals in the soil - plants - animals system of the Central Black Earth Region" and "Development and evaluation of the effectiveness of biologically active feed products based on natural components of cyanobacteria Arthrospira platensis (SPIRULINA microalgae) and biologically active substances in the nutrition of agricultural animals and poultry, excluding the unjustified use of antibiotics in the production of livestock products ”.
In 2009, Elena Evgenievna Sivak defended her doctoral dissertation as professor of the department of standardization and equipment for processing industries. Her thesis was published under the name "Scientific substantiation of the technology of cultivation of Columbus grass in the Central Black Earth Region." Kursk State Agricultural Academy for E.E. Sivak is an Alma Mater. Elena Evgenievna graduated from the Faculty of Economics in 2007; she became first a senior teacher and then a professor. Elena Evgenievna is actively involved in research work with students; as well as part of the national team of the academy in chess, drafts, swimming, he constantly takes part in the Health Sports Games among the teaching staff and employees of universities of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia.
Since 2020, the scientific work at the Academy has been directed by Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Svetlana Nikolaevna Petrova. In 2011 she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic "Resource-saving role of plant-microbial interactions in crop production."
Elena Stepanovna Ustinovich, Doctor of Political Sciences, represents a new scientific direction for the Academy. Since 2020, she is the head of the Department of Economics, Management, and Humanities. The topic of the thesis defended in 2012 "State policy in the field of information technology" is extremely relevant for modern scientific knowledge. The high scientific results of E. S. Ustinovich says the fact that the percentile - a new criterion for the effectiveness of scientists - is 1.
The only woman in the academy who has a doctorate in veterinary sciences is Olga Mikhailovna Shvets, professor at the Department of Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise and Biotechnology. The topic of her doctoral dissertation is "Theoretical and experimental substantiation of the use of succinic acid for potentiating the biological activity of immunomodulators and their clinical effectiveness" (defended in 2015).
Rector of the Academy Ekaterina Vladimirovna Kharchenko - Doctor of Economics (2012). Thesis topic: "The concept of management of the regional economic complex: structural-dynamic approach." Effective management was realized in the creation of new departments at the academy based on leading enterprises, the organization of an interfaculty group of elite bachelor's degree programs, the introduction of a project approach to management, and several other important transformations.
Elena Leonidovna Zolotareva, Olga Nikolaevna Pronskaya, Olga Viktorovna Svyatova, who defended their dissertations in economics, should be named among the women Doctor of Sciences who worked at the Academy. Today they are employees of other universities.
The training of highly qualified personnel for the agro-industrial complex is one of the most important tasks for modern society, which are solved by institutions of higher agricultural education. The study allows to state that in this specific regional agricultural university, women - Doctor of Sciences play a great role in the development of educational and scientific space, conducting research in agricultural, economic, biological, veterinary, historical scientific branches. Using the educational potential of biographies of women scientists in the practice of the university will significantly expand the value-semantic content of the educational space. The study by students of biographies of famous scientists, whose pedagogical and scientific activities were associated with the Alma Mater, to form a historical memory among young people, feeling proud of their educational institution; an institution that has rich scientific traditions, understanding the need to comprehend and preserve the cultural and historical heritage.
18 women - Doctor of Sciences have worked for this university. Separate and seemingly disparate details of biographies of women scientists add up to the general history of a higher educational institution and become evidence of events not only in their personal lives but also in the life of the university. For some of the women - Doctor of Sciences, work at the academy has become synonymous with all labor activity. Some of them, already well-experienced, came to the Kursk agricultural university and contribute to its development. The study showed that it is necessary to clarify certain biographical data, to expand the complexity of historical sources about the scientific interests of the scientists of the Kursk State Agricultural Academy. All of this can be implemented using the method of "oral history", including collecting memories, conducting informal interviews that will keep the imprint of "living history" and real emotions.
Kharchenko, E. V., Pigoreva, O. V., & Nikitina, S. V. (2021). History of the Academy in persons: 1951-1961 (dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Kursk State Agricultural Academy). Bulletin of the Kursk State Agricultural Academy, 2, 164-174.
Pigorev, I. Ya., Skorokhodova, N. V., & Pigoreva, O. V. (2020). Historical memory of the scientist Ilya Ivanovich Ivanov (to the 150th anniversary of his birth). Veterinary Medicine, Animal Science and Biotechnology, 5, 78–83.
Pushkareva, N. L. (2012). Science is not a woman's business? On the history of the feminization of Russian science at the beginning of the XXI century. Bulletin of the Tver State University. Series: History, 2, 105–121.
Pushkareva, N. L., & Sekenova, O. I. (2020). Teachers of the Bestuzhevsky Women's Courses as a Phenomenon of Russian Emancipation in the Second Half of the 19th - Early 20th Centuries. Educational issues, 1, 302–316.
State Archives of the Kursk Region. F. R-723. Kursk Agricultural Institute - Kursk State Agricultural Academy.
Stepnov, A. O. (2019). The first female scientists in Soviet physics were professors at Tomsk University V.M. Kudryavtseva, N.A. Prilezhaeva, M.A. Bolshanina: gender aspects of professional adaptation practices. Bulletin of the Tomsk State University. History, 57, 183–192.
Valkova, O. A. (2019). O. A. Dobiash-Rozhdestvenskaya about women scientists of the USSR: unpublished materials. Questions of the history of natural science and technology, 4, 782-789.
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Publication Date
01 February 2022
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Land economy, land planning, rural development, resource management, real estates, agricultural policies
Cite this article as:
Kharchenko, E. V., Pigoreva, O. V., & Nikitina, S. V. (2022). The Women – Scientists’ Contribution To The Development Of A Regional Agricultural University. In D. S. Nardin, O. V. Stepanova, & E. V. Demchuk (Eds.), Land Economy and Rural Studies Essentials, vol 124. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 149-156). European Publisher. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2022.02.19