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Development Of The Russian Bakery Market In The Modern Market Conditions

Table 4: Variety of bakery products for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in the Russian Federation

Variety Additives Useful substances Therapeutic and prophylactic effect
Tri Bogatyrya bread Pumpkin puree, caramel syrup, lentil flour Organic acids, fiber, pectin, carotenoids, essential amino acids, B vitamins Increased hemoglobin level with anemia; anti-stress effect; improved state of women during menopause; healing of stomach ulcers
Bobovoe Zernyshko bread Lentil flour Vitamins Bp B2, PP, iron, phosphorus, magnesium Obesity; digestive disorders; diabetes; diseases of the heart and blood vessels
Bran bread with calcium, baby buns Lada, Appetitnaya Food chalk Calcium Substitution and elimination of radioactive strontium from the body
Biryulevskaya bun Wheat germ flakes Vitazar Microcrystalline cellulose, pectins, alginates, increased content of vitamin E Reducing the negative effect of radionuclides on the body
Darnitsky, Ukrainsky novy bread, Staroobryadchesky iodized sliced ​​loaf Iodine additives (iodized salt and yeast, iodcasein) Iodine Iodine deficiency; prevention of diseases of the thyroid gland and cardiovascular system, pathologies of pregnancy
Belgorodsky bread with seaweed Seaweed Iodine, pectin Elimination of zinc, lead, cobalt, radionuclides from the body; lowered blood glucose and cholesterol levels
Protein-wheat bread and protein-bran bread Directionally changed composition Increased or decreased content of carbohydrates and proteins Diabetes mellitus, inflammatory processes
Achlorid bread Directionally changed composition Salt-free Kidney and heart disease
Zdorovie, Barvikhinsky bread Cracked grain Increased content of coarse fiber Violation of intestinal motility
Bread for diabetes Gluten, rice, buckwheat, barley flour Gluten, B vitamins, vitamin E, minerals Metabolic disorders, obesity
Bakery products Ot Mikhalycha Vitamin-mineral premix Flagman B vitamins, PP, E, P-carotene, iron sulfate Disturbances in the nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems, metabolic processes in the liver and intestines; maintaining the function of the adrenal cortex
Nizhegorodsky bread Sprouted grain Enzymes, vitamins, minerals General strengthening effect; normalization of metabolic processes; increased immunity; slowing down the aging process
Prebiotic bakery products Chicory root powder Inulin Promotion of the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestine; lowering blood cholesterol level
Soeviy bread Soy protein-lipid complex (SPLC) Proteins, polyunsaturated, monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids, glucose, fructose, galactose Prevention of cardiovascular diseases
Studencheskie bakery products for preschool and school children Valetek premixes, beta-carotene in vegetable oil Vitamins C, Bj, B2, B6, E, folic acid, carotene, calcium, iron, iodine Decreased infant mortality; stimulation of growth, development and learning abilities; increased resistance to disease
Zarnitsa, Oktyabrenok buns for preschool and school children Milk-protein concentrate casecite, skimmed milk powder Vitamins A, E, C, D, H, B vitamins, macro- and microelements, milk proteins Improved performance and resistance to infections; acceleration of recovery processes after physical exertion
Cherny burger, Berlinskaya buns Malt, charcoal Carbohydrates, vitamins, macro- and microelements, essential amino acids Enhanced bowel function and digestion; absorption and elimination of toxic substances and toxins from the body; prevention and treatment of anemia, nervous and physical exhaustion
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